GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

List of Items in Alphabetical Order

polmurdr citizen questioned as murder suspect
polneutl visit politically neutral sites
polnew r learn something new on the web
polnews how often use media to get political news
polnuke how well elected official know risk by nuclear power
polopts how important: ppl given chance to participate in decsns
polpapr r sought political information daily newspaper
polrally has r attended political rallies
polsfair opinion of fairness of public official s treatment
polsgod atheists shouldn't hold public office
poltough web show issues more complicated
poltrtblk police treats whites better than blacks
poltrthsp police treats whites better than latinos or latinos better than whites
poltv r sought political information tv or radio
polviews think of self as liberal or conservative
polviewx liberal or conservative-version x
polviewy liberal or conservative-version y
polwww r sought political information www
poorserv r recieves poorer service in restaurants or stores
popespks pope is infallible on matter's of faith or morals
popespky pope is infallible on matter's of faith or morals (form 2)
popgrwth earth cannot support population growth
popmusic went to a live performance of popular music
popular to be well liked or popular
porn30 r use pornographic site in past 30 days
pornfirm how firm is r's opinion on porn issue
pornimp importance of pornography issue to r
porninf materials provide info about sex
porninfo how much info does r have on porn issue
pornlaw feelings about pornography laws
pornmorl materials lead to breakdown in morals
pornout materials provide outlet
pornrape materials lead to rape
posslq does r have marital partner
posslqy relationship status and cohabitation or not
postlf1 life of peace and tranquility
postlf10 reunion with loved ones
postlf2 life of intense action
postlf3 like here on earth only better
postlf4 life without many earthly joys
postlf5 pale or shadowy form of life
postlf6 a spiritual life involving mind not body
postlf7 paradise of pleasures and delights
postlf8 place of loving intellectual communion
postlf9 union with god
postlife belief in life after death
postlifenv belief in life after death (no volunteered response on web)
postlifev belief in life after death (with volunteered response on web)
postmat1 highest priority for america
postmat2 2nd highest priority for america
povcol give college aid to poor
povline r's hh poverty status
povschs spend more on poor schools
povzone tax breaks for poor areas
powerun how much power r think united nations have
powrorgs intl orgs take away much power from american govt
pray how often does r pray
prayer bible prayer in public schools
prayernv bible prayer in public schools (no volunteered response on web)
prayerv bible prayer in public schools (with volunteered response on web)
prayerx bible prayer in schools:version z
prayery bible prayer in schools-version y
prayfreq how often does r pray
preach how well local church preaches
predeter god decides the course of our lives
prefsets how familiar r is with term preference settings
premars1 is premarital sex wrong?
premarsx sex before marriage
pres00 vote for gore, bush, nader
pres04 vote for kerry, bush, nader
pres08 vote obama or mccain
pres12 vote obama or romney
pres16 vote clinton or trump
pres68 vote for humphrey, nixon, or wallace
pres72 vote for mcgovern or nixon
pres76 vote for carter or ford
pres80 vote for carter, reagan or anderson
pres84 vote for reagan or mondale
pres88 vote for dukakis or bush
pres92 vote for clinton, bush, perot
pres96 vote for clinton, dole, perot
presfrst prestige of r first job
prespop approve of pres handling job
prestg10 r's occupational prestige score (2010)
prestg105plus r's occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
prestg80 r's occupational prestige score(1980)
prestige r's occupational prestige score(1970)
preteen household members 6 thru 12 yrs old
prfmatt did r attend alone or with others
prfmatt1 attended with spouse or partner
prfmatt2 attended with child
prfmatt3 attended with friend
prfmatt4 attended with relative
prfmatt5 attended with other
prfmcost did not go due to cost
prfmdan was it a dance performance
prfmfree was performance attended free
prfmgst did not go because couldn't find anyone to go with
prfmint did not go since not of interest
prfmloc did not want to go to that location
prfmmostoth most imp factor in not attending performance
prfmmus was it a music performance
prfmnce did r go to a performance in last 12 months
prfmothr other reason why did not go
prfmothr1 other reason why did not go
prfmthe was it a theater performance
prfmtime did not go due to lack of time
prfmtrvl did not go because too dificult to get there
prfmwhy0 other major reason in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy1 imp of low cost in decision to attend performance
prfmwhy2 imp of wanting to experience high quality art in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy3 imp of wanting to socialize with friends or fam in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy4 imp of wanting to celebrate cultural heritage in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy5 imp of wanting to support community in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy6 imp of wanting to learn in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy7 imp of location in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy8 imp of specific individ performer in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy9 was there another major reason in decision to attend perf
priagncy registered at a private employment agency
pricecon govts resp: keep prices under control
prideorg i am proud working for my firm
privacy is r concerned about privacy?
privent private enterprise will solve u.s. problems
privgovt r preference re: private public sector
privpray how often pray privately
privsch children attend private secular school
prob1 first problem mentioned
prob2 second problem mentioned
prob3 third problem mentioned
prob4 fourth problem mentioned
probfix1 first mention of problem
probfix2 second mention of problem
probfix3 third mention of problem
probhlp1 first mention to help problem
probhlp2 second mention to help problem
probhlp3 third mention to help problem
processr r knows what a processor is
prochoic i consider myself pro-choice.
prodctiv work conditions allow productivity
profits1 whether management only care about profit
profits2 should co. pay workers more than shareholders
progtax how much income tax should rich pay?
prolife i consider myself pro-life.
promoted ever promoted by current employer
promotn importance of advancement in a job
promotng procedures for promotion
promtefr promotions are handled fairly
promteok r's chances for promotion good
protest have ever joined a protest rally past 5 years
protest1 allow public meetings protesting govt
protest2 allow publications protesting govt
protest3 allow demonstrations protesting govt
protest4 allow occupation of govt office
protest5 allow damage of govt buildings
protest6 allow national anti-govt strike
protstrs feel about people protest gov
prottemp feeling thermometer:protestants
proud felt proud of something you'd done?
proudart how proud its achievements in the arts & lit.
prouddem how proud the way democracy works
proudeco how proud america's economic achievements
proudemp r proud to work for employer
proudgrp how proud its fair and equal treatment
proudhis how proud its history
proudmil how proud america's armed forces
proudorg proud to be working for this org.
proudpol how proud its political influence in the world
proudsci how proud its scientific and tech achievements
proudspt how proud its achievements in sports
proudsss how proud its social security system
proudwrk i am proud of the type of work i do
prowar pro-war demonstration
proz1 prozac is harmful to the body
proz2 if no symptoms should discontinue prozac
proz3 taking prozac interferes with daily activities
proz4 taking prozac helps people deal with stress
proz5 taking prozac makes relations easier
proz6 prozac helps people control their symptoms
proz7 prozac makes people feel better about themselves
proz8 prozac should be taken to enhance personalities
proz9 prozac is for those diagnosed with depression
prozac have you ever heard of prozac
prozfor1 what can you tell me about prozac is used for
prozfor2 what can you tell me about prozac is used for
prozfor3 what can you tell me about prozac is used for
prozkid1 give kid prozac if is hostile
prozkid2 give kid prozac if is not paying attention
prozkid3 give kid prozac if is talking about suicide
prozslf1 take prozac if trouble in personal life
prozslf2 take prozac if cant cope with stresses
prozslf3 take prozac if feel depressed sleepless
prozslf4 take prozac if intense fear losing control
prvdhlth who provides for sick people
prvdold who provides for old people
prvdschl who provides school educ
pryntfam med just prevent family from working out problem
psycdrct prefer go directly to a mental health spec
psycfdoc would trust family physician prescription
psyckid1 will give kid med because kid is hostile
psyckid2 will give kid med because school trouble
psyckid3 will give kid med because kid talked suicide
psycmed1 psychiatric medicine is harmful to the body
psycmed2 people should stop taking if symptoms gone
psycmed3 taking these medicine interferes w daily act
psycmed4 helps people deal w day to day stresses
psycmed5 makes things easier in relations
psycmed6 these medications help control symptoms
psycmed7 helps people feel better about themselves
psycpsyc only trust psychiatrist prescription
ptnrornt recent partner's sexual orientation
ptnrsxbrth recent partner's sex at birth
ptnrsxnow recent partner's sex now
pubagncy registered at a public employment agency
pubdecid govt should let peop decide how to protect envir
pubdef should media publish defense plans
pubecon should media publish economic plans?
pubsch all children attend pub elem & hi school
punarms punishment stealing and selling arms
punenmy punishment selling info to foreign enemies
punfrnd punishment selling info to friendly countries
punleak punishment leaking sensitive information
punsin r agrees that sinners must be punished
puntrck punishment stealing govt truck parts
putdown ppl at work treat r in a manner putting r down
putsoff psychiatric med only put off dealing with problem
quality how easy your supervisor know how good you are
quallife r's quality of life
quantity how easy your supervisor know how much you do
quitsmk ever tried to quit smoking
racavoid avoid driving thru black neighborhood
raccare r's concern about racial issues
racchng try to integrate social club
racchurh attend church with other race
racclos any opp. race living close to r
racdif1 differences due to discrimination
racdif2 differences due to in-born learning ability
racdif3 differences due to lack of education
racdif4 differences due to lack of will
racdin object to opp. race home for dinner
racdis how far are closest opp. race
race race of respondent
race1 race of person number 1
race2 race of person number 2
race3 race of person number 3
race4 race of person number 4
race5 race of person number 5
raceacs1 white
raceacs10 other asian
raceacs11 native hawaiian
raceacs12 guamanian or chamorro
raceacs13 samoan
raceacs14 other pacific islander
raceacs15 some other race
raceacs16 hispanic
raceacs2 black
raceacs3 american indian or alaska native
raceacs4 asian indian
raceacs5 chinese
raceacs6 filipino
raceacs7 japanese
raceacs8 korean
raceacs9 vietnamese
racecen1 what is r's race 1st mention
racecen2 what is r's race 2nd mention
racecen3 what is r's race 3rd mention
racedbtf certainty of observed race
racesee observed race
raceself r's own racial id
racesurv17 how much, if at all, do you think the legacy of slavery affects the position of
racethas points assigned to asian american
racethbl points assigned to black/african american
racethhi points assigned to hispanic/latino
racethmn specify other in racethot
racethna points assigned to native american/american indian
racethot points assigned to other
racethwh points assigned to white
racfew children to school with opposite race
racfirm how firm is r's opinion on racial issues
racgive has r given money to racial orgs
rachaf children to school half opposite race
rachisch how integrated was r's high school
rachome opp. race home for dinner recently
racimp importance of race relations issues to r
racinc equality in income
racinfo how much info does r have on race issues
racinteg will neighborhood become all black
racists feel about people who are racist
racjob equal opportunities on jobs
racjoin ever joined org working on racial issues
raclive any opp. race in neighborhood
racmar favor law against racial intermarriage
racmar10 favor law against rac intrmar 10 yrs ago
racmarel what if relative married other race
racmarpr expect probs in interracial marriage
racmeet allowed to hold pub meeting for racist
racmix how many friends are white
racmost children to school mostly opposite race
racname preferred racial name
racneigh neighborhood r would like to live in
racnobuy ever boycott certain products
racobjct neighborhood integrated by same ses
racocc equality in occupation
racopen vote on open housing law
racopennv vote on open housing law (no volunteered response on web)
racopenv vote on open housing law (with volunteered response on web)
racopnow opportunities improved in last 5 yrs
racopwil opportunities improve in next 5 yrs
racparty which party helps blacks more
racpres would vote for black president
racpromo ethnic background makes your promotion different
racpub allow racists to publish books
racpush blacks shouldn't push
racquit quit if couldn't integrate club
racquota forbid racial job quotas
racrel12 past 12 months r web to learn race relations
racschol should whites & blacks go to same school
racseg whites have right to seg. neighborhood
racspeak allow racists to hold public meetings
racsubgv suburban govts encourage integration
racsubs favor attempts to integrate suburbs
racsups expect probs if blacks supervise whites
ractch15 allow racists to teach 15 yr. olds
racteach don't hire teachers against integration
racthink how often r & friends think about race issues
ractrust trust white people
racwork racial makeup of workplace
racwrite r ever written official abt race issues
radioact sci knowledge: the center of earth is very hot
radiohrs hours per day listening to radio
rageemp importance of age
raiseall all workers regardless of performance got raise
raised situation caused by the way he or she was raised
raisefav workers have favored relation to boss got raise
raisehrd workers who work hard and perform well got raise
random randomization variable for form x
rank r's self ranking of social position
rank1 r's self ranking of social position (2021)
rank10 r's social rank 10 years ago
rank10fut r's social rank 10 years later
rank16 r's self ranking of family at age 16
rap like or dislike rap music
ratepain in the past 7 days, r's average pain
ratepain1 in the past 7 days, r's average pain (2021)
ratetone r's facial coloring by interviewer
rclose1 r feels especially close to person #1
rclose2 r feels especially close to person #2
rclose3 r feels especially close to person #3
rclose4 r feels especially close to person #4
rclose5 r feels especially close to person #5
rcontact do you have personal contact at work
rdeemlib contrast between redeemer and liberator
rdiscaff chances family member not promoted for other race
rdk don't know response to unemployment items
rdowell importance of performance
reactok did r feel reaction was appropriate
readfict read novels poems or plays
readword how often did r read bible last year
realinc family income in constant $
realrinc r's income in constant $
realtor1 what was the most important reason?
realtora r's own previous knowledge made r choose
realtorb a friend-relative recommended r choose
realtorc an acquaintance recommended r choose
realtord general reputation made r choose
realtore i saw their advertisement made r choose
realtorf convenience made r choose the realtor
reborn has r ever had a 'born again' experience
recycle recycle cans bottles
redcehme how often reduce fuel
redeemer image of god as redeemer
reducemp importance of educ. & formal qual.
refmorwk take on additional paid work?
refpromo refuse a job promotion?
refrndms referendum are good way to decide important pol quest
refugees refugees should be allowed to stay in america?
refxhour refuse to work overtime or extra hours?
reg16 region of residence, age 16
regdoc r has regular doctor or clinic
regdocyr r has had doctor for more than one year
reggae like or dislike reggae music
region region of interview
reincar believe in reincarnation
relactiv how often does r take part in relig activities
relactiv1 how often does r take part in relig activities
relagent your relationship to the real estate agent
relalt1 rel change altered r's outlook on life
relalt2 rel change made r sense life was meaningful
relalt3 rel change changed goals in life
relalt4 rel change positively affected relation with others
relalt5 rel change changed day to day activities
relalt6 rel change changed life overall
relart had experience of art at place of worship
relate1 relationship of 1st person to household head
relate10 relationship of 10th person to household head
relate11 relation of 11th person (visitor) to head
relate12 relation of 12th person (visitor) to head
relate13 relation of 13th person (visitor) to head
relate14 relation of 14th person (visitor) to head
relate2 relationship of 2nd person to household head
relate3 relationship of 3rd person to household head
relate4 relationship of 4th person to household head
relate5 relationship of 5th person to household head
relate6 relationship of 6th person to household head
relate7 relationship of 7th person to household head
relate8 relationship of 8th person to household head
relate9 relationship of 9th person to household head
relatsex relation to last sex partner
relbstsc best policy on stem cell vs narrow interest: relig leader
relcall contact with most contacted rel
relcand r accepts a person from a different religion or view from r's being candidate of
relcmfrt find strength and comfort in religion
reldealr r relationship to the salesperson
relexp have religious experience changed life
relexper turning point in life for religion
relext1 religious extremists should be allowed to hold public meeting to express views
relext2 people should be allowed to publish books expressing their views
relext3 religious extremists should be allowed to publish their views on the internet
relfixer relationship to the person who did the work
relgenbar religions are usually a barrier to equality between women and men
relgendr what is your relationship situation
relgeneq r's religion treats men and women equally
relgrade grade given religion
relgrpeq all religious groups in usa should have equal rights
relhh1 relationship of person 1 to head of household
relhh10 relationship of person 10 to head of household
relhh11 relationship of person 11 to head of household
relhh12 relationship of person 12 to head of household
relhh13 relationship of person 13 to head of household
relhh14 relationship of person 14 to head of household
relhh2 relationship of person 2 to head of household
relhh3 relationship of person 3 to head of household
relhh4 relationship of person 4 to head of household
relhh5 relationship of person 5 to head of household
relhh6 relationship of person 6 to head of household
relhh7 relationship of person 7 to head of household
relhh8 relationship of person 8 to head of household
relhh9 relationship of person 9 to head of household
relhhd1 relation of 1st person to household head
relhhd10 relation of 1oth person to household head
relhhd11 relation of 11th person (visitor) to head
relhhd12 relation of 12th person (visitor) to head
relhhd13 relation of 13th person (visitor) to head
relhhd14 relation of 14th person (visitor) to head
relhhd2 relation of 2nd person to household head
relhhd3 relation of 3rd person to household head
relhhd4 relation of 4th person to household head
relhhd5 relation of 5th person to household head
relhhd6 relation of 6th person to household head
relhhd7 relation of 7th person to household head
relhhd8 relation of 8th person to household head
relhhd9 relation of 9th person to household head
relhome relationship to the previous owner of the home
relhrs1 hours religious act in home
relhrs2 hours religious act outside of home
relid1 protestant identification 1st mention
relid2 protestant identification 2nd mention
relid3 protestant identification 3rd mention
relidbst protestant identification best group
relidesc how well r's religion describes r
relidimp how important is r's religion
relidins to what extent r feels insulted if someone criticized r's religion
relidwe how often r says 'we' when talking about r's religion
reliedon ppl at work can be relied on when needs help
relig r's religious preference
relig1 religious preference of person #1
relig16 religion in which raised
relig2 religious preference of person #2
relig3 religious preference of person #3
relig30 r use religion site in past 30 days
relig4 religious preference of person #4
relig5 religious preference of person #5
religcon religions bring more conflict
religid r's religious identity
religimp how important is religion
religinf the u.s. would be a better country if religion had less influence
religint religious people are often too intolerant
religkid religion r was raised in
religpub better if more believers held public office
religsp r's spouse's religion
relinfsc influence on funding for stem cell rsch: religious leaders
reliten strength of affiliation
relitena strength of affiliation
relitennv strength of affiliation (no volunteered response on web)
relitenv strength of affiliation (with volunteered response on web)
rellaw relationship to the attorney
rellife try to carry beliefs into other dealings
relmarry r accepts a person from a different religion or view from r's marrying relative
relmeet allowed to hold pub meeting for religious extremist
relmhsp1 patient was self
relmhsp2 patient was immediate family
relmhsp3 patient was other relatives
relmhsp4 patient was close friend
relmhsp5 patient was acquaintance
relmhsp6 patient was other
relmost adult relative r has most contact with
relneg any turning point when less committed to religion
relnum number of adult nieces, nephews, etc
relobjct for religious reasons r has in home shrine, altar, or religious object on displa
relpast in america, religion represents the past and not the future.
relpersn r consider self a religious person
relprivt relationship to the seller of the vehicle
relrlvnt in america, religion is just as relevant to life today as it was in the past.
relsch children attend other church school
relscrpt r has read religious text outside of a service in the past year
relsp1 relationship of person 1 to spouse of househol
relsp10 relationship of person 10 to spouse of househo
relsp11 relationship of person 11 to spouse of househo
relsp12 relationship of person 12 to spouse of househo
relsp13 relationship of person 13 to spouse of househo
relsp14 relationship of person 14 to spouse of househo
relsp2 relationship of person 2 to spouse of househol
relsp3 relationship of person 3 to spouse of househol
relsp4 relationship of person 4 to spouse of househol
relsp5 relationship of person 5 to spouse of househol
relsp6 relationship of person 6 to spouse of househol
relsp7 relationship of person 7 to spouse of househol
relsp8 relationship of person 8 to spouse of househol
relsp9 relationship of person 9 to spouse of househol
relsprt is r spiritual person
relsprt1 find strength religion or spirituality
relsprt2 find comfort in religion or spirituality
reltime travel time to most contacted rel
reltruth how much truth in religion
relvisit how often visit most contacted rel
reorg there was a major reorganization
repairs who in household does small repair's
repairs1 who in household does small repairs
replaceu how easy r's firm replaces r if r left
reptile reptile (turtle, snake, lizard)
reptileb4 reptile (turtle, snake, lizard)
reqinfo resp. of gov. to require biz. to provide info
res16 type of place lived in when 16 yrs old
res161 where spend childhood until age 16?
res2006 was r living in usa during march-may 2006
res2008 was r living in usa during april-june 2008
res2010 was r living in usa during april-june 2010
res2012 was r living in usa during april-june 2012
resdefwk local economy depends on defense work?
resnatur humans should respect naturecreated by god
respect r treated with respect at work
respineq who should have greatest responsibility for reducing inc differences
respnum number in family of r
respond estimate of the probability that this household will respond to the survey
responsi responsible
responsy responsible-version y
responsz responsible-version z
restact afterlife contrast: peaceful or action
restless felt restless?
retchnge r returned money after getting too much change
revmeet allowed to hold pub meeting for ppl who want overthrow
revoltrs feel about people want to overthrow gov
revpub allow revolutionaries to publish books
revspeak allow revolutionary public meetings
revtch15 allow revolutionaries to teach children
rewrdeff effort rewarded in america
rewrdint intelligence and skill rewarded in america
rexpernc importance of experience
rfamlook hours r spends looking after family members
rfamresp importance of family resps.
rflexhrs r's job has flexible hrs.
rfreenow r have more freedom than in past
rghtsmin how important: govt protect right of minorities
rgroomed r grooming rating
rhhwork how many hours a week does r spend on hh work
rhiinc r's income is high
rhlpoths r helps others in job
rhlpsoc r's job is useful to society
rhlthend r health rating
rhmewrk how much housework r does
rhowfree how much freedom does r have
richeduc rich buy better education than poor
richhlth rich buy better health care than poor
richpoor ok to get rich even if others poor
richwork if rich, continue or stop working
rifle rifle in home
rifles50 should high power rifle sale be limited to military
rightpeo religion helps people to meet the right kind of people
rightref have a right to refuse further treatment
rimmdisc chances illegal immigrants favored over family
rimpskls job gives r chance to improve skills
rincblls income alone is enough
rincom06 respondents income
rincom16 respondents income
rincom77 respondents income
rincom82 respondents income
rincom86 respondents income
rincom91 respondents income
rincom98 respondents income
rincome respondents income
rintjob r's job is interesting
rleisure r's job leaves much leisure time
rlooks r physical attractiveness rating
robbry forcefully robbed during the last year
robject did r object to or delay answering card c4
role acts like boy-acts like girl
roleccp role of childcare provdrs with kids
roleclrg role of clergy with kids
rolegp role of grandparents with kids
rolema role of mothers with kids
rolepa role of father's with kids
roletchr role of teachers with kids
roley acts like boy-acts like girl-version y
rolez acts like boy-acts like girl-version z
romance do you have a main romantic involvement
rosaries catholic rosaries are superstitious
rotapple r agrees immoral person corrupts society
rowngun does gun belong to r
rpaysame importance of standard rates
rplace r's relationship to household head
rpromotn r has opportunity to advance
rprtst1 would you attend a public meeting
rprtst15 how many times be a public meeting past 5 yrs
rprtst3 would you go on a protest march-demonstration
rprtst35 how many times gone on a protest march past 5 yrs
rptcowrk report coworkers threatening secrecy of work
rptprobs ppl feel free to report problems in workplace
rsecjob r's job is secure
rspctrel we must respect all religions
rudewk treated rudely at work
rumorwk rumors or gossip about r at work
runbanks banks should mainly be run by private
rundrstd did r appear to understand 3-box answer format
runhosp hospitals should mainly be run by private
runpower electric power should mainly be run by private
rushed how often r feels rushed
russia liking for russia
rvisitor is r a visitor?
rweight r weight rating
rwrkbaby did r work when kid was preschooler
rwrkgrwn did r work after kids left home
rwrkindp r can work independently
rwrknokd did r work aftr marrge but before kids
rwrksch did r work after youngest in school
rxmed x should take prescription medication
ryrsfirm importance of tenure
sad felt sad?
sadblue r is a person who feels sad and blue
safefrst no shortcuts on worker safety
safehlth safety and health condition good at work
safetywk worker safety priority at work
salabort salience, abortion laws
salfergt salience, women's rights
sallabor salience, labor leaders
salsatfn salience, financial satisfaction
salsci salience, scientific community
salth2o ocean water for vegetables
samejob current job same or different fromfirst job
samevals my values and the org.'s values are very similar
samework worked at other site with similar product
sampcode sampling error code
sample sampling frame and method
saqgene r did gene module for 2004
saqissp r did issp module
saqsex r did sex module
satcar how satisfied are you with your purchase?
satcity city or place r lives in
satdemoc r satisfied with way democracy works in america
satfam family life
satfam7 family satisfaction in general
satfin satisfaction with financial situation
satfixes how satisfied were you with the work
satfrnd friendships
sathealt health and physical condition
sathobby non-working activities, hobbies
sathome how satisfied with your purchase
satjob work satisfaction
satjob1 job satisfaction in general
satjob7 job satisfaction in general
satjobhv job satisfaction
satlawyr how satisfied with the legal services
satlife r is satisfied with their life
satself on the whole i am satisfied with myself
satsoc r's satisfaction with social activities and relationships
saturday attended religious services last saturday
savejobs govt support for declining industries
savesoul tried to convince others to accept jesus
saygrace does r's family say grace before meals
sbalive1 r 1st sibling alive?
sbalive2 r 2nd sibling alive?
sbalive3 r 3rd sibling alive?
sbalive4 r 4th sibling alive?
sbalive5 r 5th sibling alive?
sbalive6 r 6th sibling alive?
sbalive7 r 7th sibling alive?
sbalive8 r 8th sibling alive?
sbalive9 r 9th sibling alive?
sbdeg highest schl grade of selected r sibling
sbeduc highest schl grade of selected r sibling
sbevwork did r sibling work for 1 or more yr?
sbind10 r sibling industry code (2010)
sbind80 r sibling industry code (1980)
sbindstatus sbind10 coding status
sbindtag sbind10 coding tag
sbocc10 r sibling census occupation code (2010)
sbocc80 r sibling census occupation code (1980)
sboccindv sibling's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
sboccstatus sbocc10 coding status
sbocctag sbocc10 coding tag
sbpicked number of sibling randomly chosen
sbpres10 r sibling occupational prestige score (2010)
sbpres105plus r sibling occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
sbpres80 r sibling occupational prestige score (1980)
sbrel1 r relation to r 1st sibling
sbrel2 r relation to r 2nd sibling
sbrel3 r relation to r 3rd sibling
sbrel4 r relation to r 4th sibling
sbrel5 r relation to r 5th sibling
sbrel6 r relation to r 6th sibling
sbrel7 r relation to r 7th sibling
sbrel8 r relation to r 8th sibling
sbrel9 r relation to r 9th sibling
sbsex1 sex of r 1st sibling
sbsex2 sex of r 2nd sibling
sbsex3 sex of r 3rd sibling
sbsex4 sex of r 4th sibling
sbsex5 sex of r 5th sibling
sbsex6 sex of r 6th sibling
sbsex7 sex of r 7th sibling
sbsex8 sex of r 8th sibling
sbsex9 sex of r 9th sibling
sbwork1 does r sibling do paid work?
sbwork2 does r sibling do paid or unpaid work?
sbwrkslf r sibling self-employed?
sbyrbrn1 birth year of r 1st sibling
sbyrbrn2 birth year of r 2nd sibling
sbyrbrn3 birth year of r 3rd sibling
sbyrbrn4 birth year of r 4th sibling
sbyrbrn5 birth year of r 5th sibling
sbyrbrn6 birth year of r 6th sibling
sbyrbrn7 birth year of r 7th sibling
sbyrbrn8 birth year of r 8th sibling
sbyrbrn9 birth year of r 9th sibling
schl30 r use school site in past 30 days
schleth ethnicity or professional schools mirror students
schlhead did r correctly name local school head
schlpray should there be daily prayer in public schools?
school school related demonstration
schoolng importance formal school for you job
sci30 r use science site in past 30 days
sciagrgw extent of agreement on global warming amg env scientists
scibnfts benefits of sci research outweigh harmful results
scibnftsv benefits of sci research outweigh harmful results (with volunteered response on
scibstgw best policy vs narrow interest: environmental scientist
scichng science changes way of life too fast
sciental scientists usually work alone
scientbe scientists want to make life better for avg person
scientbr being a scientist boring
scientda happy if daughter scientist
scientdn scientific work dangerous
scientdo know what scientists do
scientfu scientists don? have fun
scientgo scientists work for good of humanity
scienthe scientists help solve prob
scientmo scientists earn less
scientod scientists odd and peculiar
scientr consider career in science
scientre scientists not religious
scientsn happy if son scientist
scientwk scientists only interested in work
scifaith believe too much in science, not enough faith
scifrom main source of information about science and technology
scifromy where get science and technology info
scigrn modern science will solve envir probs
sciimp1 how important: done by scientists in univer'sity settings
sciimp2 how important: having advanced degrees in their fields
sciimp3 how important: conclusion based on solid evidence
sciimp4 how important: examining different interpretation of results
sciimp5 how important: results consistent with religious beliefs
sciimp6 how important: results consistent with common sense
sciimp7 how important: repeating experiment & finding same result
sciimp8 how important: research takes place in a laboratory
sciinfgo where online get info
sciinfgw influence on global warming policy: environmntal scientists
sciintro which version of science introduction was used
scimath quality of science & math educ in us is inadequate
scimode was saq self administered or interview administered
scimoral science breaks down ideas of right & wrong
scinews1 newspaper printed or online
scinews2 magazine printed or online
scinews3 where online get info
scipry scientists pry into things they oughtn't
scisolve science will solve social problems
scispec science is too concerned with theory and speculation
scistudy r has clear understanding of scientific study
scitest1 humans make all radioactivity
scitest2 antibiotics kill bacteria not viruses
scitest3 astrology has some scientific truth
scitest4 humans evolved from animals
scitest5 all man-made chems cause cancer
scitesty human beings developed from earlier species of animal
scitext what it means to r to study scientifically
sciworse humans change nature for the worse
scmed how well medical researcher's understand stem cells
scpol how well elected officials understand stem cells
screlig how well religious leaders understand stem cells
scresrch government should fund stem cell research
sdaclusters SDA Cluster Variable for GSS
sdastrata SDA Stratum Variable for GSS
sealevel effect of global warming: sea level flood coastal areas
secbudgt government maintain secrecy on the intelligence budget
secdiplo government maintain secrecy on diplomatic initiatives
secdocs does govt classify too many documents as secrets
secjob importance of job security in a job
secmilop government maintain secrecy on military operations
secondwk r has job other than main
secopin would r seek second opinion
secprvcy govt favor secrecy over workers privacy?
sectech should govt maintain secrecy over technology
secterr government maintain secrecy on domestic terrorism
sector type of college respondent attended
seecowrk how easy to see whether co-workers working
seefilm last week went to see a film?
seeksci probable source of information about scientific issues
seeksciy where get science issue news
seemhpub how frequently r sees someone mentally ill in public
seemovie went to a movie in lst yr
seenmntl you or anyone you know seen a psychiatrist
seesand which picture shows what she should use for the 2nd pot
seetalk1 how frequently r sees or talks to person 1
seetalk2 how frequently r sees or talks to person 2
seetalk3 how frequently r sees or talks to person 3
seetalk4 how frequently r sees or talks to person 4
seetalk5 how frequently r sees or talks to person 5
sei respondent socioeconomic index (1980)
sei10 r's socioeconomic index (2010)
sei10educ percentage of some college educ in occ10 based on acs 2010
sei10inc percentage of $45k+ earners in occ10 based on acs 2010
selfemp1 employee have more job security than the self-employed
selfemp2 being employee interfere more with family life than self-employment
selffrst people need not overly worry about others
selfhelp x should join a self-group with similar problem
selfirst take care of yourself first before others
selfish r is a selfish person
selfless r feels like a selfless caring for others
selfresp how resp. do you feel for the situation?
sellauto o would you rather sell an automobile
sellbaby surrogate mothers should be permitted
sellbed would you rather sell bedroom furniture
sellhome e would you rather sell a house-condominium
sellorgn should people be permitted to sell a kidney
sellsex nothing inherently wrong with prostitution
semiguns should semi-auto gun sale be limited to military
seriousp how serious x s situation is
servegrp has r served on group committees
servepeo how committed govt admnstrator's are to serve people
sethours who set working hours
sethrs how are your working hours decided
setprice govt control of prices
setthngs how often r set way things done
setwage govt control of wages
severe1 how severe person 1's mental health problem is
severe2 how severe person 2's mental health problem is
severe3 how severe person 3's mental health problem is
severe4 how severe person 4's mental health problem is
severe5 how severe person 5's mental health problem is
sex respondents sex
sex1 sex of person number 1
sex2 sex of person number 2
sex3 sex of person number 3
sex4 sex of person number 4
sex5 sex of person number 5
sexbirth what sex were you assigned at birth? (for example, on your birth certificate.)
sexbirth1 r's sex assigned at birth (2021)
sexeduc sex education in public schools
sexemp importance of gender to pay
sexfreq frequency of sex during last year
sexfreq1 had sex in last month
sexfreq2 number of times, sex last month
sexhar r experienced sexual harassment
sexnow what is your current gender?
sexnow1 r's sex now (2021)
sexornt sexual orientation
sexpromo sex makes your promotion different
sexsex sex of sex partner's in last year
sexsex18 since age 18, have your sex partner's been...
sexsex5 sex of sex partner's last five years
sexunion sex of r's spouse/civil union partner/domestic partner
shakeblu felt that couldn't shake the blues?
sharesep man and woman do things together-separate
shop1 who in household shops for groceries