GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

List of Items in Alphabetical Order

where7 where is 7th person staying?
where8 where is 8th person staying?
where9 where is 9th person staying?
wherewrk doing your job in one or several different places
whichsci industry scientists less reliable than univer'sity scientists
whnangry how long ago did this event happen?
whoelse1 presence of others: children under six
whoelse2 presence of others: older children
whoelse3 presence of others: spouse partner
whoelse4 presence of others: other relatives
whoelse5 presence of others: other adults
whoelse6 presence of others: no one
wholoand from whom did you borrow this money?
whosold describe your purchase
whoteach should only minorities teach minority history
whtchng percentage change population of whites in 25 yr
whtcls does r feel close to whites
whtcom does r know whites from community
whtgovt do whites get proper govt attention
whtrel does r know whites as relative
whtschl does r know whites from school
whtsdiff whites different from minorities
whtwrk does r know whites from work
whybiz why did r start business
whychng1 religious change experience1
whychng2 religious change experience2
whychng3 religious change experience3
whydisc5 why were you discriminated against
whyjbct1 why job abolished or laid off
whyjbct2 why job abolished or laid off
whyjbend main reason your job end
whyleave why r left last job
whylose1 why that much possibility of job abolished or laid off
whylose2 why that much possibility of job abolished or laid off
whylose3 why that much possibility of job abolished or laid off
whynojb1 why job abolished or laid off
whynojb2 why job abolished or laid off
whynopet reason why r's family has no pet
whypoor1 poor schools
whypoor2 loose morals and drunkenness
whypoor3 not enough jobs
whypoor4 lack of effort
whywkhme usual reason r work at home
widowed ever been widowed
willwed1 how likely you two will get married?
willwed2 if right person would you marry?
wirtap wiretapping
wkageism r feels discriminated because of age
wkathome how often do you work from home
wkbhvrs employee doing these things at work to r
wkbonus r is likely to get a bonus or pay increase
wkcomptr use computer at work
wkcontct how often contacted about work when not working
wkdecide how often r take part in decisions
wkfambiz work for pay in a farm etc owned by your family?
wkfreedm a lot of freedom to decide how to do job
wkharoth r threatened on the job last 12 months
wkharsex r sexually harassed on the job last 12 months
wkkidscl did r work outside home with child under school age
wkkidscs did partner work outside home with child under school age
wkndact who decides weekend activities
wkpersnl importance of personal contact at work
wkpraise r is likely to be praised by supervisor
wkracism r feels discriminated because of race
wkrspns response to misbehavior from coworkers
wksexism r feels discriminated because of gender
wksmooth workplace runs in smooth manner
wksub does r or spouse have supervisor
wksub1 does r or spouse or partner have a supervisor
wksubs does supervisor have supervisor
wksubs1 does supervisor have supervisor
wksup does r or spouse supervise anyone
wksup1 does r or spouse or partner supervise anyone
wksups does subordinate supervise anyone
wksups1 does subordinant supervise anyone
wktenure describe your present job situation
wktopsat satisfaction comes from work
wkvsfam how often job interferes fam life
wkwkends do you work weekends
wkyngscl did r work outside home after child started school
wkyngscs did partner work outside home after child started school
wlthasns rich - poor
wlthblks rich - poor
wlthhsps rich - poor
wlthimm are legal immigrants rich or poor
wlthjews rich - poor
wlthpov some rich some poor ok in free society
wlthso rich - poor
wlthundc are illegal immigrants rich or poor
wlthwhts rich - poor
wocomptr r can do job without computer
wojob since 1st job ever been without a job
wojobyrs how many years without a job
womenben women benefit from traditional family
womenhrt women hurt from traditional family
worda word a
wordb word b
wordc word c
wordd word d
worde word e
wordf word f
wordg word g
wordh word h
wordi word i
wordj word j
wordsum number words correct in vocabulary test
worecsup do you worry about losing economic support
work1 unemployed and looking for work a month +
work10 during past 12 mo, r was unemployed and looking for work
work12 r use web for work in past 12 months
work2 being demoted or move to worse position
work3 a cut in pay or reduced hours
work30 r use work site in past 30 days
work3yrs how many full time jobs r has in past 3 yrs since 2005
work4 being passed over for promotion
work5 having trouble with one's boss
work6 own business losing money or failing
work7 a husband, wife, partner being fired
work8 a husband, wife, partner cut in pay
work9 ones' spouse being unemployed
workasns hard working - lazy
workblks hard working - lazy
workdiff r does numerous things on job
workdy days r normally works
workfare work to get welfare
workfast job requires r to work fast
workfor r work for whom
workfor1 r work for whom
workhard to work hard
workhr hours r usually works
workhsps hard working -lazy
workimm are legal immigrants hard working
workjews hard working - lazy
workless cut back on your work?
worklife how successful in work life
worknow are you currently working for pay
workpol has r worked for parties or candidates
workso hard working - lazy
workundc are illegal immigrants hard working
workweek does r work at least 10 hrs/wk
workwhts hard working - lazy
world1 world image:much evil vs. much good
world2 world image:the good must act vs. not
world3 world image:god not here vs. here
world4 world image:man is good vs. corrupt
world5 world image:arts are good vs. not
world6 world image:chaos vs. harmony
world7 world image:ach. reveals god vs. not
wornojob do you worry about not finding job
worried felt worried?
worryjob do you worry about losing job
worship how good local church wor'ship services
wotrial should authorities have right to detain the suspected
writegrp has r written to newspaper's for group
wrkbaby shld woman with preschooler work?
wrkclass working-class women's lives improved
wrkearn job is just a way to earn money
wrkenjoy enjoy job even if $ not needed
wrkgovt govt or private employee
wrkgovt1 govt employee
wrkgovt2 private employee
wrkgrown shld woman work after kids leave home?
wrkhome how often r works at home
wrkhrh hours per week use computer make money
wrkhro hours per week using other computer make money
wrkimp work is persons most impt. activity
wrkindep i can work independently
wrkindp importance of independent work in a job
wrkminh minutes per week use computer make money
wrkmino minutes per week using other computer make money
wrkmuch how much you compare to people do same job
wrknokid shld mom work aftr marriage, before kids?
wrkoth ever worked full time at other parts of org
wrksch shld woman work after youngest in school?
wrksched usual work schedule
wrkshift what is your working schedule
wrkslf r self-emp or works for somebody
wrkslffam does r work in family business or farm
wrkslfst r 1st job: self-employed or no?
wrkstat labor force status
wrktime r has enough time to get the job done
wrktype work arrangement at main job
wrkwayup blacks overcome prejudice without favors
wrkwell how well youcompare to people do same job
wrkyears #years you have worked for pay since were 16
wrkyoung how well local church works with youth
wrldgovt international bodies should enforce environment
wrthless in past 30 days feel worthless
wtrpollu neighborhood affected by water pollution over the last 12 months
wtss weight variable
wtssall weight variable
wtssnr weight variable
wtssnrps person post-stratification weight, nonrespondents adjusted
wtssps person post-stratification weight
wwwart use web to learn about visual arts
wwwbiz has anyone met on web become business partner
wwwclass in last month listen classical music on web
wwwcntry in last month listen country music on web
wwwcowrk has anyone met on web become coworker
wwwfrnd has anyone met on web become friend
wwwgfbf has anyone met on web become partner
wwwgthic in last month listen gothic music on web
wwwhome can r use www at home
wwwhr www hours per week
wwwhrh hours per week use computer www
wwwhro hours per week using other computer www
wwwhrw hours per week using work computer www
wwwjazz in last month listen jazz music on web
wwwline1 is www through phone line
wwwline2 means to www
wwwlit use web to learn about literature
wwwmin www minutes per week
wwwminh minutes per week use computer www
wwwmino minutes per week using other computer www
wwwminw minutes per week using work computer www
wwwmusic use the web to learn about music
wwwnei has anyone met on wen become neighbor
wwwoldie in last month listen oldies music on web
wwwpersn has r met person on web
wwwrap in last month listen rap music on web
wwwrelig in last month listen religious music on web
wwwrock in last month listen rock music on web
wwwsp has anyone met on web become spouse
wwwvol has anyone met on web become volunteer with r
wwwworld in last month listen world music on web
xhaustn how often does work exhaust r
xmarsex sex with person other than spouse
xmarsex1 is extramarital sex wrong?
xmovie seen x-rated movie in last year
xmovie1 seen porn film (theater or vcr) last yr
xnorcsiz expanded norc size code
year gss year for this respondent
yearbiz year business started
yearly what is your yearly wage before tax
yearsjob time at current job
yearsusa lived in u.s., years:
yearval total dollar value of payments in that year
youinflu how often r is asked to help influence important decision
youmoney largest decision in which you had the final say
youngen what should younger generation be taught
yourself r's life improved
yousup how many people do you supervise directly
yrchurh1 how many years r born a member of church group1
yrchurh2 how many years r born a member of church group2
yrchurh3 how many years r born a member of church group3
yrchurh4 how many years r born a member of church group4
yrchurh5 how many years r born a member of church group5
yrchurh6 how many years r born a member of church group6
yrfarm1 how many years r born a member of farm organization1
yrfarm2 how many years r born a member of farm organization2
yrfarm3 how many years r born a member of farm organization3
yrfrat1 how many yrs r been a member of fraternal groups1
yrfrat2 how many yrs r been a member of fraternal groups2
yrfrat3 how many yrs r been a member of fraternal groups3
yrfrat4 how many yrs r been a member of fraternal groups4
yrgreek1 how many years r born a member of school fraternity1
yrgreek2 how many years r born a member of school fraternity2
yrgreek3 how many years r born a member of school fraternity3
yrhobby1 how many years r born a member of hobby club1
yrhobby2 how many years r born a member of hobby club1
yrhobby3 how many years r born a member of hobby club1
yrinfrm1 how many years r born a member of informal group1
yrinfrm2 how many years r born a member of informal group2
yrinfrm3 how many years r born a member of informal group3
yrinfrm4 how many years r born a member of informal group4
yrinfrm5 how many years r born a member of informal group5
yrjobend when did your last paid job end
yrlit1 how many years r born a member of literary group1
yrlit2 how many years r born a member of literary group2
yrlit3 how many years r born a member of literary group3
yrlit4 how many years r born a member of literary group4
yrnat1 how many years r born a member of national group1
yrnat2 how many years r born a member of national group2
yrnat3 how many years r born a member of national group3
yrother1 how many years r born a member of other group1
yrother2 how many years r born a member of other group2
yrother3 how many years r born a member of other group3
yrother4 how many years r born a member of other group4
yrother5 how many years r born a member of other group5
yrpolit1 how many years r been a member of political club1
yrpolit2 how many years r been a member of political club2
yrpolit3 how many years r been a member of political club3
yrprof1 how many years r born a member of professional society1
yrprof2 how many years r born a member of professional society2
yrprof3 how many years r born a member of professional society3
yrprof4 how many years r born a member of professional society4
yrprof5 how many years r born a member of professional society5
yrprof6 how many years r born a member of professional society6
yrschl1 how many years r born a member of school service group1
yrschl2 how many years r born a member of school service group2
yrschl3 how many years r born a member of school service group3
yrschl4 how many years r born a member of school service group4
yrserv1 how many years r been a member of service club1
yrserv2 how many years r been a member of service club2
yrserv3 how many years r been a member of service club3
yrserv4 how many years r been a member of service club4
yrserv5 how many years r been a member of service club5
yrserv6 how many years r been a member of service club6
yrserv7 how many years r been a member of service club7
yrserv8 how many years r been a member of service club8
yrsfirm importance of tenure to pay
yrskwn1 years r has known the named1
yrskwn2 years r has known the named2
yrskwn3 years r has known the named3
yrskwn4 years r has known the named4
yrskwn5 years r has known the named5
yrsport1 how many years r born a member of sports groups1
yrsport2 how many years r born a member of sports groups2
yrsport3 how many years r born a member of sports groups3
yrsport4 how many years r born a member of sports groups4
yrsport5 how many years r born a member of sports groups5
yrsport6 how many years r born a member of sports groups6
yrunion1 how many years r born a member of labor union1
yrunion2 how many years r born a member of labor union2
yrunion3 how many years r born a member of labor union3
yrunion4 how many years r born a member of labor union4
yrvet1 how many years r been a member of veteran groups1
yrvet2 how many years r been a member of veteran groups2
yrvet3 how many years r been a member of veteran groups3
yrvet4 how many years r been a member of veteran groups4
yrvet5 how many years r been a member of veteran groups5
yryouth1 how many years r born a member of youth groups1
yryouth2 how many years r born a member of youth groups2
yryouth3 how many years r born a member of youth groups3
yryouth4 how many years r born a member of youth groups4
yryouth5 how many years r born a member of youth groups5
zodiac respondents astrological sign
zombies med for behavior problems turn kids into zombies