GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

Sequential Variable List

buyvalue percent of company stock r bought from own money
ops2005 company granted r stock options in 2005
extr2005 received performance based payment in 2005
compwage annual wages in previous year were higher than same jobs in other companies
talkteam if employee not working: talk directly to the employee
numorg number of people working in organization at all locations
empinput r involved in any task force for decision-making
slfmangd r involved in a self-managed team
emptrain received formal training from employer
wealth total wealth of respondent
esop r is member of esop
defpensn r has defined benefit pension plan
trdestck company stock publicly traded
viglab06 x is experiencing alchl dependencedepression schizophrenia
mhtrtoth r personally has known someone who received treatment
mhothyou how much distress his mental health problem caused r
mhothrel result of mental health problem to relationship with him
seemhpub how frequently r sees someone mentally ill in public
gesttalk how often r see people making strange gesture in public
avoidmh r changed shopping place due to presence of mentally ill ppl
numknown variable that drives skips in module
acqkevin number of kevin r is acquainted with
acqkaren number of karen r is acquainted with
acqshawn number of shawn r is acquainted with
acqbrnda number of brenda r is acquainted with
acqkeith number of keith r is acquainted with
acqrachl number of rachel r is acquainted with
acqmark number of mark r is acquainted with
acqlinda number of linda r is acquainted with
acqjose number of jose r is acquainted with
acqmaria number of maria r is acquainted with
acqunemp number of ppl currently unemployed r is acquainted with
acqhome number of ppl owning second home r is acquainted with
acqprisn number of ppl in prison r is acquainted with
acqasian number of asian r is acquainted with
acqblack number of black r is acquainted with
acqhisp number of hispanic r is acquainted with
acqwhite number of white r is acquainted with
acqgay number of gay r is acquainted with
acqcohab number of cohabiting pplr is acquainted with
acqgoatt number of regular church attendee r is acquainted with
acqnoatt number of non church attendee r is acquainted with
acqlib number of strong liberal r is acquainted with
acqcon number of strong conservative r is acquainted with
acqcops number of police officer r is acquainted with
acqlaws number of lawyer r is acquainted with
acqsocs number of social worker r is acquainted with
acqjans number of janitor r is acquainted with
acqchild number of child care worker r is acquainted with
acqelecs number of electrician r is acquainted with
acqmils number of ppl in military service r is acquainted with
acqfmmrk number of family member named mark
acqfmlin number of family member named linda
acqfmune number of unemployed family member
acqfmhme number of family member owning second home
acqfmpri number of family member in prison
acqfmasn number of asian family member
acqfmblk number of black family member
acqfmhsp number of hispanic family member
acqfmwht number of white family member
acqfmgay number of gay family member
acqfmgo number of family member going church regularly
acqfmno number of family member not going church
acqfmlib number of liberal in family member
acqfmcon number of conservative in family member
acqfmcoh number of cohabiting family member
acqnhmrk number of mark in neighborhood
acqnhlin number of linda in neighborhood
acqnhune number of ppl unemployed in neighborhood
acqnhhme number of ppl owning second home in neighborhood
acqnhpri number of ppl in prison in neighborhood
acqnhasn number of asian in neighborhood
acqnhblk number of black in neighborhood
acqnhhsp number of hispanic in neighborhood
acqnhwht number of white in neighborhood
acqnhgay number of gay in neighborhood
acqnhgo number of regular church attendee in neighborhood
acqnhno number of non church attendee in neighborhood
acqnhlib number of liberal in neighborhood
acqnhcon number of conservative in neighborhood
acqnhcoh number of cohabiting ppl in neighborhood
acqwkmrk number of mark in current or previous work
acqwklin number of linda in current or previous work
acqwkune number of ppl unemployed in current or previous work
acqwkhme number of ppl owning second home in current or previous work
acqwkpri number of ppl in prison in current or previous work
acqwkasn number of asian in current or previous work
acqwkblk number of black in current or previous work
acqwkhsp number of hispanic in current or previous work
acqwkwht number of white in current or previous work
acqwkgay number of gay in current or previous work
acqwkgo number of regular church attendee in current or previous work
acqwkno number of non church attendee in current or previous work
acqwklib number of strong liberal in current or previous work
acqwkcon number of strong conservative in current or previous work
acqwkcoh number of cohabiting ppl in current or previous work
acqvamrk number of mark in voluntary association
acqvalin number of linda in voluntary association
acqvaune number of unemployed ppl in voluntary association
acqvahme number of ppl owning second home in voluntary association
acqvapri number of ppl in prison in voluntary association
acqvaasn number of asian in voluntary association
acqvablk number of black in voluntary association
acqvahsp number of hispanic in voluntary association
acqvawht number of white in voluntary association
acqvagay number of gay in voluntary association
acqvago number of regular church attendee in voluntary association
acqvano number of non church attendee in voluntary association
acqvalib number of liberal in voluntary association
acqvacon number of conservative in voluntary association
acqvacoh number of cohabiting ppl in voluntary association
acqreps number of republican r is acquainted with
acqdems number of democrat r is acquainted with
acqattnd number of regular church attendee r is acquainted with
acqmyrac proportion of same race as r among all acquaintances
trtkevin number of kevin r trust
trtkaren number of karen r trust
trtshawn number of shawn r trust
trtbrnda number ofbrenda r trust
trtkeith number ofkeith r trust
trtrachl number ofrachel r trust
trtmark number ofmark r trust
trtlinda number oflinda r trust
trtjose number ofjose r trust
trtmaria number ofmaria r trust
trtcops number of police officer r trust
trtlaws number of lawyer r trust
trtsocs number of social worker r trust
trtjans number of janitor r trust
trtchild number of child care worker r trust
trtelecs number of electrician r trust
trtmils number of ppl in military service r trust
trtunemp number of ppl unemployed r trust
trthome number of ppl owning second homer trust
trtprisn number of ppl in prisonr trust
trtasian number of asian r trust
trtblack number of black r trust
trthisp number of hispanic r trust
trtwhite number of white r trust
trtgay number of gay r trust
trtcohab number of cohabiting ppl r trust
trtgoatt number of church attendeer trust
trtnoatt number of non church attendeer trust
trtlib number of strong liberalr trust
trtcon number of strong conservativer trust
trtreps proportion of republican r trust
trtdems proportion of democrat r trust
trtattnd proportion of regular church attendee r trust
trtmyrac proportion of same race as r among ppl r trust
gunsales should background check be required for private gun sale
gunsdrug should penalty for illegal gun sale be tougher than drug
semiguns should semi-auto gun sale be limited to military
guns911 should gun control law be stricter after 911
rifles50 should high power rifle sale be limited to military
othguns number of adult owing a gun in household
gunsdrnk should carrying a firearm drinking alcohol be illegal
spnatdis should govt spend more or less on natural disasters
natdisin should helping ppl in natural disaster be govt resp
natdiscm should rebuilding community in disaster be govt resp
newsprnt how often does r read traditional newspaper
getaheay opinion of why people get ahead
disabld1 r has a hearing problem
disabld2 r has a vision problem
disabld3 r has a physical disability
disabld4 r has other physical disability
disabld5 r has emotional or mental disability
disabld6 r has difficulty in learning remembering or concentrating
disabld7 r has difficulty in daily activities
vigvermy vignette version
mhproblm how serious x s situation is
mhdofam what x should do: talk to family
mhdofrnd what x should do: talk to friends
mhdorel what x should do: talk to relic leader
mhdodoc what x should do: go to doctor
mhdopsyc what x should do: go to psychiatrist
mhdomhp what x should do: go to counselor
mhdoheal what x should do: go to spiritual healer
mhdootc what x should do: take non-prescription medication
mhdorx what x should do: take prescription medication
mhdohosp what x should do: check into a hospital
mhdopray what x should do: pray
mhdolife what x should do: change lifestyle
mhdoherb what x should do: take herbs
mhdofrgt what x should do: try to forget
mhdoactv what x should do: get involved in other activities
mhdogrp what x should do: get involved in a group
mhdodiet what x should do: eat better
mhdoexrc what x should do: start exercising
mhdomove what x should do: move to another location
mhdooth what x should do: other mentions
mhdonone what x should do: nothing
mhchrctr x s situation caused by: bad character
mhbrain x s situation caused by: brain disease
mhraised x s situation caused by: the way raised
mhstress x s situation caused by: stress
mhgenes x s situation caused by: genetic problem
mhgod x s situation caused by: god s will
mhluck x s situation caused by: bad luck
mhupdown x is experiencing normal ups-and-downs of life
mhillnss x is experiencing mental illness
mhphyscl x is experiencing physical illness
mhneihbr r would have x as a neighbor
mhsocial r would spend time socializing with x
mhkdcare r would have x care for your children
mhfriend r would make friends with x
mhwkwith r would work closely with x on a job
mhwedrel r would have x marry someone related to you
mhimpown how likely x s situation will improve on its own
mhimptrt how likely x s situation will improve with treatment
mhdecslf how able is x to decide whether to receive treatment
mhmoney how able is x to decide on managing own money
mhoutsdr getting treatment would make x outsider in community
mhlosefr x would lose friends if people know his her treatment
mhlessop x s opportunities limited if people know his her treatment
mhuneasy being around x would make me feel uncomfortable
mhunsure people like x are unpredictable
mhintl people like x are just as intelligent as anyone else
mhnotpol people like x shouldn't be allowed to hold public office
mhhrdtlk people like x are hard to talk to
mhnokids people like x shouldn't be allowed to have children
mhcreatv people like x are more creative than others
mhnervs being around x would make me feel nervous
mhprdctv people like x are just as productive as others
mhfeelem x should feel embarrassed
mhtrusty people like x are just as trustworthy as anyone else
mhaccptd person like x has no hope of being accepted as member
mhhired x should be hired like others
mhnotell x should feel afraid to tell about his situation
mhsecret x s family better off if kept secret
mhsupwrk people like x shouldn't be allowed to supervise others at work
mhnotch people like x shouldn't be allowed to teach children.
mhhlpfam how important: turn to family for help
mhhlpfrd how important: turn to friends for help
mhhlprel how important: turn to religious leader
mhhlpgp how important: go to medical doctor for help
mhhlppsy how important: go to psychiatrist for help
mhhlpmhp how important: go to mental health professional
mhgvtjob govt responsibility: provide job for x
mhgvthlt govt responsibility: provide health care for x
mhgvthme govt responsibility: provide housing for x
mhgvtedc govt responsibility: provide financial help for education
mhgvtdis govt responsibility: provide disability benefits for x
mhslfshm x should be ashamed to receive govt assistance
mhfamshm x family should be ashamed to receive govt assistance
mhseedoc x should be forced to be examined at a clinic by law
mhmeds x should be forced to take prescribed medication by law
mhhsptrt x should be forced to be hospitalized for treatment by law
mhmnthsp x should be forced to go to mental hospital by law
mhviooth how likely x violent toward other people
mhvioslf how likely x violent toward him herself
mhcause what caused x s situation
mhtrtot2 r knows someone who received treatment for mental health
mhclsoth closeness to person with mental health problem
mhseroth how serious his her mental health problem was
mhhlpoth how the treatment helped him/her with mental health problem
mhresoth how much responsibility r had for this person
mhdisoth how much distress this person caused r
mhreloth relationship with this person as a result of mental health problem
mhexpoth effect of experiences with this person
mhtrtslf r have ever personally received treatment for mental health problem
mhseepub how often r sees someone with mental health problem in public places
mhfright how frightening most people are in public places
mhsymp how much r feels sympathy for ppl with mental hlth problem in public places
startbiz r trying to start business
ownbiz r owns business
numown number of businesses you own and manage
yearbiz year business started
paidemps r has paid employees
bizgross business revenue last year
bizshare percentage ownership r holds
owninc amt of household income coming from this business
whybiz why did r start business
numemps5 how many people r employs 5 yrs after
scimode was saq self administered or interview administered
spjrel16 religion in which spouse raised
spjoth16 r's spouse raised jewish
majwoth r's mom was jewish when r was growing up
pajwoth r's dad was jewish when r was growing up
bmitzvah r had bar or bat mitzvah when r was a child
synmem r belongs to a synagogue, temple, minyan, or high holiday congregation
spfund how fundamentalist is spouse currently
sprel16 religion in which spouse raised
spden16 denomination in which spouse raised
spoth16 other protestant denominations
spjew16 what sort of jew was r's spouse at 16
spfund16 how fundamentalist was spouse at 16
kd1relig religion of r's child 1
kd2relig religion of r's child 2
kd3relig religion of r's child 3
kd4relig religion of r's child 4
kd5relig religion of r's child 5
kd6relig religion of r's child 6
kd7relig religion of r's child 7
kd8relig religion of r's child 8
kd1jwoth r's child 1 considered jewish
kd2jwoth r's child 2 considered jewish
kd3jwoth r's child 3 considered jewish
kd4jwoth r's child 4 considered jewish
kd5jwoth r's child 5 considered jewish
done911a has r developed emergency plans
eff911a how effective r thinks developing emergency plans
done911b has r stockpiled supplies
eff911b how effective r thinks stockpiling supplies
done911c has r purchased things to make them safer
eff911c how effective r thinks purchasing things to make them safer
done911d has r learned where to get more info about terrorism
eff911d how effective r thinks learning where to get info about terrorism
done911e has r duplicated important documents
eff911e how effective r thinks duplicating important documents
done911f has r reduced air travel
eff911f how effective r thinks reducing air travel
done911g has r reduced travel by train
eff911g how effective r thinks reducing travel by train
done911h has r reduced use of public transportation
eff911h how effective r thinks reducing use of public transportation
done911i has r changed mail handling procedures
eff911i how effective r thinks changing mail handling procedures
done911j has r become vigilant of what is going on around r
eff911j how effective r thinks becoming vigilant
done911k has r avoided travel to certain cities
eff911k how effective r thinks avoiding travel to certain cities
done911l has r avoided tall buildings
eff911l how effective r thinks avoiding tall buildings
done911m has r avoided national landmarks
eff911m how effective r thinks avoiding national landmarks
done911n has r done anything else to deal with terrorism
eff911n how effective r thinks that is
doneelse specify what it is r has done
work3yrs how many full time jobs r has in past 3 yrs since 2005
curempyr how many yrs r worked for current employer
paychnge how much has r pay changed on r's current job since r began
pastpay was r's starting pay higher/lower/same as earning in previous job
whyleave why r left last job
whyjbct1 why job abolished or laid off
whyjbct2 why job abolished or laid off
losejb12 how likely r will lose job or laid off in next 1 yr
whylose1 why that much possibility of job abolished or laid off
whylose2 why that much possibility of job abolished or laid off
whylose3 why that much possibility of job abolished or laid off
findnwjb how likely r to find job with same/better benefit
moretrde more trade, less jobs in usa
newjobs jobs created are better than r's current job
lostjobs jobs taken away are better than r's current job
wkcomptr use computer at work
wocomptr r can do job without computer
autonojb r heard of persons in r's firm having jobs replaced by computers
meetf2f1 how often meet face to face with customers, clients, patients
meetf2f2 how often meet face to face with co-workers to work on projects
intlcowk how often exchange info with co-workers located outside usa
lastyrwk thinking about last full-time job, what yr r worked last
leavejb why did r leave last job
whynojb1 why job abolished or laid off
whynojb2 why job abolished or laid off
inclstjb earnings from all sources for this job
bornsp in what country were you born
agecmeus if born outside usa, what age were you when you permanently moved to usa
visa do you hold a special visa
typevisa what kind of visa
natdeg in which country did you obtain your highest degree?
emphlth do you receive health insurance from employer
emphplan name of insurance or hmo
othplan other name for insurance or hmo policy
sexsex18 since age 18, have your sex partner's been...
toldsmsx at what age you first told someone that you had sex with same sex
attractd at what age were you first sexually attracted to same sex
toldsxor at what age you first told someone that you were gay/les/bi
relgendr what is your relationship situation
marunion legal marital status
sexunion sex of r's spouse/civil union partner/domestic partner
evkid have ever given birth to/fathered a child
adoptkid have ever legally adopted a child
kidlived children under 18 have ever lived with r under r's care
kidresp r is legally responsible biological/adoptive parent of a child under 18
kidnow1 r's children under 18 living with r
kidnow2 r is living in a hh where children under 18 are living with r under r's care
toldwork how many of r's coworkers know r is gay/les/bi
evlosejb in life, r has ever been denied a job or fired bc employers believed r was gay/l
losejob5 in last 5 yrs, r has been denied a job or fired bc employer believed r was gay/l
evnegjob in life, r ever been denied promo or recvd bad evaluation bc employr belivd r wa
negjob5 in last 5 yrs, r been denied promo or recvd bad evaluation bc employr belivd r w
evharjb in life, r has ever been harassed on job bc r was believed to be gay/les/bi
harjob5 in last 5 yrs, r has ever been harassed on job bc r was believed to be gay/les/b
evdwell in life, r has ever been prevented from moving bc landlord believed r was gay/le
dwell5 in last 5 yrs, r has been prevented from moving bc landlord believed r was gay/l
emphlth1 current employer offer health care insurance to r as employee
emphlth2 employers coverage
hlthcovr r has health insurance coverage
hlthtype source of health insurance
sppart r's current insurance plan covers spouse
mykids r's current insurance plan covers children
othkids r's current insurance plan covers children for whom r not a bio/adoptive parent