GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

Sequential Variable List

Romance and Happiness
romance do you have a main romantic involvement
livewith do you live together?
haprom describe your romantic relationship?
willwed1 how likely you two will get married?
willwed2 if right person would you marry?
hapgirls girls' chances for a happy family life
hapboys boys' chances for a happy family life
fejobaff for or against preferential hiring of women
tradmod man alone-both responsible for providing income
sharesep man and woman do things together-separate
emoteoth man and woman emotionally dependent-independent
Sharing of Work in Household
rhmewrk how much housework r does
sphmewrk how much housework r's spouse does
fairhwrk division of work unfair to you or spouse
earnmore who earns more money?
famlife how successful in family life
Balancing Work and Family
worklife how successful in work life
balwkfam how successful balancing work & family
refpromo refuse a job promotion?
refmorwk take on additional paid work?
refxhour refuse to work overtime or extra hours?
workless cut back on your work?
noathome miss a family occasion or holiday?
nonurse unable to care for a sick child-relative?
nohmewrk unable to do the work around the house?
discaffm a man won't get a job or promotion
discaffw a woman won't get a job or promotion
flextime allow workers more flexible hours
parleave offer paid time off to new parents.
Roles of Men and Women in Family
menben men benefit from traditional family
womenben women benefit from traditional family
chldben children benefit from traditional family
allben everyone benefit from traditional family
nooneben no one benefit from traditional family
menhrt men hurt from traditional family
womenhrt women hurt from traditional family
chldhrt children hurt from traditional family
allhrt everyone hurt from traditional family
noonehrt no one hurt from traditional family
feless1 how important men work harder explain
feless2 how important women's family responsibilities
feless3 how important give men better paying jobs
fekids1 how important women biologically better-suited
fekids2 how important women are taught from childhood
fekids3 how important the way society is set up
fekids4 how important men have more freedom
fekids5 how important it is god's will
mebear can husband refuse to sire children
fehire should hire and promote women
feminist think yourself as a feminist?
fenews how often pay attention to women issues
hmemaker full-time homemaker's lives improved
wrkclass working-class women's lives improved
manprof professional women's lives improved
men men's lives improved
children children's lives improved
yourself r's life improved
Feeling Thermometer
shakeblu felt that couldn't shake the blues?
calm felt calm?
outraged felt outraged at something somebody
hapfeel felt happy?
sad felt sad?
ashamed felt ashamed of something you'd done?
excited felt excited or interested in something?
lonely felt lonely?
fearful felt fearful about something
ovrjoyed felt overjoyed about something?
worried felt worried?
contentd felt contented?
anxious felt anxious and tense?
restless felt restless?
madat felt mad at something or someone?
atease felt at ease?
angry felt angry at someone?
embarrss felt embarrassed about something?
proud felt proud of something you'd done?
Level of Personal Empowerment
noplan there's no sense planning a lot
badbrks most of my problems are due to bad breaks.
mostluck good things are mostly luck.
litcntrl i have little control over the bad things
showangr when i'm angry i let people know.
showfeel i'm not afraid to show my feelings.
noemote i keep my emotions to myself.
notupset don't tell friends something upsetting
beplesnt i try to be pleasant so not to upset oth.
notworry when anxious, try not to worry anyone else.
Level of Anger
angrywrk last time r felt really angry
angryfam last time r felt really angry
angrygvt last time r felt really angry
angrywhy last time r felt really angry
angryev was an event recalled?
whnangry how long ago did this event happen?
madat1 angry at my husband-wife etc
madat2 angry at son
madat3 angry at daughter
madat4 angry at mother
madat5 angry at father
madat6 angry at sister
madat7 angry at brother
madat8 angry at another family member
madat9 angry at a friend
madat10 angry at an acquaintance
madat11 angry at a neighbor
madat12 angry at my boss
madat13 angry at a co-worker
madat14 angry at subordinate
madat15 angry at a customer or client
madat16 angry at someone else at work
madat17 angry at government employee
madat18 angry at someone to provide a service
madat19 angry at public figure
madat20 angry at stranger (include crowds)
madat21 angry at self
madat22 angry at an object, circumstances, etc
madat23 angry at other
How R Dealt with Anger
howangry how intense would you say your anger was
angrlast how long did your anger last?
thnkangr how often thought about this situation
chnang1 think about the situation
chnang2 had a drink or took a pill
chnang3 talked to the person i was angry at
chnang4 talked to someone else
chnang5 tried to forget it
chnang6 tried to change the situation
chnang7 prayed for help from god
chnang8 fantasized about a magical solution
chnang9 went out to get some exercise
chnang10 yelled or hit something
chnang11 waited for feelings to pass
chnang12 tried to accept the situation
chnang13 left the situation
chnang14 thought about how to get revenge
chnang15 planned how to end the relationship
chnang16 other (specify)
reactok did r feel reaction was appropriate
othresp how resp. person who you were angry at?
selfresp how resp. do you feel for the situation?
likeoth how much do you like or dislike the person
Level of Nationalism
amimp how important is being an american to you
notam if not american, how much change
usworry how often do you feel worried for us?
ussat thinking us how often feel satisfied
usfrustr thinking us how often feel frustrated?
usenthus thinking us how often feel enthusiastic?
usangry thinking us how often feel angry
ushopefl thinking us how often feel hopeful?
usupset thinking us how often feel upset?
Automobile Ownership
carprivt have you purchased a used car past 5 yrs?
relprivt relationship to the seller of the vehicle
warrntyc did the seller provide a warranty?
cardealr purchased a car from a dealership past 5 yrs?
newused was the car new or used?
typdealr rwas the agency a new or used car dealer'ship?
carbuya r's own previous knowledge made r buy
carbuyb a friend or relative recommended r buy
carbuyc an acquaintance recommended r buy
carbuyd general reputation made r buy
carbuye r saw their advertisement
carbuyf r searched for the best price
carbuyg convenience made r buy
carbuy1 what was the most important reason?
reldealr r relationship to the salesperson
satcar how satisfied are you with your purchase?
Home Ownership
evbuyhme have you ever purchased a home
homeyear rmost recent home you have purchased.
learnhme how learned the availability of the home
newowned was the home new or previously owned?
relhome relationship to the previous owner of the home
whosold describe your purchase
realtora r's own previous knowledge made r choose
realtorb a friend-relative recommended r choose
realtorc an acquaintance recommended r choose
realtord general reputation made r choose
realtore i saw their advertisement made r choose
realtorf convenience made r choose the realtor
realtor1 what was the most important reason?
relagent your relationship to the real estate agent
warrntyh did the seller provide any warranty
sathome how satisfied with your purchase
Ever Hired Lawyer
lawyer hired a lawyer in the past 10 yrs?
lawyera my own previous knowledge of the firm
lawyerb a friend or relative recommended them
lawyerc an acquaintance recommended them.
lawyerd general reputation in the community
lawyere i saw their advertisement
lawyerf i searched for the best price.
lawyerg convenience
lawyer1 what was the most important reason?
rellaw relationship to the attorney
satlawyr how satisfied with the legal services
Purchasing Power
fixhome home maintenance services past 10 years?
fixera my own previous knowledge of the firm
fixerb a friend or relative recommended them
fixerc an acquaintance recommended them.
fixerd general reputation in the community
fixere i saw their advertisement
fixerf i searched for the best price
fixer1 what was the most important reason?
relfixer relationship to the person who did the work
satfixes how satisfied were you with the work
borrowed have you borrowed $100+ from another person
wholoand from whom did you borrow this money?
sellbed would you rather sell bedroom furniture
sellauto o would you rather sell an automobile
sellhome e would you rather sell a house-condominium
transoth hwould you be to mention problems
loaned loaned $100+ past 12 months?
loanedto oto whom did you lend this money?
buybed would you buy furniture from a business
buyauto would you buy a car from a business
buylaw would you buy legal svcs from a business
buyfixes would you buy home maintenance from a business
buyhome would you buy a house from a business
transrel how likely to mention problems to relatives
frnddeal people usually get a better price from friends
frndawk discussing price is awkward among friends
tablprce the factory not lowering price acceptable?
Exchange of Human Organs, Babies, Sex
organsb which procedures be used to assign the organ
organsw which of these procedures would be the worst?
sellorgn should people be permitted to sell a kidney
adoption best way to match birth mothers with adopters?
sellbaby surrogate mothers should be permitted
sellsex nothing inherently wrong with prostitution
Free Market
reqinfo resp. of gov. to require biz. to provide info
natrecon natural environments should be left alone
tagsales how frequently do you go to garage sales etc
haggle do you expect to negotiate for a lower price?
Family Business
wkfambiz work for pay in a farm etc owned by your family?
hrfambiz how many hours per week?
fambiz what kind of business is this?
Family Finances
econsys best-needs replaced
famfinan how you and your spouse organize your finances
decauto deciding whether or not to buy an automobile
decbed deciding whether or not to buy bedroom furniture
decgift deciding on major charitable gifts.
layoffs who has the greatest right to keep their jobs?
Volunteer Work
volhlth done volunteer work in health past 12 mnths
voleduc done volunteer work in education
volrelig done volunteer work in religious org
volhuman done volunteer work in human services
volenvir done volunteer work in environment
volpub done volunteer work in pub-soc benefit
volrec done volunteer work in recreation adults
volart done volunteer work in arts, culture, etc
volwork done volunteer work in work-related org
volpol done volunteer work in political org. etc
volyouth done volunteer work in youth development
volfound done volunteer work in priv & comm. found
volintl done volunteer work in international
volinfrm done volunteer work in informal-alone
voloth done volunteer work in other (specify)___
Volunteer Work in Past Month
monhlth done volunteer work in health past month
moneduc done volunteer work in education
monrelig done volunteer work in religious org
monhuman done volunteer work in human services
monenvir done volunteer work in environment
monpub done volunteer work in pub-soc benefit
monrec done volunteer work in recreation adults
monart done volunteer work in arts, culture, etc
monwork done volunteer work in work-related org
monpol done volunteer work in political org. etc
monyouth h done volunteer work in youth development
monfound done volunteer work in priv & comm. found
monintl done volunteer work in international
moninfrm done volunteer work in informal-alone
monoth done volunteer work in other (specify)
Hours of Volunteer Work
hrshlth how many hours spent in health past month
hrseduc how many hours spent in education
hrsrelig how many hours spent in religious org past
hrshuman how many hours spent in human services
hrsenvir how many hours spent in environment
hrspub how many hours spent in pub-soc benefit
hrsrec how many hours spent in recreation adults
hrsart how many hours spent in arts, culture
hrswork how many hours spent in work-related org
hrspol how many hours spent in political org. etc
hrsyouth how many hours spent in youth development
hrsfound how many hours spent in priv & comm.
hrsintl how many hours spent in international
hrsinfrm how many hours spent in informal-alone
hrsoth how many hours spent in other (specify)
Contribute Money
givhlth contributed money in 1995 in health
giveduc contributed money in education
givrelig contributed money in religious org
givhuman contributed money in human services
givenvir contributed money in environment
givpub contributed money in pub-soc benefit
givrec contributed money in recreation adults
givart contributed money in arts, culture, etc
givwork contributed money in work-related org
givpol contributed money in political org. etc
givyouth contributed money in youth development
givfound contributed money in priv & comm. found
givintl contributed money in international
givinfrm contributed money in informal-alone
givoth contributed money in other (specify)
Contribute How Much Money
tothlth how much money contributed in health
toteduc how much money contributed in education
totrelig how much money contributed in religious org
tothuman how much money contributed in human services
totenvir how much money contributed in environment
totpub how much money contributed in pub-soc benefit
totrec how much money contributed in recreation adults
totart how much money contributed in arts, culture, etc
totwork how much money contributed in work-related org
totpol how much money contributed in political org. etc
totyouth how much money contributed in youth development
totfound how much money contributed in priv & comm. found
totintl how much money contributed in international
totinfrm how much money contributed in informal-alone
tototh how much money contributed in other (specify)
Estimated Value Contributed
valhlth estimated value contributed in health
valeduc estimated value contributed in education
valrelig estimated value contributed in religious org
valhuman estimated value contributed in human services
valenvir estimated value contributed in environment
valpub estimated value contributed in pub-soc benefit
valrec estimated value contributed in recreation adults
valart estimated value contributed in arts, culture, etc
valwork estimated value contributed in work-related org
valpol estimated value contributed in political org. etc
valyouth estimated value contributed in youth development
valfound estimated value contributed in priv & comm. found
valintl estimated value contributed in international
valinfrm estimated value contributed in informal-alone
valoth estimated value contributed in other (specify)
Contributed to Needy
homeless contributed to the homeless
needynei contributed to a needy neighbor.
needyrel contributed to a needy relative.
needyfrd contributed to a needy friend.
needyoth contributed to other needy person
Personal Problems
probfix1 first mention of problem
probfix2 second mention of problem
probfix3 third mention of problem
probhlp1 first mention to help problem
probhlp2 second mention to help problem
probhlp3 third mention to help problem
vigversn vignette version number
seriousp how serious x s situation is
charactr how likely x s situation caused by bad character
imbalnce how likely x s situation caused by imbalance in brain
wayraise how likely x s situation caused by the way raised
stresses how likely x s situation caused by stress
genetics how likely x s situation caused by genetic problem
godswill how likely x s situation caused by god s will
upsdowns how likely x is experiencing normal ups-and-downs of life
breakdwn how likely x is experiencing nervous breakdown
mentlill how likely x is experiencing mental illness
physill how likely x is experiencing physical illness
viglabel how likely x is experiencing vignettes
dectreat how able is x to decide receive treatment
decmoney how able is x to decide managing own money
imprvown how likely x s situation will improve on its own
imprvtrt how likely x s situation will improve with treatment
vignei how willing r would have x as a neighbor
vigsoc how willing r would spend time socializing with x
vigfrnd how willing r would make friends with x
vigwork how willing r would work closely with x on a job
viggrp how willing r would have a group home for x
vigmar how willing r would have x marry in r's family
R's Mental and Physical Health
hurtoth how likely x violent toward other people
hurtself how likely x violent toward oneself
tlkfam x should talk to family and friends
tlkclrgy x should talk to religious leader
meddoc x should go to general medical doctor for help
mentldoc x should go to psychiatrist for help
mentloth x should go to other mental health professional for help
sphealer x should go to spiritual healer for help
selfhelp x should join a self-group with similar problem
otcmed x should take non-prescription medication
rxmed x should take prescription medication
mentlhos x should check into a mental hospital
In What Order R Would Seek Help
ortlkfm in what order talk things over with family & friends
ortlkclr in what order talk to a minister, priest, rabbi etc
ormeddoc in what order go to a general medical doctor
ormntldc in what order go to a psychiatrist for help
ormntlot in what order go to a therapist, or counselor
orhealer in what order go to a spiritual or a natural healer
orslfhlp in what order join a self-help group
orotcmed in what order take non-prescription medication
orrxmed in what order take prescription medication
ormntlhs in what order check into a mental hospital
mustdoc x should be forced to be examined at a clinic by law
mustmed x should be forced to take prescribed medication by law
musthosp x should be admitted to be hospitalized for treatment by law
dangrslf x should be admitted to be hospitalized for treatment if dangerous to x
dangroth x should be admitted to be hospitalized for treatment if dangerous to others
Government Spending on Mental Illness
medcare1 who r thinks should be most responsible for cost of xs medical care
medcare2 who r thinks should be next most responsible for cost of xs medical care
spmentl govt spending on health
govmentl should govt provide health care for mental illness
mntlas1 1st mention, what mental illness is, asserted
mntlas2 2nd mention, what mental illness is, asserted
mntlimp1 1st mention, what mental illness is, imputed
mntlimp2 2nd mention, what mental illness is, imputed
mntlimp3 3rd mention, what mental illness is, imputed
mntlsym1 1st mention, what mental illness is, symptoms
mntlsym2 2nd mention, what mental illness is, symptoms
mntlsym3 3rd mention, what mental illness is, symptoms
mntloth what mental illness is, other codes
brkdas1 1st mention, what nervous breakdown is, asserted
brkdas2 2nd mention, what nervous breakdown is, asserted
brkdimp1 1st mention, what nervous breakdown is, imputed
brkdimp2 2nd mention, what nervous breakdown is, imputed
brkdimp3 3rd mention, what nervous breakdown is, imputed
brkdsym1 1st mention, what nervous breakdown is, symptoms
brkdsym2 2nd mention, what nervous breakdown is, symptoms
brkdsym3 3rd mention, what nervous breakdown is, symptoms
brkdoth what nervous breakdown is, other codes
Know Anyone Hospitalized or Seeing Psychologist
knwmhosp know anyone who was in a hospital
relmhsp1 patient was self
relmhsp2 patient was immediate family
relmhsp3 patient was other relatives
relmhsp4 patient was close friend
relmhsp5 patient was acquaintance
relmhsp6 patient was other
knwpatnt known anyone seeing a psychologist etc?
Ever Have Breakdown or Mental Illness
evbrkdwn ever felt going to have a nervous breakdown?
brkdwhy1 1st mention cause of ner. break feelings
brkdwhy2 2nd mention cause of ner. break feelings
brkdwhy3 3rd mention cause of ner. break feelings
brkddo1 1st mention what r did when felt ner. break
brkddo2 2nd mention what r did when felt ner. break
brkddo3 3rd mention what r did when felt ner. break
brkdhlp1 1st mention what help r sought
brkdhlp2 2nd mention what help r sought
brkdhlp3 3rd mention what help r sought
brkdtime when feelings of nervous breakdown happened
brkddur duration, severity of nervous breakdown feelings
evmhp ever had mental health problem
mnilwhy1 1st mention cause of mental illness feelings
mnilwhy2 2nd mention cause of mental illness feelings
mnilwhy3 3rd mention cause of mental illness feelings
mnildo1 1st mention what r did when felt mental illness
mnildo2 2nd mention what r did when felt mental illness
mnildo3 3rd mention what r did when felt mental illness
mnilhlp1 1st mention what help r sought
mnilhlp2 2nd mention what help r sought
mnilhlp3 3rd mention what help r sought
mniltime when feelings of mental illness happened
mnildur duration, severity of feelings of mental illness