GSS 1972-2022 Cumulative Datafile - Release 2

Sequential Variable List

privpray how often pray privately
meditate how often meditate
conghlp1 how much congregation help out with ill
conghlp2 how much congregation help out with prob
conghrm1 how often congregation make too much demand
conghrm2 how often congregation critical of things r do
cope1 think about life is part of larger force
cope2 work together with god as partner's
cope3 look to god for strength & support
cope4 feel god is punishing for sin
cope5 wonder whether god has abandoned me
cope6 try to make sense without relying on god
godwatch believe in god who watch over me
lesspain feel deep sense of resp for reducing pain
rellife try to carry beliefs into other dealings
forgive1 have forgiven self for mistakes
forgive2 have forgiven those who hurt me
forgive3 know that god forgives me
feelgod feel gods presence
relcmfrt find strength and comfort in religion
harmony feel deep inner peace or harmony
uniongod desire to be closer to god
godlove feel gods love directly or thru others
beausprt spiritually touched by beauty creation
nocheer in past 30 days feel sad
nervous in past 30 days feel nervous
fidgety in past 30 days feel restless or fidgety
hopeless in past 30 days feel hopeless
effort in past 30 days feel everything thing effort
wrthless in past 30 days feel worthless
relpersn r consider self a religious person
sprtprsn r consider self a spiritual person
relexp have religious experience changed life
natarts spending right amount on arts
artgod thru art and music we come closer to god
artists excellent artists able support themselves
irrelart should allow art to mock or demean religion
irreloff offended art mocks or demeans religion
aimofart aim of art
readfict read novels poems or plays
popmusic went to a live performance of popular music
drama went to a live drama
relart had experience of art at place of worship
volarts volunteered for organizations of arts
natlart feel fed gov should provide assistance to art
stateart feel state gov should provide assistance to art
localart feel local gov should provide assistance to art
occyrs how many years in your occupation
occtrain gone thru specialized training
trainsch how many years spent on training
typeorg work in independent or part of larger org
wrkoth ever worked full time at other parts of org
othyrs years worked full time at other parts of org
partorg in what ways part of the larger org
orgsize how many people employed in the entire org
genderwk mostly men or women at the workplace
locyrs how long have worked at this location
samework worked at other site with similar product
siteyrs how long have worked for those sites
otjtrain received any on-the-job training
formltrn did it include formal training course
formlfin have you finished all the courses
formldys the number of days in formal training
formlhrs the number of hrs in formal training
doingtrn include informal learning by doing
doingfin have completed this on-the-job training
doingdys how long spent on learning by doing
wojob since 1st job ever been without a job
wojobyrs how many years without a job
numemp for how many employers ever worked full time
howpaid how get paid last week
hourly what is your hourly wage before tax
daily what is your daily wage before tax
weekly what is your weekly wage before tax
monthly what is your monthly wage before tax
yearly what is your yearly wage before tax
trusting most people can be trusted
seenmntl you or anyone you know seen a psychiatrist
psycmed1 psychiatric medicine is harmful to the body
psycmed2 people should stop taking if symptoms gone
psycmed3 taking these medicine interferes w daily act
psycmed4 helps people deal w day to day stresses
psycmed5 makes things easier in relations
psycmed6 these medications help control symptoms
psycmed7 helps people feel better about themselves
usepsyc1 will take medicine because personal trouble
usepsyc2 will take medicine because cant cope w stress
usepsyc3 will take medicine because feeling depressed
usepsyc4 will take medicine because intense fear
psyckid1 will give kid med because kid is hostile
psyckid2 will give kid med because school trouble
psyckid3 will give kid med because kid talked suicide
psycdrct prefer go directly to a mental health spec
psycfdoc would trust family physician prescription
psycpsyc only trust psychiatrist prescription
hlthinsr have health insurance
doclist use a directory list for health care plan
anydoc can choose any doctor i like
swithlth ever switched plan medical care provider
usedmntl have sought care with mental health since plan
mntlcare were able to get mental health care
mntldif how difficult to get mental health care
mntldeny ever denied services under plans package
hmo1 hmo improves the quality of care
hmo2 hmo prevent doctors from prescribing tests
hmo3 hmo help to control costs
hmo4 hmo prevent people from getting needed care
hmo5 hmo damage trust btwn doctors and patients
hmo6 hmo take medical decisions from physicians
hmo7 hmo make emotional mental prblm more difficult
doc1 doctors aren't as thorough as should be
doc2 doctors do best to prevent worrying
doc3 doctors sometimes take unnecessary risks
doc4 doctors are careful to check everything
doc5 doctors treat patients with respect
doc6 i hardly see the same doctors each time
doc7 doctors avoid unnecessary patient expenses
doc8 doctors cause worry because don't explain
doc9 doctors ignore old problems care new ones
doc10 doctors recommend surgery if no other way
doc11 doctors willing to refer me a specialist
doc12 doctors unable to tell me all the options
doc13 doctors deny me the treatment needed
doc14 doctors put cost consideration above care
doc15 doctor not really care me as a person
doc16 doctors judgment trusted
doc17 doctor does not do everything should for me
doc18 doctor put medical needs above all other
doc19 doctor a real expert in taking care problem
doc20 doctor tell me if a mistake was made
prozac have you ever heard of prozac
usedproz have you ever taken prozac
knwnproz have you known anyone who took prozac
prozfor1 what can you tell me about prozac is used for
prozfor2 what can you tell me about prozac is used for
prozfor3 what can you tell me about prozac is used for
proz1 prozac is harmful to the body
proz2 if no symptoms should discontinue prozac
proz3 taking prozac interferes with daily activities
proz4 taking prozac helps people deal with stress
proz5 taking prozac makes relations easier
proz6 prozac helps people control their symptoms
proz7 prozac makes people feel better about themselves
proz8 prozac should be taken to enhance personalities
proz9 prozac is for those diagnosed with depression
prozslf1 take prozac if trouble in personal life
prozslf2 take prozac if cant cope with stresses
prozslf3 take prozac if feel depressed sleepless
prozslf4 take prozac if intense fear losing control
prozkid1 give kid prozac if is hostile
prozkid2 give kid prozac if is not paying attention
prozkid3 give kid prozac if is talking about suicide
socsecrt social security will be better
socsecfx how serious is social securities problem
socsecnu social security phase out or continue
terminal have you or close friends relative faced with terminal illness
termecon worry about economic burden of terminal illness
termrel my religious community very helpful
termemot worry about emotional burden on my family
termpain believe doctors can control my pain
termpay worry if no money get second class care
trustfam would trust my family
trustdoc would trust my doctor
trustcrt would trust the courts
termvig one of the vignettes
rightref have a right to refuse further treatment
notreat refuse treatment except pain relief
instrctn prepare written instructions explaining future car
hospice choose hospice until patient dies
painmed ask doctors to increase pain medication
docsui ask for physician-assisted suicide
famwhts whites committed to strong families
famblks blacks committed to strong families
famjews jews committed to strong families
famhsps hispanics committed to strong families
famasns asians committed to strong families
fairwhts whites committed to fair and equal treatment of
fairblks blacks committed to fair and equal treatment of
fairjews jews committed to fair and equal treatment of a
fairhsps hispanics committed to fair and equal treatment
fairasns asians committed to fair and equal treatment o
conteng have english positive contribution to country
contitl have italians positive contribution to country
contchn have chinese positive contribution to country
contjew have jews positive contribution to country
contblk have blacks positive contribution to country
contmex have mexicans positive contribution to country
contvn have vietnamese positive contribution to country
contcuba have cubans positive contribution to country
contirsh have irish positive contribution to country
contpr have puerto ricans positive contribution to country
contjpn have japanese positive contribution to country
contmslm have muslims positive contribution to country
othlang can r speak language other than english/spanish
othlang1 what other languages does r speak
othlang2 what other languages does r speak
othbest what language other than english does r speak b
spklang how well does r speak other language
uselang how often does r use language other than english
getlang where did r learn other language
parlang r's parents speak other language at home
granlang r's grandparents speak other language at home
langcom how often are other languages heard in community
langwrk how often are other languages heard at work
engoff1 english official language of u.s.
twolang children should learn other language in high sc
nobiling bilingual education should be abolished
engunite english unites all americans
forlang1 learning foreign language important math and s
engthrtn english threatened by languages spoken by immig
engvote ballots should offered other languages than eng
othhome r speaks other language at home
betrlang which language r speaks more fluent
spklangw how well r speaks the language in betrlang
letinhsp immigration from latin america should be increased
letinasn immigration from asia should be increased
letineur immigration from europe should be increased
immecon will immigrants lead to economic growth
immcrmup more immigrants cause higher crime rates
immnew more immigrants open country new ideas and cult
immnojob immigrants cause american to lose jobs
uswht what percentage of population is white
usblk what percentage of population is black
usjews what percentage of population is jewish
ushisp what percentage of population is hispanic
usasn what percentage of population is asian
usamind what percentage of population is american india
usmixed what percentage of population is of mixed heritage
whtchng percentage change population of whites in 25 yr
blkchng percentage change population of blacks in 25 yr
jewschng percentage change population of jews in 25 yrs
hispchng percentage change population of hispanics in 25
asnchng percentage change population of asians in 25 yr
ethchng ethnic change in 25 yrs good for country
comwht percentage white living in r's community
comblk percentage black living in r's community
comjews percentage jews living in r's community
comhisp percentage hispanic living in r's community
comasn percentage asian living in r's community
comamind percentage american indian living in r's community
hispwork how many people hispanic at work
knwwht does r personally any whites
knwblk does r personally any blacks
knwjew does r personally any jews
knwhisp does r personally any hispanics
knwasn does r personally any asians
whtschl does r know whites from school
whtcom does r know whites from community
whtrel does r know whites as relative
whtwrk does r know whites from work
whtcls does r feel close to whites
blkschl does r know blacks from school
blkcom does r know blacks from community
blkrel does r know blacks as relative
blkwrk does r know blacks from work
blkcls does r feel close to blacks
jewsschl does r know jews from school
jewscom does r know jews from community
jewsrel does r know jews as relative
jewswrk does r know jews from work
jewscls does r feel close to jews
hispschl does r know hispanics from school
hispcom does r know hispanics from community
hisprel does r know hispanics as relative
hispwrk does r know hispanics from work
hispcls does r feel close to hispanics
asnschl does r know asians from school
asncom does r know asians from community
asnrel does r know asians as relative
asnwrk does r know asians from work
asncls does r feel close to asians
mostcom have most in common with which group
leastcom have least in common with which group
neieth1 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth2 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth3 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth4 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth5 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth6 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth7 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth8 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth9 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth10 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth11 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth12 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth13 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth14 preferred ethnic neighborhood
hswht high school mostly white
hseth largest non white ethnic group in high school
Time Spent on Internet
compuse r use computer
webmob r uses home internet through mobile device
webtv r has internet via webtv
emailmin email minutes per week
emailhr email hours per week
usewww r use www other than email
wwwhr www hours per week
wwwmin www minutes per week
chathr chatroom hours per week
chatmin chatroom minutes per week
Navigation Strategies
drctlink how often r links from homepage
typeurl how often r types urls by self
srcheng how often r uses search engine
bookmark how often r uses bookmarks
catdrcty how often r uses web directories
hyperlnk how often r uses links in other sites
Web Site Types in Last 30 Days
fin30 r use financial information site in past 30 day
schl30 r use school site in past 30 days
educ30 r use education site in past 30 days
work30 r use work site in past 30 days
news30 r use news site in past 30 days
govt30 r use govt site in past 30 days
pol30 r use political information site in past 30 day
travel30 r use travel site in past 30 days
sports30 r use sports site in past 30 days
music30 r use music site in past 30 days
art30 r use art site in past 30 days
tvmov30 r use movie site in past 30 days
health30 r use health site in past 30 days
relig30 r use religion site in past 30 days
games30 r use game site in past 30 days
humor30 r use humor site in past 30 days
porn30 r use pornographic site in past 30 days
person30 r use personal website in past 30 days
sci30 r use science site in past 30 days
hobby30 r use hobby site in past 30 days
cook30 r use cooking site in past 30 days
Uses of Web in Past 12 Months
work12 r use web for work in past 12 months
hmefin12 r use web for home finances in past 12 months
buyinf12 r use web for product information in past 12 mo
buyit12 r use web to purchase products in past 12 month
invest12 r use web to invest money in past 12 months
people12 r use web to meet new people in past 12 months
health12 r use web for health information in past 12 mon
travel12 r use web for travel in past 12 months
locate12 r use web to find addresses in past 12 months
game12 r use web for games in past 12 months
newjob12 r use web to look for new job in past 12 months
chat12 r use web for chatrooms in past 12 months
polinf12 r use web for political information in past 12
Learning About Issues on the Web in Past 12 Months
econ12 past 12 months r web to learn economy
abort12 past 12 months r web to learn abortion
moral12 past 12 months r web to learn moral issues
foraff12 past 12 months r web to learn foreign affairs
racrel12 past 12 months r web to learn race relations
enviro12 past 12 months r web to learn environment
polcam12 past 12 months r web to learn pol campaigns
gun12 past 12 months r web to learn gun control
taxes12 past 12 months r web to learn taxes
fe12 past 12 months r web to learn gender issues
news12 past 12 months r web to learn news
Type of Political Sites Visited in Past 12 Months
polagree visit political sites r agrees with
polneutl visit politically neutral sites
poldsagr visit political sites r disagrees with
Political Actions Because of Web
petition web make r sign petition
contact web make r contact elected official
meeting web make r attend a political meeting
Find Information about Candidate for Political Office
caninf1 would use search engine for information on candidate
caninf2 would use category directory information on can
caninf3 would use bookmark for information on candidate
caninf4 would guess or type site name for information o
caninf5 would seek advice for information on candidate
caninf6 would use chat group for information on candida
caninf7 would go to candidate site for information on c
caninf8 would go to politics site for information on ca
caninf9 would go to news site for information on candid
caninf10 would go to portal site for information on candidate
caninf11 would go to govt site for information on candid
caninf12 would refuse to answer not sure don't know
caninf13 does r mentioned any specific url?
caninf14 first site mentioned
Political Thinking Affected by Web
polnew r learn something new on the web
polchnge web change r's mind
polforms web help form opinions
polconf web help confirm opinions
polalter web help change mind
poltough web show issues more complicated
Arts Web Use
artsmin how many minutes at arts websites
artshr how many hours at arts websites
artschat use chatrooms about arts
artsnew r learn something new on web about arts
artschng web change mind about arts on web
Music Web Use
wwwmusic use the web to learn about music
musicinf use web to get music information
musicget use web to download music
musiclst use web to listen to radio
musicbuy use web to buy music after hearing on web
wwwclass in last month listen classical music on web
wwwcntry in last month listen country music on web
wwwgthic in last month listen gothic music on web
wwwjazz in last month listen jazz music on web
wwwoldie in last month listen oldies music on web
wwwrap in last month listen rap music on web
wwwrelig in last month listen religious music on web
wwwrock in last month listen rock music on web
wwwworld in last month listen world music on web
musiclke visit sites about music r likes
musicdif visit many different types of music
musicnew visit sites about music not usually heard
Visual Arts Web Use
wwwart use web to learn about visual arts
artmus1 use web to learn about upcoming exhibits
artmus2 use web to learn about existing exhibits
artview use web to look at art works
artinfo use web to find info about artists
artmus3 visit museum after learning on web
Literature Web Use
wwwlit use web to learn about literature
litsite use web to learn about a book or poem
litget use web to download poem or fiction
litauth visit site associated with writer
litread read book after seeing author on web
wwwpersn has r met person on web
Social Web Use
wwwsp has anyone met on web become spouse
wwwgfbf has anyone met on web become partner
wwwcowrk has anyone met on web become coworker
wwwbiz has anyone met on web become business partner
wwwnei has anyone met on wen become neighbor
wwwfrnd has anyone met on web become friend
wwwvol has anyone met on web become volunteer with r
Web Use Problem Solving
online has r used online help for software
manual has r consulted manual for help with software
callcomp has r called software company for help
askwork has r asked someone at work for help with software
askother has r asked someone else for help with software
payother has r paid for help with software
doonown has r figured out problems with software on own
advsp r can ask spouse or partner for software help
advchld r can ask son or daughter for software help
advpar r can ask parent for software help
advsib r can ask sibling or sibling partner software h
advfam r can ask other family members software help
advtchr r can ask teacher software help
advstu r can ask other student software help
advsup r can ask work supervisor software help
advcowrk r can ask coworker software help
advcfrnd r can ask close friend software help
advofrnd r can ask acquaintance software help
advlib r can ask librarian software help
Web Use Information
srcheng1 does r know the name of a search engine
srcheng2 name of search engine given by r
download does r know how to download files from www
upload does r know how to upload files to www
cmpvirus does r know what a computer virus is
Health Media Use
hlthinfo r sought health information past year
hlthpapr r sought health information newspaper articles
hlthmag1 r sought health information general interest magazines
hlthmag2 r sought health information health magazines
hlthdoc r sought health information doctor or nur'se
hlthfrel r sought health information friends or relatives
hlthtv r sought health information tv or radio
hlthwww r sought health information www
Political Media Use
polinfo r sought political information past 2 years
polpapr r sought political information daily newspaper
polmag1 r sought political info general interest magazines
polmag2 r sought political information political magazine
poltv r sought political information tv or radio
polfrel r sought political information friends or relatives
polcamp r sought political information political campaign
polwww r sought political information www
Search Activities
buyinfgn r sought information purchase past year
investgn r invested money past year
travelgn r made travel reservations past year
peoplegn r tried to meet new people past year
gamegn r play an indoor game past year
newjobgn r look for new job past year
poldisgn r discuss political views past year
polinfgn r sought political information past year
perfrmgn r obtain information on performing arts past ye
artgn r obtain information on art exhibit past year
polcangn r look up views of political candidate for office
Social Network Media Use
numcntct how many people in contact least once a year
inperson how many people seen in person
byphone how many people talk to on phone
letters how many people write letters to
meetings how many people seen at church or group meeting
byemail how many people send email
Home Computer Web Use
comphome does r have computer at home
usehome does r use computer at home
numhome how many computers at home
wwwhome can r use www at home
paywww does employer pay for www
wwwline1 is www through phone line
wwwline2 means to www
ecomminh minutes per week use computer household management
ecomhrh hours per week use computer household management
perminh minutes per week use computer personal interest
perhrh hours per week use computer personal interest
wrkminh minutes per week use computer make money
wrkhrh hours per week use computer make money
emminh minutes per week use computer email
emhrh hours per week use computer email
wwwminh minutes per week use computer www
wwwhrh hours per week use computer www
Work Computer/Web Use
compwork does r use computer at work
jobminw minutes per week using work computer job
jobhrw hours per week using work computer job
incminw minutes per week using work computer make money
inchrw hours per week using work computer make money
ecomminw minutes per week using work computer hsehld mng
ecomhrw hours per week using work computer hsehld mngmn
perminw minutes per week using work computer personal i
perhrw hours per week using work computer personal int
emminw minutes per week using work computer email
emhrw hours per week using work computer email
wwwminw minutes per week using work computer www
wwwhrw hours per week using work computer www
Other Computer/Web Use
compoth does r use computer not at home or work
compschl does r use computer at school
complib does r use computer at library
compfri does r use computer at friends house
compelse does r use computer somewhere else
mostloc where does r use computer most
ecommino minutes per week using other computer hsehld mn
ecomhro hours per week using other computer hsehld mngm
permino minutes per week using other computer personal
perhro hours per week using other computer personal in
wrkmino minutes per week using other computer make money
wrkhro hours per week using other computer make money
emmino minutes per week using other computer email
emhro hours per week using other computer email
wwwmino minutes per week using other computer www
wwwhro hours per week using other computer www
Email Use
emsent how many email messages sent per day
emsentp how many personal email messages sent per day
emget how many email messages received per day
emgetp how many personal messages received per day
emwrkloc r send or receive to or from coworkers
emwrkawy r send or receive to or from business contacts
emfamloc r send or receive to or from family members at
emfamoth r send or receive to or from other family members
emfri r send or receive to or from friends
emchurch r send or receive to or from church members
emgroups r send or receive to or from group members
numprobs how many friends close to discuss problems
byemprob how many friends discuss problems via email
intaccss does r have internet through cell phone or pda
emaillnk how often does r link in an email from friend
jobinfo r sought employment info past year
jobpaper times r sought job information from newspaper
jobpub times r sought job information from publication
jobcowrk times r sought job information from co-workers
jobcntct times r sought job information from contact outside
jobfrnds times r sought job information from friends
jobplace times r sought job information from counseling service
jobtvrad times r sought job information from radio or tv
jobonwww times r sought job information from internet
emailyr when r first began using email
webyr when r first began using web
webable r's ability to use internet
votefor web make r decide to vote for a political candidate
manbook r consulted manual for help with web
cussup r called software company
tecsup called tech support at work
askwksch r figured out problems with web on own
askelse r asked someone else for help
payelse r has paid for help
doself r figured out problems with web on own
processr r knows what a processor is
browser1 r knows what an internet web browser is
browser2 can r give the name of a web browser
browser3 r specify name of web browser
advsrch how familiar r is with term advanced search
mp3 how familiar r is with term mp3
ezines how familiar r is with term e-zines
prefsets how familiar r is with term preference settings
newsgrps how familiar r is with term newsgroups