GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

List of Items in Alphabetical Order

impgrn more important in life than save environment
impjob imp to r of having a fulfilling job
impkids imp to r of having children
impkin relatives
implives way of life more important than being catholic
impmar imp to r of being married
imports america should limit the import
imppol politics and public life
imppromo importance of the opportunity to be promoted
imprelax free time and relaxation
imprvdis situation will improve with strict discipline
imprveat situation will improve with some changes in diet
imprvmed situation will improve with medical treatment
imprvown how likely x s situation will improve on its own
imprvtrt how likely x s situation will improve with treatment
impself imp to r of being self-sufficient
impthngs imp to r of having nice things
impwork career and work
incdef distance below poverty line
incentiv pay differences needed for motivation
incgap income differentials in usa too big
inchrw hours per week using work computer make money
inclstjb earnings from all sources for this job
incminw minutes per week using work computer make money
incneed income family needs
incom16 r's family income when 16 yrs old
income total family income
income06 total family income
income16 total family income
income72 total family income
income77 total family income
income82 total family income
income86 total family income
income91 total family income
income98 total family income
inctax amount of tax on r's household income
incuspop estimated income status of housing unit
indfirst industry of r first job
indperf size of perf based pay depend on individual
indstatus indus10 coding status
indtag indus10 coding tag
indus07 industry code based on naics 2007
indus10 r's industry code (naics 2007)
indus80 r's industry code (1980)
indusfam indust air pollution danger to my family
indusgen indust air pollution danger to envir
indusgen1 in general, do you think that air pollution caused by industry is…
indusoth r preference re: manufacture service, etc
industry r's industry code (1970)
ineqmad feeling about differences in wealth
inequal1 extra pay -> people take responsibility
inequal2 extra pay -> workers acquire skills
inequal3 inequality exists for benefit of rich
inequal4 extra pay -> people earn degrees
inequal5 pay differences -> american prosperity
inequal6 everyone benefits from business profits
inequal7 inequality due to lack of solidarity
infadstv influence of tv ads
inffilms influence of movies
infljobs top priority of govt: inflation or jobs?
influasn influence of asians
influblk influence of blacks
influhsp influence of hispanics
influjew influence of jews
influso influence of so. whites
influwht influence of whites
infmusic influence of rock & roll
infnettv influence of programs on network tv
infobiz r trust business for pollution information
infocol r trust universities for pollution information
infogovt r trust govt for pollution information
infogrn r trust environment groups for pollution information
infonews r trust newspapers for pollution information
infotv r trust radio or tv for pollution information
infpubtv influence of children's programs on public tv
infrmgrp any activities with the same group of ppl regularly
inlawnum number of in-laws
inpeace feeling of inner peace important for freedom
inperson how many people seen in person
insrchng would r change insurance plans
insrlmts r's insurance plan has limits
instagrm use instagrm
instrctn prepare written instructions explaining future car
intaccss does r have internet through cell phone or pda
intage age of interviewer
intcntct how much of r's communication is via text, mobile phone, or internet
intecon interested in economic issues
inteduc interested in local school issues
intenvir interested in environmental issues
interest interested how and why things happen
interesy interested how things happen-version y
interesz interested how things happen-version z
internet internet makes info available more people
interpol joined an internet political forum
intethn race of interviewer
intfarm interested in farm issues
inthisp is interviewer spanish, hispanic or latino
intid interviewer id
intintl interested in international issues
intjob importance of interesting work in a job
intlasns unintelligent - intelligent
intlblks unintelligent - intelligent
intlcowk how often exchange info with co-workers located outside usa
intlhsps unintelligent - intelligent
intlincs large intl company damage to local business
intljews unintelligent - intelligent
intlso unintelligent - intelligent
intltest before got the job took an intelligence test
intlwhts unintelligent -intelligent
intmbile use internet/apps from phone or tablet
intmed interested in medical discoveries
intmil interested in military policy
intpol how interested in politics is r
intrace1 interviewer s race1
intrace2 interviewer s race2
intrace3 interviewer s race3
intrecnt used internet/apps yesterday
intrhome internet access in r's home
intrwght interview assessment of r's weight
intsci interested in new scientific discoveries
intsex sex of interviewer
intspace interested in space exploration
intstart year starting to use internet/apps
inttech interested in technologies
intuse use internet/apps more than occassionally
intwkdyh hours of internet use on weekdays
intwkdym minutes of internet use on weekdays
intwkenh hours of internet use on weekends
intwkenm minutes of internet use on weekends
intyrs years of service as an interviewer at norc
inuit true-false: inuit live north of the arctic circle
inuitway effect of global warming: inuit no longer follow traditional way of life
invest12 r use web to invest money in past 12 months
investgn r invested money past year
irrelart should allow art to mock or demean religion
irreloff offended art mocks or demeans religion
isco08 respondent's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco code
isco68 respondent's occupation, 1970 census
isco681 respondent's occupation, 1980 census
isco88 respondent's occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco code
israel liking for israel
issp filter for issp cases
iwrkhard how hard does r work at job
japan liking for japan
jazz like or dislike jazz
jbendmo month last paid job ended
jbendyr year last paid job ended
jbintfam how often r felt: demand of job interfere with family life
jbtrain did r have any training to improve job skill past 12 months
jew what sort of jew r is
jew16 what sort of jew r was at age 16
jew16aj what sort of jew r was at age 16
jewaj what sort of jew r is
jews what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
jewschng percentage change population of jews in 25 yrs
jewscls does r feel close to jews
jewscom does r know jews from community
jewsrel does r know jews as relative
jewsschl does r know jews from school
jewswrk does r know jews from work
jewtemp feeling thermometer:jews
jobaccmp doing something meaningful
jobaff favor preferences in hiring blacks
jobcntct times r sought job information from contact outside
jobcntrl who makes decision for your job
jobcowrk times r sought job information from co-workers
jobeasy how easy if r find a job as good as current one
jobfind could r find equally good job
jobfind1 how easy for r to find a same job
jobfrnds times r sought job information from friends
jobhelp can help others
jobhonor occupation is recognized and respected
jobhour short working hours
jobhrw hours per week using work computer job
jobinc high income
jobindep allows one to work independently
jobinfo r sought employment info past year
jobinter interesting work
jobjudge someone evaluate your performance regularly
jobkeep job security
joblose is r likely to lose job
jobmeans work important and feel accomplishment
jobminw minutes per week using work computer job
joboff leaves time for leisure
jobonwww times r sought job information from internet
joborfam would you remain in unsatisfying job for family
jobpaper times r sought job information from newspaper
jobpay high income
jobpeop contact with other people
jobplace times r sought job information from counseling service
jobpromo chances for advancement
jobpub times r sought job information from publication
jobresp responsible job tasks
jobrise opportunity for advancement
jobsafe safe conditions
jobsall govts resp: provide jobs for all
jobsat how satisfied is r with his/her job
jobsec no danger of being fired
jobsecok the job security is good
jobskill how important training in developing skills
jobsoc useful to society
jobtrain obligation to train for civilian jobs?
jobtvrad times r sought job information from radio or tv
jobvsfa1 how often jobtakes too much time to fulfill family resp
jobvsfam difficult to fulfill fam responsibility bc of job
jobvshme how often your family interfered with your job
jobyears for how long have you had your present job
join16 was r ever confirmed as member of church
joindem took part in a demonstration
jokeswk target of derogatory comments or jokes at work
journlsm how scientific is journalism
joylifts feel joy during worship
judge image of god as judge
judgeart only a few people can judge art
judgeluv contrast between judge and lover
judgment good sense and sound judgment
judgmeny good sense, sound judgment-version y
judgmenz good sense, sound judgment-version z
justpay is r's pay just
kd1jwoth r's child 1 considered jewish
kd1relig religion of r's child 1
kd2jwoth r's child 2 considered jewish
kd2relig religion of r's child 2
kd3jwoth r's child 3 considered jewish
kd3relig religion of r's child 3
kd4jwoth r's child 4 considered jewish
kd4relig religion of r's child 4
kd5jwoth r's child 5 considered jewish
kd5relig religion of r's child 5
kd6relig religion of r's child 6
kd7relig religion of r's child 7
kd8relig religion of r's child 8
kdalive1 r 1st child alive?
kdalive2 r 2nd child alive?
kdalive3 r 3rd child alive?
kdalive4 r 4th child alive?
kdalive5 r 5th child alive?
kdalive6 r 6th child alive?
kdalive7 r 7th child alive?
kdalive8 r 8th child alive?
kdalive9 r 9th child alive?
kdeduc1 highest schl grade of r 1st child
kdeduc2 highest schl grade of r 2nd child
kdeduc3 highest schl grade of r 3rd child
kdeduc4 highest schl grade of r 4th child
kdeduc5 highest schl grade of r 5th child
kdeduc6 highest schl grade of r 6th child
kdeduc7 highest schl grade of r 7th child
kdeduc8 highest schl grade of r 8th child
kdeduc9 highest schl grade of r 9th child
kdevwork did r child work for 1 or more yr?
kdind10 r child census industry code (2010)
kdind80 r child industry code (1980)
kdindstatus kdind10 coding status
kdindtag kdind10 coding tag
kdocc10 r child census occupation code (2010)
kdocc80 r child census occupation code (1980)
kdoccindv kid's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
kdoccstatus kdocc10 coding status
kdocctag kdocc10 coding tag
kdpicked number of child randomly chosen
kdpres10 r child occupational prestige score (2010)
kdpres105plus r child occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
kdpres80 r child occupational prestige score (1980)
kdrel1 r relation to r 1st child
kdrel2 r relation to r 2nd child
kdrel3 r relation to r 3rd child
kdrel4 r relation to r 4th child
kdrel5 r relation to r 5th child
kdrel6 r relation to r 6th child
kdrel7 r relation to r 7th child
kdrel8 r relation to r 8th child
kdrel9 r relation to r 9th child
kdsex1 sex of r 1st child
kdsex2 sex of r 2nd child
kdsex3 sex of r 3rd child
kdsex4 sex of r 4th child
kdsex5 sex of r 5th child
kdsex6 sex of r 6th child
kdsex7 sex of r 7th child
kdsex8 sex of r 8th child
kdsex9 sex of r 9th child
kdtmkid1 time child 1 spends with r
kdtmkid2 time child 2 spends with r
kdtmkid3 time child 3 spends with r
kdtmkid4 time child 4 spends with r
kdwork1 does r child do paid work?
kdwork2 does r child do paid or unpaid work?
kdwrkslf r child self-employed?
kdyrbrn1 birth year of r 1st child
kdyrbrn2 birth year of r 2nd child
kdyrbrn3 birth year of r 3rd child
kdyrbrn4 birth year of r 4th child
kdyrbrn5 birth year of r 5th child
kdyrbrn6 birth year of r 6th child
kdyrbrn7 birth year of r 7th child
kdyrbrn8 birth year of r 8th child
kdyrbrn9 birth year of r 9th child
kid5up have children older than 5
kidbeat govt intervene: child is abused
kidcall how often does r contact by telephone or letter
kiddrugs govt intervene: child uses drugs
kidedpar govt intervene: child not sent to school
kidempty kidless people lead empty lives
kidfin better not to have kids due to $ burden
kidfinbu children are financial burden on parents
kidhlth govt intervene: child not givn med trtmt
kidjob children limit emp and career opp for one or both parents
kidjoy kids are life's greatest joy
kidless kidless marriage is incomplete
kidlived children under 18 have ever lived with r under r's care
kidmost do r have the most contact with son or daughter
kidneedy govt intervene: child is neglected
kidnofre kids interfere with parents' freedom
kidnow1 r's children under 18 living with r
kidnow2 r is living in a hh where children under 18 are living with r under r's care
kidnum number of children age 18 and older
kidout govt intervene: child stays out late
kidpars do adult children have duty to look after parent
kidresp r is legally responsible biological/adoptive parent of a child under 18
kidsaway child born abroad of american should become citizen
kidshere parent of america born child should become citizen
kidsinhh does interviewer believe that there are children under the age of 15 present at
kidskips govt intervene: child skips school
kidsocst having children increases social standing in society
kidssol r's kids living standard compared to r
kidssolnv r's kids living standard compared to r (no volunteered response on web)
kidssolv r's kids living standard compared to r (with volunteered response on web)
kidsuffr preschooler will suffer if mom works
kidtrble kids more trouble than they are worth
kidvisit how often does r visit this son or daughter
kidxfilm govt intervene: chld allowed to see porn
kindpers r is a kind person
king image of god as king
knomentl gov should have the right to know
knowkid1 r knows what child is doing on weekend
knowkid2 r knows what child is doing on weekend
knowkid3 r knows what child is doing on weekend
knowkid4 r knows what child is doing on weekend
known1 how long has r known person #1?
known2 how long has r known person #2?
known3 how long has r known person #3?
known4 how long has r known person #4?
known5 how long has r known person #5?
knowpols public official s treatment depends on who they know
knowschd how far in advance know work schedule
knowsol know solutions to environment issues
knowwhat r knows what's expected on job
knwasn does r personally any asians
knwblk does r personally any blacks
knwbus does r know someone who is a bus driver?
knwcause know causes of environment issues
knwclenr does r know someone who is a home or office cleaner?
knwclsex r knows other people who were obj of sexual advances
knwcop does r know someone who is a police officer?
knwcuttr does r know someone who is a hairdresser or barber?
knwecon level of r's information: economic policy
knwexec does r know someone who is a executive at a large company?
knwforgn level of r's information: foreign policy
knwgw level of r's information: global warming
knwhisp does r personally any hispanics
knwhrman does r know someone who is a human resources or personnel manager?
knwjew does r personally any jews
knwlawyr does r know someone who is a lawyer?
knwmchnc does r know someone who is a car mechanic?
knwmhosp know anyone who was in a hospital
knwmw1 gender identity of person 1
knwmw2 gender identity of person 2
knwmw3 gender identity of person 3
knwmw4 gender identity of person 4
knwmw5 gender identity of person 5
knwnproz have you known anyone who took prozac
knwnurse does r know someone who is a nurse?
knwpatnt known anyone seeing a psychologist etc?
knwpolar level of r's information: the north and south poles
knwsci level of r's information: science and technology
knwtcher does r know someone who is a school teacher?
knwwht does r personally any whites
laborpow power of labor unions in r's country
lackinfo ppl at work fail to give r necessary info
laidoff r was laid off main job last year
landwar possibility of a conventional ground war
langcom how often are other languages heard in community
langwrk how often are other languages heard at work
lapsed did r ever lapse in church attendance
lasers sci knowledge: lasers work by focusing sound waves
lastjob type of current job held by r
lastslf current job self-employment?
lastwkmo what month were you last working
lastwkyr what year were you last working
lastyrwk thinking about last full-time job, what yr r worked last
latin like or dislike latin music
laundry who in household does laundry
laundry1 who in household does laundry
law1 a robbery
law2 a personal assault
law3 your home burglarized
law4 accused of crime
law5 arrested
law6 sued in civil case
law7 your child arrested
lawenfrc how scientific is law enforcement
lawfirm how firm is r's opinion on law issue
lawimp importance of law enforcement issue to r
lawinfo how much info does r have on law issue
lawyer hired a lawyer in the past 10 yrs?
lawyer1 what was the most important reason?
lawyera my own previous knowledge of the firm
lawyerb a friend or relative recommended them
lawyerc an acquaintance recommended them.
lawyerd general reputation in the community
lawyere i saw their advertisement
lawyerf i searched for the best price.
lawyerg convenience
layoffs who has the greatest right to keep their jobs?
ldcgap differences between rich and poor too large
ldcgrn poor countries less than rich for environment
ldctax rich countries pay tax to help poor countries
leadgrp has r served as officer in group
leadsci shld pay attntn only to theory accepted by leading scientists
leakinfo punishment for official leaking information
learnhme how learned the availability of the home
learning importance of learning from co-workers for you job
learnjob how did r find out about present work
learnnew job requires r to learn new things
leastcom have least in common with which group
leasthrs fewest hrs/week worked in past month
leavejb why did r leave last job
leavejob how likely will try to find another firm
leftlone being left alone important for freedom
leftrght how left or right in politics
leisure importance of leisure time in a job
lentto lent money to another person past 12 months
lessfare if less welfare more will work
lessnuke possibility of reducing atomic weapons
lesspain feel deep sense of resp for reducing pain
lessprd agree often less proud of america
lessreg less govt regulation of business
letdie1 allow incurable patients to die
letdie1y allow incurable patients to die (form 2)
letdie2 let patients die if doctors agree
letin increase or decrease immigrants to us
letin1 number of immigrants to america nowadays should be
letin1a number of immigrants nowadays should be
letinasn immigration from asia should be increased
letineur immigration from europe should be increased
letinhsp immigration from latin america should be increased
letters how many people write letters to
levels how many levels of supervision beneath you
lfechnce life is a matter of chance
lfegenes some with better genes than others
lfegod life outcome decided by god
lfehrdwk some people work harder than others
lfesocty society gives some head start & holds back others
lftplane key factor that enables airplane to lift
libath allow anti-religious book in library
libathy allow anti-religionist to teach y
libcom allow communists book in library
libcomy allow communists book in library y
liberatr image of god as liberator
libhomo allow homosexuals book in library
libhomoy allow homosexuals book in library y
libmil allow militarists book in library
libmily allow militarists book in library y
libmslm allow anti-american muslim clergymen's books in library
libmslmy allow anti-american muslim clergymen's books in library y
librac allow racists book in library
libracy allow racists book in library y
libsoc allow socialists book in library
libtemp feeling thermometer:liberals
liedcwkr lied to at work
lietest people with secret should be subject to lie tests
life is life exciting or dull
lifein5 r's rating of life overall in five years from 0-10
lifenow r's rating of life overall now from 0-10
likediff afterlife contrast: better or lacking
likeoth how much do you like or dislike the person
limitedp health limit type of work past 4 wks
limitpay the government should take steps to limit the pay of executives at major compani
linkedin use linkedin
litauth visit site associated with writer
litcntrl i have little control over the bad things
litget use web to download poem or fiction
litmstxt why litmus paper doesn't change color in mixed solution
litread read book after seeing author on web
litsite use web to learn about a book or poem
live1 your home destroyed in disaster
live2 your home in poor condition
live3 major home repair's
live4 serious problem with your landlord
liveasns neighborhood half asian
liveblks neighborhood half black
livecom length of residence in city, town, comm
livecom1 how long have you lived in the community?
livehome length at present dwelling
livehsps neighborhood half hispanic
livejews neighborhood half jewish
liveno neighborhood half northern white
liveso neighborhood half southern white
livewhts r favors living in half white neighborhood
livewith do you live together?
livnowed did r live with partner before marriage
lngthinv how long was interview
loaned loaned $100+ past 12 months?
loanedto oto whom did you lend this money?
loanitem r has let someone borrow a item of some value
lobbygrp has r contacted government for group
localart feel local gov should provide assistance to art
localgvt how likely can r do sth for improvmnt in community
localnum number of employees: r's work site
locate12 r use web to find addresses in past 12 months
loccare would local officials listen to problem
locgrp has r helped to start new local group
locinflu how much influence r feels on local gov
lockedup prison or jail ever
loclived how long has r lived in community
loclobby has r lobbied local officials
locprob has r helped to solve local problems
locself was problem of narrow or wide concern
loctrust how much trust does r have in local gov
locvote how often does r vote in local elections
locyrs how long have worked at this location
lonely felt lonely?
lonely1 how often in the past 4 weeks r has felt they lack companionship
lonely2 how often in the past 4 weeks r has felt isolated from others
lonely3 how often in the past 4 weeks r has felt left out
lookaway ppl look the other way when others are threatened
lookjob are you looking for a job
losejb12 how likely r will lose job or laid off in next 1 yr
losejob5 in last 5 yrs, r has been denied a job or fired bc employer believed r was gay/l
lostjobs jobs taken away are better than r's current job
lotofsay r has lot of say in job
lotr1 in uncertain times i usually expect best
lotr2 if something can go wrong for me it will
lotr3 i'm always optimistic about my future
lotr4 i hardly ever expect things to go my way
lotr5 i rarely count on good things happening to me
lotr6 i expect more good things to happen to me than bad
lottosay i have a lot to say on my job
lover image of god as lover
lowpay i would accept job for lower pay
ltrsref supply letters of reference
maattend how often ma attended religious services
maborn was r's mother born in this country?
maboygrl does mom's gene decide baby's sex
macall contact with mother
macall1 how often does r contact mother by telephone
madat felt mad at something or someone?
madat1 angry at my husband-wife etc
madat10 angry at an acquaintance
madat11 angry at a neighbor
madat12 angry at my boss
madat13 angry at a co-worker
madat14 angry at subordinate
madat15 angry at a customer or client
madat16 angry at someone else at work
madat17 angry at government employee
madat18 angry at someone to provide a service
madat19 angry at public figure
madat2 angry at son
madat20 angry at stranger (include crowds)
madat21 angry at self
madat22 angry at an object, circumstances, etc
madat23 angry at other
madat3 angry at daughter
madat4 angry at mother
madat5 angry at father
madat6 angry at sister
madat7 angry at brother
madat8 angry at another family member
madat9 angry at a friend
madatgod how often r feels angry at god
madeath death of mother
madeg mothers highest degree
maden what was mother's religious denomination
madenkid if protestant, mothers denomination
maeduc highest year school completed, mother
mafund how fundamentalist was r's mother
maind10 mothers industry code (naics 2007)
maind80 mothers industry code (1980)
maindstatus maind10 coding status
maindtag maind10 coding tag
maisc681 r's mothers occupation, 1980 census
maisco08 r's spouse's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco code
maisco88 r's mothers occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco code
majew what sort of jew was r's mother
major1 college major 1
major2 college major 2
majorcol the field of degree r earned
majwoth r's mom was jewish when r was growing up
makeart made art or craft object in lst yr
makefrnd religion helps people to make friends
makejobs govt create new jobs
maleornt interviewer coded male sexual orientation
malive mother still alive?
malive1 r mother alive
manbook r consulted manual for help with web
manhold should police detain a suspect?
manners good manners
mannersy good manners-version y
mannersz good manners-version z
manprof professional women's lives improved
manread should police open mail of a suspect?
mantail should police tail a suspect?
mantap should police tap phone of a suspect?
manual has r consulted manual for help with software
manvsemp relations bw management and employees
maocc10 mothers census occupation code (2010)
maocc80 mothers census occupation code (1980)
maoccindv mothers occ/ind verbatim retrieved
maoccstatus maocc10 coding status
maocctag maocc10 coding tag
maoth other protestant denomination for mother
mapa contrast between mother and father
mapaid should working women have paid maternity leave
mapres10 mothers occupational prestige score (2010)
mapres105plus mothers occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
mapres80 mothers occupational prestige score (1980)
mar1 marital status of 1st person
mar10 marital status of 10th person
mar11 marital status of 11th person (visitor)
mar12 marital status of 12th person (visitor)
mar13 marital status of 13th person (visitor)
mar14 marital status of 14th person (visitor)
mar2 marital status of 2nd person
mar3 marital status of 3rd person
mar4 marital status of 4th person
mar5 marital status of 5th person
mar6 marital status of 6th person
mar7 marital status of 7th person
mar8 marital status of 8th person
mar9 marital status of 9th person
marasian close relative marry asian
marblk close relative marry black
marcohab cohabitation status
marcohrt year of first marriage
mardiv marriage not taken seriously when div is easy
marelig what was mother's religious preference
marelkid mothers religion when r was child
marfin financial security main advtg of marriage
marfree personal freedom more impt than marriage
marhappy married people happier than unmarried
marhisp close relative marry hispanic
marhomo homosexuals should have right to marry
marhomo1 homosexuals have right to marry
marital marital status
marjew close relative marry jew
markids main purpose of marriage = kids
marlegit those wanting kids should get married
marmakid single ma can raise kids well as couple
marno close relative marry no. white
marnomar bad marriage better than none at all
marnum r married more than once?
marpakid single pa can raise kids well as couple
marrcoun how scientific is marriage counseling
marso close relative marry so. white
martype marital type
marunion legal marital status
marwht r favor close relative marrying white person
masei r's mothers socioeconomic index (1980)
masei10 r's mother's socioeconomic index (2010)
masei10educ percentage of some college educ in maocc10 based on acs 2010
masei10inc percentage of $45k+ earners in maocc10 based on acs 2010
master image of god as master
mastersp contrast between master and spouse
matesex was 1 of r's partner's spouse or regular
matime travel time to mother
matime1 how long does it take to get to where mother live
mavisit how often visit mother
mavisit1 how often does r visit mother
mawk16 mothers employment when r growing up
mawkbaby mothers employment before first grade
mawkborn mothers employment after r was born
mawork mothers employment since marriage
mawork14 did mom work before r was 14 yrs old
mawrkgrw mothers employment when r was 16
mawrkslf mother self-emp. or worked for somebody
mawrkslf2 mother employee, self-employed without employees, or self-employed with employee
mawrkslffam mother owned family business or farm
mawrkwrm working mom can have a warm rel w kids
mayrborn yr r mother born
mayrdied yr r mother died
mcsds1 i’m always willing to admit it when i make a mistake
mcsds2 i sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget
mcsds3 at times i have really insisted on having things my own way
mcsds4 i have never been irked when people expressed ideas very different from my own
mcsds5 i have never deliberately said something that hurt someone’s feelings
mcsds6 i like to gossip at times
mcsds7 there have been occasions when i took advantage of someone
mditate1 how often do you meditate?
mebear can husband refuse to sire children
mechanic women as truck mechanic
medaddct med for mental health problem are addictive
medagrgm med researcher: agreement on effect of genetically modified food
medagrsc agreement by med researchers on importance of stem cell rsch
medbstgm best policy on gmf vs narrow interest: medical researcher
medbstsc best policy on stem cell vs narrow interest: med researcher
medcare1 who r thinks should be most responsible for cost of xs medical care
medcare2 who r thinks should be next most responsible for cost of xs medical care
meddoc x should go to general medical doctor for help
mediarel watch a religious program on television-radio?
medinfgm influence on restricting gmf by medical researcher's
medinfsc influence on funding for stem cell rsch: medical researchers
meditate how often meditate
medkdneg medicating child will have long term negative
medsavtx govt programs for mental health treatment will
medsci how scientific: medicine
medsymps med for mental health problem help people
medtreat how scientific is medical treatment
medunacc med for mental health problem often have side of
medweak taking medications is a sign of weakness
meetf2f1 how often meet face to face with customers, clients, patients
meetf2f2 how often meet face to face with co-workers to work on projects
meeting web make r attend a political meeting
meetings how many people seen at church or group meeting
mehhwork men ought to do more hh work than they do now
mekdcare men ought to do more childcare than they do now
meltpot r attitude toward mixing cultures in us
meltpot1 better to maintain distinct cultures
memarry way of life recommendation for man
memchurh membership in church group
memfarm membership in farm organization
memfrat membership in fraternal group
memgreek membership in school fraternity
memgrp1 person #1 is member of r's group
memgrp2 person #2 is member of r's group
memgrp3 person #3 is member of r's group
memgrp4 person #4 is member of r's group
memgrp5 person #5 is member of r's group
memhobby membership in hobby club
memlit membership in literary or art group
memnat membership in nationality group
memnum number of memberships
memother membership in any other
mempolit membership in political club
memprof membership in professional society
memschl membership in school service
memserv membership in service group
memsport membership in sports club
memunion membership in labor union
memvet membership in veteran group
memyouth membership in youth group
men men's lives improved
menben men benefit from traditional family
menhrt men hurt from traditional family
mentldoc x should go to psychiatrist for help
mentlhos x should check into a mental hospital
mentlill how likely x is experiencing mental illness
mentloth x should go to other mental health professional for help
meovrwrk men hurt family when focus on work too much
merged the org. was merged, taken over
meserve mandatory conscription for males?
mhaccptd person like x has no hope of being accepted as member
mhbrain x s situation caused by: brain disease
mhcause what caused x s situation
mhchrctr x s situation caused by: bad character
mhclsoth closeness to person with mental health problem
mhcreatv people like x are more creative than others
mhdecslf how able is x to decide whether to receive treatment
mhdiagno r knows someone who has been diagnosed with a mental health problem
mhdisoth how much distress this person caused r
mhdoactv what x should do: get involved in other activities
mhdodiet what x should do: eat better
mhdodoc what x should do: go to doctor
mhdoexrc what x should do: start exercising
mhdofam what x should do: talk to family
mhdofrgt what x should do: try to forget
mhdofrnd what x should do: talk to friends
mhdogrp what x should do: get involved in a group
mhdoheal what x should do: go to spiritual healer
mhdoherb what x should do: take herbs
mhdohosp what x should do: check into a hospital
mhdolife what x should do: change lifestyle
mhdomhp what x should do: go to counselor
mhdomove what x should do: move to another location
mhdonone what x should do: nothing
mhdootc what x should do: take non-prescription medication
mhdooth what x should do: other mentions
mhdopray what x should do: pray
mhdopsyc what x should do: go to psychiatrist
mhdorel what x should do: talk to relic leader
mhdorx what x should do: take prescription medication
mhexpoth effect of experiences with this person
mhfamshm x family should be ashamed to receive govt assistance
mhfeelem x should feel embarrassed
mhfriend r would make friends with x
mhfright how frightening most people are in public places
mhgenes x s situation caused by: genetic problem
mhgod x s situation caused by: god s will
mhgvtdis govt responsibility: provide disability benefits for x
mhgvtedc govt responsibility: provide financial help for education
mhgvthlt govt responsibility: provide health care for x
mhgvthme govt responsibility: provide housing for x
mhgvtjob govt responsibility: provide job for x
mhhired x should be hired like others
mhhlpfam how important: turn to family for help
mhhlpfrd how important: turn to friends for help
mhhlpgp how important: go to medical doctor for help
mhhlpmhp how important: go to mental health professional
mhhlpoth how the treatment helped him/her with mental health problem
mhhlppsy how important: go to psychiatrist for help
mhhlprel how important: turn to religious leader
mhhrdtlk people like x are hard to talk to
mhhsptrt x should be forced to be hospitalized for treatment by law
mhillnss x is experiencing mental illness
mhimpown how likely x s situation will improve on its own
mhimptrt how likely x s situation will improve with treatment
mhintl people like x are just as intelligent as anyone else
mhkdcare r would have x care for your children
mhlessop x s opportunities limited if people know his her treatment
mhlosefr x would lose friends if people know his her treatment
mhluck x s situation caused by: bad luck
mhmeds x should be forced to take prescribed medication by law
mhmnthsp x should be forced to go to mental hospital by law
mhmoney how able is x to decide on managing own money
mhneihbr r would have x as a neighbor
mhnervs being around x would make me feel nervous
mhnokids people like x shouldn't be allowed to have children
mhnotch people like x shouldn't be allowed to teach children.
mhnotell x should feel afraid to tell about his situation
mhnotpol people like x shouldn't be allowed to hold public office
mhothrel result of mental health problem to relationship with him
mhothyou how much distress his mental health problem caused r
mhoutsdr getting treatment would make x outsider in community
mhp1r1 relation to person 1 (1st mentioned)
mhp1r2 relation to person 1 (2nd mentioned)
mhp2r1 relation to person 2 (1st mentioned)
mhp2r2 relation to person 2 (2nd mentioned)
mhp3r1 relation to person 3 (1st mentioned)
mhp3r2 relation to person 3 (2nd mentioned)
mhp4r1 relation to person 4 (1st mentioned)
mhp4r2 relation to person 4 (2nd mentioned)
mhp5r1 relation to person 5 (1st mentioned)
mhp5r2 relation to person 5 (2nd mentioned)
mhphyscl x is experiencing physical illness
mhprdctv people like x are just as productive as others
mhproblm how serious x s situation is
mhraised x s situation caused by: the way raised
mhreloth relationship with this person as a result of mental health problem
mhresoth how much responsibility r had for this person
mhsecret x s family better off if kept secret
mhseedoc x should be forced to be examined at a clinic by law
mhseepub how often r sees someone with mental health problem in public places
mhseroth how serious his her mental health problem was
mhslfshm x should be ashamed to receive govt assistance
mhsocial r would spend time socializing with x
mhstress x s situation caused by: stress
mhsupwrk people like x shouldn't be allowed to supervise others at work
mhsymp how much r feels sympathy for ppl with mental hlth problem in public places
mhtreat1 is person 1 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat2 is person 2 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat3 is person 3 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat4 is person 4 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat5 is person 5 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreatd r ever treated for mh problem
mhtrtot2 r knows someone who received treatment for mental health
mhtrtoth r personally has known someone who received treatment
mhtrtslf r have ever personally received treatment for mental health problem
mhtrusty people like x are just as trustworthy as anyone else
mhuneasy being around x would make me feel uncomfortable
mhunsure people like x are unpredictable
mhupdown x is experiencing normal ups-and-downs of life
mhviooth how likely x violent toward other people
mhvioslf how likely x violent toward him herself
mhwedrel r would have x marry someone related to you
mhwkwith r would work closely with x on a job
migrpoor people from poor countries should be allowed to work in wealthy countries.
milokfe mil service good experience for women
milokme military service good experience for men
milpay pay and benefits for military personnel
milqual quality of persons in military
milserve how important to serve in military when needed
milvolok how well has volunteer military worked?
milwrkev ever work for military or dod?
milwrknw currently work for military or dod?
mincult ethnic minorities should be given gov assistance
mindbody afterlife contrast: spiritual or sensual
minfood imputed wkly food spending for pov line fam of 4
minfour imputed poverty line for family of four
mininc minimum amount of income needed per week
minmilop min opportunities better in military?
minthree imputed poverty line for family of three