GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

Sequential Variable List

Genetic Screening
genejob should employers give genetic tests
genehire employers' right to hire by genetic tests
genecanx employer test cancer or safeworkplace
genecany employers' right to hire by cancertests
genegets employer vs. employee on access right to results
Corporations and Unions
profits1 whether management only care about profit
profits2 should co. pay workers more than shareholders
unpower unions in this country have too little power
unprog unions just block economic progress
Organizational Changes
outofbiz the organization went out of business
merged the org. was merged, taken over
reorg there was a major reorganization
orgfin r's financial situation after org. changes
Work and Unemployment
wrkyears #years you have worked for pay since were 16
evunemp ever been unemployed two weeks +
numunemp how many times unemployed more than two weeks
totunemp total times unemployed
How Find Present Employer
empyears years worked for your present employer
fndjob1 heard job from one already worked there
fndjob2 heard job from relatives
fndjob3 heard job from friends
fndjob4 heard job from acquaintances
fndjob5 heard job from newspaper ad
fndjob6 heard job through employment agency
fndjob7 heard job from recruiter for this employer
fndjob8 heard job just came here and asked for work
fndjob9 heard job other (specify)
Tests for Employment
intltest before got the job took an intelligence test
skiltest before got the job took a skill test
drugtest before got the job took a drug and alcohol test
physical before got the job took a physical test
ltrsref supply letters of reference
Present Job
samejob current job same or different fromfirst job
jobyears for how long have you had your present job
thisjob1 heard job from a notices posted my workplace
thisjob2 heard job through my union
thisjob3 heard job from my supervisor
thisjob4 heard job from one of my coworkers
thisjob5 heard job i near the top of a seniority list
thisjob6 heard job i was asked to take the new job
thisjob7 heard job others (specify)
promotng procedures for promotion
promoted ever promoted by current employer
numpromo #promotions have you received
imppromo importance of the opportunity to be promoted
futpromo how likely you will be promoted next five years
sexpromo sex makes your promotion different
racpromo ethnic background makes your promotion different
advances have you advanced, same level or lost
Job Control
jobcntrl who makes decision for your job
wrkindep i can work independently
lottosay i have a lot to say on my job
idecide my job allows me make part decisions
automatn my job is controlled by my machine
monitred computers monitor my job performance
offsup do you supervise the work of other employees
yousup how many people do you supervise directly
supothrs any people supervised by you supervise others
levels how many levels of supervision beneath you
totsup how many people responsible to you
supduty1 you train employees safe use equipment
supduty2 you train employees in other ways
supduty3 you organize schedules or tasks
supduty4 you devise new ways of doing tasks
supduty5 you check workers' progress, attendance
supduty6 you evaluate job performance
supduty7 you take promotions or disciplinary actions
Other Job Duties
othduty1 you train employees safe use equip. not supervise
othduty2 you train employees in other ways, not supervise
othduty3 you organize schedules or tasks, not supervise
othduty4 you devise new ways of doing tasks, not supervise
othduty5 you check progress or attendance, not supervise
othduty6 you evaluate job performance, not supervise
othduty7 you promote or discipline actions, not supervise
Spending Decisions
orgmoney participate in decisions about org's money
totmoney how much money in the largest of these decisions
youmoney largest decision in which you had the final say
Performance Evaluations
jobjudge someone evaluate your performance regularly
quantity how easy your supervisor know how much you do
quality how easy your supervisor know how good you are
wrkwell how well youcompare to people do same job
wrkmuch how much you compare to people do same job
Role within Organization
imatter success of my org. depends lot on how well i do
helporg willing work harder than have to help org.
notloyal feel very little loyalty to this org.
stayorg1 would take any job to keep working for this org.
samevals my values and the org.'s values are very similar
proudorg proud to be working for this org.
stayorg2 turn down another job for pay to stay this org.
noticed people usually notice when i do my job well
chngeorg how likely i'll try to find job in another org.
Pay and Raises
othpay get commissions, bonuses, tips from main job
raiseall all workers regardless of performance got raise
raisehrd workers who work hard and perform well got raise
raisefav workers have favored relation to boss got raise
Fringe Benefits
fringe1 medical or hospital insurance
fringe2 dental care benefits
fringe3 life insurance
fringe4 sick leave with full pay
fringe5 maternity leave with full re-employment rights
fringe6 flexible hours, or flextime scheduling
fringe7 cash or stock bonuses for performance or merit
fringe8 a pension or retirement program
fringe9 profit sharing or stock option program
fringe10 information about child care services in company
fringe11 assistance with the costs of day care for children
Employees and Management
jobvshme how often your family interfered with your job
unvote would you vote for or against having a union
unmanrel relations between management and workers
cowrkrel relations between coworkers
Sources of Job Skills
schoolng importance formal school for you job
training importance of on-the-job training for you job
learning importance of learning from co-workers for you job
exptrain importance of different employer training for job
Work Space
wherewrk doing your job in one or several different places
findout can find out where you will be working
baseofop you have base of operations
splocnum #of workers at the location your spouse works
standup stand up for your own opinion
selfirst take care of yourself first before others
richpoor ok to get rich even if others poor
opoutcme should amer promote eq oppty or eq outcomes?
united americans united or divided on values
obtohelp obligation to care for ill parent or spouse?
Life Determinants
lfegod life outcome decided by god
lfegenes some with better genes than others
lfesocty society gives some head start & holds back others
lfehrdwk some people work harder than others
lfechnce life is a matter of chance
Musical Preferences
bigband like or dislike bigband music
blugrass like or dislike bluegrass music
country like or dislike country western music
blues like or dislike blues or r and b music
musicals like or dislike broadway musicals
classicl like or dislike classical music
folk like or dislike folk music
gospel like or dislike gospel music
jazz like or dislike jazz
latin like or dislike latin music
moodeasy like or dislike easy listening music
newage like or dislike new age music
opera like or dislike opera
rap like or dislike rap music
reggae like or dislike reggae music
conrock like or dislike contemporary rock music
oldies like or dislike oldies rock music
hvymetal like or dislike heavy metal music
Leisure and Recreational Activities
attsprts attended sports event in lst yr
visitart visited art museum or gallery in lst yr
makeart made art or craft object in lst yr
autorace attended auto race in lst yr
camping went camping in lst yr
garden grew vegetables or flower's in garden in lst yr
dance attended dance perf in lst yr
gomusic attended classical or opera in lst yr
huntfish went hunting or fishing in lst yr
perform performed music, dance, theater in lst yr
dosports played sports in lst yr
seemovie went to a movie in lst yr
usevcr used vcr in lst yr
plymusic played a musical instrument in lst yr
Television Viewing Patterns
tvshows how often r watches tv drama or sitcoms
tvnews how often r watches tv news
tvpbs how often r watches public tv shows
Evaluating the Arts
judgeart only a few people can judge art
trstprof trust profs judgments in assigning reading
classics hs and coll studts read too many classics
grtbooks appeal of greatest books is univer'sal
modpaint modern painting is just slapped on
english better if english is only language used in school
pclit shame tradl amer lit ignored for minority lit
excelart artistic excellence found in folk art
hosthome uncomf entertaining stranger's at home
Qualities Look for in Friends
frdcreat desir qualities of friend: creative
frdcultr desir qualities of friend: cultured
frddynam desir qualities of friend: dynamic
frdfun desir qualities of friend: fun-loving
frdhonst desir qualities of friend: honest
frdintel desir qualities of friend: intelligent
frdresp desir qualities of friend: responsible
Qualities of Personal Importance
impfinan imp to r of financial security
impmar imp to r of being married
impkids imp to r of having children
impgod imp to r of having faith in god
impthngs imp to r of having nice things
impcultr imp to r of being cultured
impjob imp to r of having a fulfilling job
impself imp to r of being self-sufficient
Most Important Events
mostimp1 most imp event in lst 60 yrs
mostimp2 2nd most imp event in lst 60 yrs
mostimp3 3rd imp event in lst 60 yrs
mostimp4 4th imp event in lst 60 yrs
Majors and Favorite School Subjects
colmajr1 r major in college
colmajr2 r 2nd major in college
hsclass1 r favorite subject in hs
hsclass2 r 2nd favorite subject in hs
Parental Information
malive1 r mother alive
mayrborn yr r mother born
mayrdied yr r mother died
palive1 r father alive
payrborn yr r father born
payrdied yr r father died
Educational and Occupational History
datesch date schooling completed
neverwk r never worked full-time after school
occfirst r first occupation
presfrst prestige of r first job
wrkslfst r 1st job: self-employed or no?
indfirst industry of r first job
datefrst month and yr began first job
Reasoning Abilities
alike1 how alike: orange & banana
alike2 how alike: dog & lion
alike3 how alike: eye & ear
alike4 how alike: egg & seed
alike5 how alike: table & chair
alike6 how alike: work & play
alike7 how alike: fly & tree
alike8 how alike: praise & punishment
Spousal Information
marnum r married more than once?
fstspyr year first spouse born
fstspedc educ of first spouse
fstspdeg highest degree of first spouse
fstspped 1st spouse's father's highest yr of school
fstspmed 1st spouse's mothers highest yr of school
agewedcr r's age at current marriage
spyrborn birth yr of current spouse
spmarnum has current spouse been married before?
spfam16 did spouse live at home at age 16?
sppaeduc highest schl grade spouse's father completed
spmaeduc highest schl grade spouse's mother completed
sphedocc spouse's father's occ when spouse was 16
sphedpre spouse's father's occ pres when spouse was 16 (1980)
sphedslf spouse's father self-emp when spouse was 16?
sphedind spouse's father's ind when spouse was 16
spsibs no of siblings spouse has
Respondent's Children - Gender
kdsex1 sex of r 1st child
kdsex2 sex of r 2nd child
kdsex3 sex of r 3rd child
kdsex4 sex of r 4th child
kdsex5 sex of r 5th child
kdsex6 sex of r 6th child
kdsex7 sex of r 7th child
kdsex8 sex of r 8th child
kdsex9 sex of r 9th child
Respondent's Children - Year of Birth
kdyrbrn1 birth year of r 1st child
kdyrbrn2 birth year of r 2nd child
kdyrbrn3 birth year of r 3rd child
kdyrbrn4 birth year of r 4th child
kdyrbrn5 birth year of r 5th child
kdyrbrn6 birth year of r 6th child
kdyrbrn7 birth year of r 7th child
kdyrbrn8 birth year of r 8th child
kdyrbrn9 birth year of r 9th child
Respondent's Children - Relationship to R
kdrel1 r relation to r 1st child
kdrel2 r relation to r 2nd child
kdrel3 r relation to r 3rd child
kdrel4 r relation to r 4th child
kdrel5 r relation to r 5th child
kdrel6 r relation to r 6th child
kdrel7 r relation to r 7th child
kdrel8 r relation to r 8th child
kdrel9 r relation to r 9th child
Respondent's Children - Still Alive
kdalive1 r 1st child alive?
kdalive2 r 2nd child alive?
kdalive3 r 3rd child alive?
kdalive4 r 4th child alive?
kdalive5 r 5th child alive?
kdalive6 r 6th child alive?
kdalive7 r 7th child alive?
kdalive8 r 8th child alive?
kdalive9 r 9th child alive?
Respondent's Children - Education
kdeduc1 highest schl grade of r 1st child
kdeduc2 highest schl grade of r 2nd child
kdeduc3 highest schl grade of r 3rd child
kdeduc4 highest schl grade of r 4th child
kdeduc5 highest schl grade of r 5th child
kdeduc6 highest schl grade of r 6th child
kdeduc7 highest schl grade of r 7th child
kdeduc8 highest schl grade of r 8th child
kdeduc9 highest schl grade of r 9th child
Selected Child's Employment
kdpicked number of child randomly chosen
kdwork1 does r child do paid work?
kdwork2 does r child do paid or unpaid work?
kdevwork did r child work for 1 or more yr?
kdocc80 r child census occupation code (1980)
kdpres80 r child occupational prestige score (1980)
kdwrkslf r child self-employed?
kdind80 r child industry code (1980)
kdind10 r child census industry code (2010)
kdindstatus kdind10 coding status
kdindtag kdind10 coding tag
kdocc10 r child census occupation code (2010)
kdoccindv kid's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
kdoccstatus kdocc10 coding status
kdocctag kdocc10 coding tag
kdpres10 r child occupational prestige score (2010)
kdpres105plus r child occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
Sibling Information - Gender
sbsex1 sex of r 1st sibling
sbsex2 sex of r 2nd sibling
sbsex3 sex of r 3rd sibling
sbsex4 sex of r 4th sibling
sbsex5 sex of r 5th sibling
sbsex6 sex of r 6th sibling
sbsex7 sex of r 7th sibling
sbsex8 sex of r 8th sibling
sbsex9 sex of r 9th sibling
Siblings - Year of Birth
sbyrbrn1 birth year of r 1st sibling
sbyrbrn2 birth year of r 2nd sibling
sbyrbrn3 birth year of r 3rd sibling
sbyrbrn4 birth year of r 4th sibling
sbyrbrn5 birth year of r 5th sibling
sbyrbrn6 birth year of r 6th sibling
sbyrbrn7 birth year of r 7th sibling
sbyrbrn8 birth year of r 8th sibling
sbyrbrn9 birth year of r 9th sibling
Siblings - Relationship to R
sbrel1 r relation to r 1st sibling
sbrel2 r relation to r 2nd sibling
sbrel3 r relation to r 3rd sibling
sbrel4 r relation to r 4th sibling
sbrel5 r relation to r 5th sibling
sbrel6 r relation to r 6th sibling
sbrel7 r relation to r 7th sibling
sbrel8 r relation to r 8th sibling
sbrel9 r relation to r 9th sibling
Siblings - Still Alive
sbalive1 r 1st sibling alive?
sbalive2 r 2nd sibling alive?
sbalive3 r 3rd sibling alive?
sbalive4 r 4th sibling alive?
sbalive5 r 5th sibling alive?
sbalive6 r 6th sibling alive?
sbalive7 r 7th sibling alive?
sbalive8 r 8th sibling alive?
sbalive9 r 9th sibling alive?
Selected Sibling - Education and Employment
sbpicked number of sibling randomly chosen
sbeduc highest schl grade of selected r sibling
sbdeg highest schl grade of selected r sibling
sbwork1 does r sibling do paid work?
sbwork2 does r sibling do paid or unpaid work?
sbevwork did r sibling work for 1 or more yr?
sbocc80 r sibling census occupation code (1980)
sbpres80 r sibling occupational prestige score (1980)
sbwrkslf r sibling self-employed?
sbind80 r sibling industry code (1980)
Spouse's Father
sphedind10 spouse's father's ind when spouse was 16 (2010)
sphedindtag sphedind10 coding tag
sphedocc10 spouse's father's occ when spouse was 16 (2010)
sphedoccindv spouse's father's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
sphedocctag sphedocc10 coding tag
sphedpre10 spouse's father's occ pres when spouse was 16 (2010)
sbind10 r sibling industry code (2010)
sbindstatus sbind10 coding status
sbindtag sbind10 coding tag
sbocc10 r sibling census occupation code (2010)
sboccindv sibling's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
sboccstatus sbocc10 coding status
sbocctag sbocc10 coding tag
sbpres10 r sibling occupational prestige score (2010)
sbpres105plus r sibling occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
Identification: American or Ethnic Group
ethid r american vs ethnic identity
amissue degree r invokes just american identity
ethissue degree r invokes ethnic identity
ethid1 r primary identity as ethnic or american
amissue1 degree r invokes primary identity as american
ethissu1 degree r invokes primary identity as ethnic
amrank american quality of life vs other indus. nations
amproud r pride in being american
Cultural Assimilation and Separatism
meltpot r attitude toward mixing cultures in us
gvtapart should govt policy maintain distinct cultures
gvtmelt should govt help blend cultures
ethorgs do ethnic orgs promote separatism
ethspkok allow free speech offensive to ethnic groups
ethspkno ban opinions harmful to other groups
symptblk r feel sympathy towards blacks
admirblk r express admiration for blacks
Bilingual Issues
bilinged support or oppose bilingual education
engteach opinion on teaching classes only in english
engballt attitude toward printing ballots only in english
engoffcl favor law making english the official language
letin increase or decrease immigrants to us
hspasn10 change in ethnic status in local community
immunemp will immigrants fuel unemployment
immunite will immigrants affect national unity
immfare immigrants eligible for govt assistance?
undocwrk should illegal immigrants get work permits?
undoccol illegal immigrants access to public univer'sities?
undockid us citizenship for children of illegal immigrants
immpush are immigrants demanding too many rights?
immwrkup should immigrants overcome bias without help
Affirmative Action
colaff chance blacks get to college ahead of whites
colaffy chance whites excluded from college over blacks
discaffy chance blacks promoted ahead of whites
jobaff favor preferences in hiring blacks
owneth do ethic politicians serve ethnic groups better
congeth should ethnic congressmen represent ethnic groups
teacheth ethnicity of college faculty reflect students
schleth ethnicity or professional schools mirror students
ethhist minority history adequately taught in school
whoteach should only minorities teach minority history
Group Attention from Government
whtgovt do whites get proper govt attention
blkgovt do blacks get proper govt attention
hspgovt do hispanic-americans get proper govt attention
asngovt do asian-americans get proper govt attention
Wealth and Work Ethic of Immigrants
wlthimm are legal immigrants rich or poor
wlthundc are illegal immigrants rich or poor
workimm are legal immigrants hard working
workundc are illegal immigrants hard working
obrespct teach children respect for authority and obedience
Evaluation of the Economy
econpast has national economy improved last year
pastup degree of improvement in national economy
pastdown degree national economy has gotten worse
econfutr predictions for national economy in next year
futrup degree economy will improve in next year
futrdown degree economy will get worse over next year
Chances of Losing Job or Promotion to Other Group
rdiscaff chances family member not promoted for other race
rimmdisc chances illegal immigrants favored over family