GSS 1972-2022 Cumulative Datafile - Release 2

List of Items in Alphabetical Order

mehhwork men ought to do more hh work than they do now
mekdcare men ought to do more childcare than they do now
meltpot r attitude toward mixing cultures in us
meltpot1 better to maintain distinct cultures
memarry way of life recommendation for man
memchurh membership in church group
memfarm membership in farm organization
memfrat membership in fraternal group
memgreek membership in school fraternity
memgrp1 person #1 is member of r's group
memgrp2 person #2 is member of r's group
memgrp3 person #3 is member of r's group
memgrp4 person #4 is member of r's group
memgrp5 person #5 is member of r's group
memhobby membership in hobby club
memlit membership in literary or art group
memnat membership in nationality group
memnum number of memberships
memother membership in any other
mempolit membership in political club
memprof membership in professional society
memschl membership in school service
memserv membership in service group
memsport membership in sports club
memunion membership in labor union
memvet membership in veteran group
memyouth membership in youth group
men men's lives improved
menben men benefit from traditional family
menhrt men hurt from traditional family
mentldoc x should go to psychiatrist for help
mentlhos x should check into a mental hospital
mentlill how likely x is experiencing mental illness
mentloth x should go to other mental health professional for help
meovrwrk men hurt family when focus on work too much
merged the org. was merged, taken over
meserve mandatory conscription for males?
mhaccptd person like x has no hope of being accepted as member
mhbrain x s situation caused by: brain disease
mhcause what caused x s situation
mhchrctr x s situation caused by: bad character
mhclsoth closeness to person with mental health problem
mhcreatv people like x are more creative than others
mhdecslf how able is x to decide whether to receive treatment
mhdiagno r knows someone who has been diagnosed with a mental health problem
mhdisoth how much distress this person caused r
mhdoactv what x should do: get involved in other activities
mhdodiet what x should do: eat better
mhdodoc what x should do: go to doctor
mhdoexrc what x should do: start exercising
mhdofam what x should do: talk to family
mhdofrgt what x should do: try to forget
mhdofrnd what x should do: talk to friends
mhdogrp what x should do: get involved in a group
mhdoheal what x should do: go to spiritual healer
mhdoherb what x should do: take herbs
mhdohosp what x should do: check into a hospital
mhdolife what x should do: change lifestyle
mhdomhp what x should do: go to counselor
mhdomove what x should do: move to another location
mhdonone what x should do: nothing
mhdootc what x should do: take non-prescription medication
mhdooth what x should do: other mentions
mhdopray what x should do: pray
mhdopsyc what x should do: go to psychiatrist
mhdorel what x should do: talk to relic leader
mhdorx what x should do: take prescription medication
mhexpoth effect of experiences with this person
mhfamshm x family should be ashamed to receive govt assistance
mhfeelem x should feel embarrassed
mhfriend r would make friends with x
mhfright how frightening most people are in public places
mhgenes x s situation caused by: genetic problem
mhgod x s situation caused by: god s will
mhgvtdis govt responsibility: provide disability benefits for x
mhgvtedc govt responsibility: provide financial help for education
mhgvthlt govt responsibility: provide health care for x
mhgvthme govt responsibility: provide housing for x
mhgvtjob govt responsibility: provide job for x
mhhired x should be hired like others
mhhlpfam how important: turn to family for help
mhhlpfrd how important: turn to friends for help
mhhlpgp how important: go to medical doctor for help
mhhlpmhp how important: go to mental health professional
mhhlpoth how the treatment helped him/her with mental health problem
mhhlppsy how important: go to psychiatrist for help
mhhlprel how important: turn to religious leader
mhhrdtlk people like x are hard to talk to
mhhsptrt x should be forced to be hospitalized for treatment by law
mhillnss x is experiencing mental illness
mhimpown how likely x s situation will improve on its own
mhimptrt how likely x s situation will improve with treatment
mhintl people like x are just as intelligent as anyone else
mhkdcare r would have x care for your children
mhlessop x s opportunities limited if people know his her treatment
mhlosefr x would lose friends if people know his her treatment
mhluck x s situation caused by: bad luck
mhmeds x should be forced to take prescribed medication by law
mhmnthsp x should be forced to go to mental hospital by law
mhmoney how able is x to decide on managing own money
mhneihbr r would have x as a neighbor
mhnervs being around x would make me feel nervous
mhnokids people like x shouldn't be allowed to have children
mhnotch people like x shouldn't be allowed to teach children.
mhnotell x should feel afraid to tell about his situation
mhnotpol people like x shouldn't be allowed to hold public office
mhothrel result of mental health problem to relationship with him
mhothyou how much distress his mental health problem caused r
mhoutsdr getting treatment would make x outsider in community
mhp1r1 relation to person 1 (1st mentioned)
mhp1r2 relation to person 1 (2nd mentioned)
mhp2r1 relation to person 2 (1st mentioned)
mhp2r2 relation to person 2 (2nd mentioned)
mhp3r1 relation to person 3 (1st mentioned)
mhp3r2 relation to person 3 (2nd mentioned)
mhp4r1 relation to person 4 (1st mentioned)
mhp4r2 relation to person 4 (2nd mentioned)
mhp5r1 relation to person 5 (1st mentioned)
mhp5r2 relation to person 5 (2nd mentioned)
mhphyscl x is experiencing physical illness
mhprdctv people like x are just as productive as others
mhproblm how serious x s situation is
mhraised x s situation caused by: the way raised
mhreloth relationship with this person as a result of mental health problem
mhresoth how much responsibility r had for this person
mhsecret x s family better off if kept secret
mhseedoc x should be forced to be examined at a clinic by law
mhseepub how often r sees someone with mental health problem in public places
mhseroth how serious his her mental health problem was
mhslfshm x should be ashamed to receive govt assistance
mhsocial r would spend time socializing with x
mhstress x s situation caused by: stress
mhsupwrk people like x shouldn't be allowed to supervise others at work
mhsymp how much r feels sympathy for ppl with mental hlth problem in public places
mhtreat1 is person 1 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat2 is person 2 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat3 is person 3 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat4 is person 4 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat5 is person 5 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreatd r ever treated for mh problem
mhtrtot2 r knows someone who received treatment for mental health
mhtrtoth r personally has known someone who received treatment
mhtrtslf r have ever personally received treatment for mental health problem
mhtrusty people like x are just as trustworthy as anyone else
mhuneasy being around x would make me feel uncomfortable
mhunsure people like x are unpredictable
mhupdown x is experiencing normal ups-and-downs of life
mhviooth how likely x violent toward other people
mhvioslf how likely x violent toward him herself
mhwedrel r would have x marry someone related to you
mhwkwith r would work closely with x on a job
migrpoor people from poor countries should be allowed to work in wealthy countries.
milokfe mil service good experience for women
milokme military service good experience for men
milpay pay and benefits for military personnel
milqual quality of persons in military
milserve how important to serve in military when needed
milvolok how well has volunteer military worked?
milwrkev ever work for military or dod?
milwrknw currently work for military or dod?
mincult ethnic minorities should be given gov assistance
mindbody afterlife contrast: spiritual or sensual
minfood imputed wkly food spending for pov line fam of 4
minfour imputed poverty line for family of four
mininc minimum amount of income needed per week
minmilop min opportunities better in military?
minthree imputed poverty line for family of three
miracles belief in religious miracles
misswork miss work for health past 30 days
mkt1 private companies should reduce inc differences
mnildo1 1st mention what r did when felt mental illness
mnildo2 2nd mention what r did when felt mental illness
mnildo3 3rd mention what r did when felt mental illness
mnildur duration, severity of feelings of mental illness
mnilhlp1 1st mention what help r sought
mnilhlp2 2nd mention what help r sought
mnilhlp3 3rd mention what help r sought
mniltime when feelings of mental illness happened
mnilwhy1 1st mention cause of mental illness feelings
mnilwhy2 2nd mention cause of mental illness feelings
mnilwhy3 3rd mention cause of mental illness feelings
mnthsusa lived in u.s., if less than one year months:
mntlas1 1st mention, what mental illness is, asserted
mntlas2 2nd mention, what mental illness is, asserted
mntlcare were able to get mental health care
mntldeny ever denied services under plans package
mntldif how difficult to get mental health care
mntlhlth days of poor mental health past 30 days
mntlill is child experiencing a mental illness
mntlimp1 1st mention, what mental illness is, imputed
mntlimp2 2nd mention, what mental illness is, imputed
mntlimp3 3rd mention, what mental illness is, imputed
mntloth what mental illness is, other codes
mntlrel effect of mental health problem on relation with
mntlsym1 1st mention, what mental illness is, symptoms
mntlsym2 2nd mention, what mental illness is, symptoms
mntlsym3 3rd mention, what mental illness is, symptoms
mobile16 geographic mobility since age 16
mobilsurv govt should track sick people
modact r limited in moderate activities
mode interview done in-person or over the phone
modesequence initial mode of contact for respondent
modpaint modern painting is just slapped on
monart done volunteer work in arts, culture, etc
monday attended religious services last monday
moneduc done volunteer work in education
monenvir done volunteer work in environment
monfound done volunteer work in priv & comm. found
monhlth done volunteer work in health past month
monhuman done volunteer work in human services
moninfrm done volunteer work in informal-alone
monintl done volunteer work in international
monitred computers monitor my job performance
monoth done volunteer work in other (specify)
monpol done volunteer work in political org. etc
monpub done volunteer work in pub-soc benefit
monrec done volunteer work in recreation adults
monrelig done volunteer work in religious org
monthly what is your monthly wage before tax
monwork done volunteer work in work-related org
monyouth h done volunteer work in youth development
moodeasy like or dislike easy listening music
moonlite does r have a second job
moral12 past 12 months r web to learn moral issues
moredays days per month r work extra hours
moregood i expect more good things to happen to me than bad
morempg cars use less gasoline
morenuke possibility of increasing arms race
moretrde more trade, less jobs in usa
mortravl i would accept a longer commute
mostact which group is r most active in
mostcom have most in common with which group
mosthrs most hrs/week worked in past month
mostimp1 most imp event in lst 60 yrs
mostimp2 2nd most imp event in lst 60 yrs
mostimp3 3rd imp event in lst 60 yrs
mostimp4 4th imp event in lst 60 yrs
mostloc where does r use computer most
mostluck good things are mostly luck.
mother image of god as mother
moveaway i would move outside the usa for work
moveinus i would move within the usa for work
movenei willing to move to another neighborhood
movenoam willing to move outside north america
movestat willing to move to another state
movetown willing to move to another town or city
moveusa willing to move outside america
mp3 how familiar r is with term mp3
mrmom gender role reversal hurts family
mslmtemp feeling thermometer:muslims
mtchurh1 church group1 meets in this area
mtchurh2 church group2 meets in this area
mtchurh3 church group3 meets in this area
mtchurh4 church group4 meets in this area
mtchurh5 church group5 meets in this area
mtchurh6 church group6 meets in this area
mtfarm1 farm organization1 meets in this area
mtfarm2 farm organization2 meets in this area
mtfarm3 farm organization3 meets in this area
mtfrat1 how many years r born a member of fraternity group1
mtfrat2 how many years r born a member of fraternity group2
mtfrat3 how many years r born a member of fraternity group3
mtfrat4 how many years r born a member of fraternity group4
mtgreek1 school frarternity1 meets in this area
mtgreek2 school frarternity2 meets in this area
mtgreek3 school frarternity3 meets in this area
mthobby1 hobby club1 meets in this area
mthobby2 hobby club2 meets in this area
mthobby3 hobby club3 meets in this area
mtinfrm1 informal group1 meets in this area
mtinfrm2 informal group2 meets in this area
mtinfrm3 informal group3 meets in this area
mtinfrm4 informal group4 meets in this area
mtinfrm5 informal group5 meets in this area
mtlit1 military group1 meets in this area
mtlit2 military group2 meets in this area
mtlit3 military group3 meets in this area
mtlit4 military group4 meets in this area
mtnat1 nationality group1 meets in this area
mtnat2 nationality group2 meets in this area
mtnat3 nationality group3 meets in this area
mtother1 other group1 meets in this area
mtother2 other group2 meets in this area
mtother3 other group3 meets in this area
mtother4 other group4 meets in this area
mtother5 other group5 meets in this area
mtpolit1 political club1 meets in this area
mtpolit2 political club2 meets in this area
mtpolit3 political club3 meets in this area
mtprof1 professional society1 meets in this area
mtprof2 professional society2 meets in this area
mtprof3 professional society3 meets in this area
mtprof4 professional society4 meets in this area
mtprof5 professional society5 meets in this area
mtprof6 professional society6 meets in this area
mtschl1 school service group1 meets in this area
mtschl2 school service group2 meets in this area
mtschl3 school service group3 meets in this area
mtschl4 school service group4 meets in this area
mtserv1 service club1 meets in this area
mtserv2 service club2 meets in this area
mtserv3 service club3 meets in this area
mtserv4 service club4 meets in this area
mtserv5 service club5 meets in this area
mtserv6 service club6 meets in this area
mtserv7 service club7 meets in this area
mtserv8 service club8 meets in this area
mtsport1 sport club1 meets in this area
mtsport2 sport club2 meets in this area
mtsport3 sport club3 meets in this area
mtsport4 sport club4 meets in this area
mtsport5 sport club5 meets in this area
mtsport6 sport club6 meets in this area
mtunion1 labor union1 meets in this area
mtunion2 labor union2 meets in this area
mtunion3 labor union3 meets in this area
mtunion4 labor union4 meets in this area
mtvet1 veteran group1 meets in this area
mtvet2 veteran group2 meets in this area
mtvet3 veteran group3 meets in this area
mtvet4 veteran group4 meets in this area
mtvet5 veteran group5 meets in this area
mtyouth1 youth group1 meets in this area
mtyouth2 youth group2 meets in this area
mtyouth3 youth group3 meets in this area
mtyouth4 youth group4 meets in this area
mtyouth5 youth group5 meets in this area
music30 r use music site in past 30 days
musicals like or dislike broadway musicals
musicbuy use web to buy music after hearing on web
musicdif visit many different types of music
musicget use web to download music
musicinf use web to get music information
musiclke visit sites about music r likes
musiclst use web to listen to radio
musicnew visit sites about music not usually heard
muslims what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
mustdoc x should be forced to be examined at a clinic by law
musthosp x should be admitted to be hospitalized for treatment by law
mustmed x should be forced to take prescribed medication by law
mustret govt should enforce mandatory retirement
mustwork mandatory to work extra hours
myfaith degree to which faith is free of doubt
mygoals it is easy for r to accomplish their goals
mykids r's current insurance plan covers children
myprobs1 how much person 1's mental health condition causes r problems
myprobs2 how much person 2's mental health condition causes r problems
myprobs3 how much person 3's mental health condition causes r problems
myprobs4 how much person 4's mental health condition causes r problems
myprobs5 how much person 5's mental health condition causes r problems
myskills job allows r use of skills
mywaygod r has own way of connecting with god without churches or religious services
nafta1 how much heard or read about nafta?
nafta2 america benefits from being a member of nafta?
nafta2a america benefits from being a member of nafta?
nafta3 america should follow nafta decision
nanoben balance will be strongly in favor of the benefits or slightly
nanoharm balance will be strongly in favor of the benefits or slightly
nanoknw1 true-false: nanotechnology manipulate extremely small units
nanoknw2 true-false: nanoscale differ from same material at larger scale
nanotech how much r heard about nanotechnology
nanowill benefit of nanotechnology outweigh harmful results
nataccess i have easy access to natural environments, such as public parks, gardens or tra
natactive natural environments are a good place for physical activity, such as walking, cy
nataid foreign aid
nataidy assistance to other countries:ver y
nataidz helping other countries:version z
natarms military, armaments, and defense
natarmsy national defense:version y
natarmsz strengthening national defense:ver z
natarts spending right amount on arts
natborn what country r were born in
natchld assistance for childcare
natcity solving problems of big cities
natcityy assistance to big cities:version y
natcityz solving problems of big cities:ver z
natcrime halting rising crime rate
natcrimy law enforcement:version y
natcrimz reducing crime:version z
natdeg in which country did you obtain your highest degree?
natdiscm should rebuilding community in disaster be govt resp
natdisin should helping ppl in natural disaster be govt resp
natdrug dealing with drug addiction
natdrugy drug rehabilitation:version y
natdrugz reducing drug addiction:version z
nateduc improving nations education system
nateducy education:version y
nateducz improving the education system:ver z
natenrgy developing alternative energy sources
natenvir improving & protecting environment
natenviy the environment:version y
natenviz improving the environment:version z
natfare welfare
natfarey assistance to the poor:version y
natfarez caring for the poor:version z
natheal improving & protecting nations health
nathealy health:version y
nathealz improving health:version z
natlack there is a lack of interesting activities in natural environments
natlart feel fed gov should provide assistance to art
natmass mass transportation
natmassz improving mass transit:version z
natmeet natural environments are a good place to meet others from the local community
natnotice in my everyday life, i take notice of the natural elements around me (trees, wat
natpark parks and recreation
natparkz improving parks and recreation:ver z
natrace improving the conditions of blacks
natracey assistance to blacks:version y
natracez improving conditions of blacks:ver z
natrecon natural environments should be left alone
natrelax natural environments are peaceful and relaxing
natroad highways and bridges
natroadz improving highways and bridges:ver z
natsat i am satisfied with my day to day experience of nature
natsci supporting scientific research
natsoc social security
natsocz protecting social security:version z
natspac space exploration program
natspacy space exploration:version y
natspacz space exploration:version z
nattime usually, i spend time in natural environments, such as public parks, gardens or
nattimeok i spend as much time as i would like in natural environments
naturdev accept a reduction in the size of protected nature areas in america
naturgod relationship of nature to god
naturpax nature would be at peace if humans left alone
naturwar nature is survival of fittest
natviews i have views of nature (trees, lawns, gardens, water, etc.) when i am home
neargod how close does r feel to god
neastatus nea follow-on status
needyfrd contributed to a needy friend.
needynei contributed to a needy neighbor.
needyoth contributed to other needy person
needyrel contributed to a needy relative.
negjob5 in last 5 yrs, r been denied promo or recvd bad evaluation bc employr belivd r w
neieth1 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth10 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth11 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth12 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth13 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth14 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth2 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth3 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth4 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth5 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth6 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth7 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth8 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neieth9 preferred ethnic neighborhood
neifrd number of close friends who live near r
neighbr1 person #1 is r's neighbor
neighbr2 person #2 is r's neighbor
neighbr3 person #3 is r's neighbor
neighbr4 person #4 is r's neighbor
neighbr5 person #5 is r's neighbor
neisafe how safe interviewer thinks neighborhood is
nervous in past 30 days feel nervous
neverwk r never worked full-time after school
newage like or dislike new age music
newfrds at these occasions, how often did r make new friends or acquaintences
newjob how helpful present work skill would be for new job
newjob12 r use web to look for new job in past 12 months
newjobgn r look for new job past year
newjobs jobs created are better than r's current job
newowned was the home new or previously owned?
news how often does r read newspaper
news12 past 12 months r web to learn news
news30 r use news site in past 30 days
newsfrmy where news events info
newsfrom main source of information about events in the news
newsgrps how familiar r is with term newsgroups
newskill i would accept job that requires new skills
newsprnt how often does r read traditional newspaper
newused was the car new or used?
nextdoor how willing r move next door to child's family
nextgen science & tech. give more opportunities to next generation
nextstatus gss next follow-on status
niecenep how often does r contact nieces and nephews
nihilism life serves no purpose
nirvana believe in nirvana
nmbrkids number of children
noathome miss a family occasion or holiday?
nobiling bilingual education should be abolished
nobuygrn how often avoid products
nocheer in past 30 days feel sad
noemote i keep my emotions to myself.
nogo perf or exhibit r wanted to go to in past 12 months but did not
nogo1 performance or exhibit
nogood at times i think i am no good at all
nogovt no govt interference important for freedom
nohmewrk unable to do the work around the house?
noicecap effect of global warming: northern ice cap melt
nointerest how often felt no interest in doing things in past 2 weeks
nokids desirability of no-kid family
nomeat refuse to eat meat for envir reasons
nonbinkids first child nonbinary
nonuke possibility eliminating atomic weapons
nonurse unable to care for a sick child-relative?
nooneben no one benefit from traditional family
noonehrt no one hurt from traditional family
noplan there's no sense planning a lot
norelgsp is r atheist or agnostic
nosmoke gov should prohibit smoking in pub areas
nosun true-false: the sun never shines at the south pole
notam if not american, how much change
notcount i rarely count on good things happening to me
noticed people usually notice when i do my job well
notloyal feel very little loyalty to this org.
notreat refuse treatment except pain relief
notsmart people act as if they think r is not smart
notthink catholics are not permitted to think
notupset don't tell friends something upsetting
notvote citizens have right not to vote
notworry when anxious, try not to worry anyone else.
nounemp1 r would accept job requiring new skill to avoid unemployment
nounemp2 r would accept position with lower pay to avoid unemployment
nounemp3 r would accept temporary employment to avoid unemployment
nounemp4 r would accept travel longer to work to avoid unemployment
nounemp5 i would move within the usa for work
nounemp6 i would move outside the usa for work
ntcitvte long-term residents should vote
ntwkhard past week not work hard enough
nuclrwar nuclear war more threat 10 yrs ago
nukeacc likelihood of nuclear meltdown in 5 years
nukeelec view about nuclear energy
nukefam nuke power danger to my family
nukegen nuke power danger to envir
nukegen1 nuke power danger to envir
nukewar possibility of an all-out atomic war
numbwfrd good friends who are white-black
numchurh how many r belongs to church affiliate groups
numclerg with how many different leaders has this happened to you
numcntct how many people in contact least once a year
numcong number of members of the congregation
numdays number of days attended religious services
numemp for how many employers ever worked full time
numemply number of persons r employs
numemps number of employee for the self-employed
numemps5 how many people r employs 5 yrs after
numfarm how many r belongs to farm organizations
numfrat how many r belongs to fraternal groups
numfrend about how many good friends do you have
numgiven number of persons mentioned
numgreek how many r belongs to school fraternities
numhobby how many r belongs to hobby clubs
numhome how many computers at home
numinfrm how many r belongs to informal groups
numkids what is ideal number of kids for family
numknown variable that drives skips in module
numlangs how many languages does r speak well enough to hold a conversation in?
numlit how many r belongs to literary groups
nummen number of male sex partner's since 18
numnat how many r belongs to nationality groups
numorg number of people working in organization at all locations
numorg1 estimate of total people in r's business or organization
numother how many r belongs to other groups
numown number of businesses you own and manage
numpets how many pets r's family has
numpolit how many r belongs to political clubs
numprobs how many friends close to discuss problems
numprof how many r belongs to professional societies
numpromo #promotions have you received
numrborn how many born-again experience r had
numrelex number of real experience that changed r's life
numrooms number of rooms in home
numschl how many r belongs to school service groups
numserv how many r belongs to service clubs
numsites does r's firm have more than one location
numsport how many r belongs to sports groups
numunemp how many times unemployed more than two weeks
numunion how many r belongs to labor unions
numvet how many r belongs to veterans groups
numwomen number of female sex partner's since 18
numyouth how many r belongs to youth groups
nurse women as nurses in combat zone
ob911 obligation--reporting a crime
obeng obligation--being able to speak english
obey to obey
obeylaw should people obey laws without exceptn?
obeylaws how important always to obey laws
obeys obeys parents well
obeysy obeys parents well-version y
obeysz obeys parents well-version z
obeytch important to obey church teachings
obeythnk should chldrn be obedient or think for selves
obfepax obligation--peacetime mil service-female
obfewar obligation--wartime mil service-female
objury obligation--jury duty
obknow obligation--keeping informed
obmepax obligation--peacetime mil service-men
obmewar obligation--wartime mil service-men
obrespct teach children respect for authority and obedience
obtohelp obligation to care for ill parent or spouse?
obvol obligation--community service
obvote obligation--voting in elections
occ r's census occupation code (1970)
occ10 r's census occupation code (2010)
occ10_next occupation - follow-on version
occ80 r's census occupation code (1980)
occfirst r first occupation
occindv r's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
occmobil status of job higher than father's?
occonet occupation code based on o*net
occstatus occ10 coding status
occtag occ10 coding tag
occtrain gone thru specialized training
occyrs how many years in your occupation
odds1 test of knowledge about probablity1
odds2 test of knowledge about probablity2
offsup do you supervise the work of other employees
ofworth i am a person of worth at least equal to others
old1 age of 1st person
old10 age of 1oth person
old11 age of 11th person (visitor)
old12 age of 12th person (visitor)
old13 age of 13th person (visitor)
old14 age of 14th person (visitor)
old2 age of 2nd person
old3 age of 3rd person
old4 age of 4th person
old5 age of 5th person
old6 age of 6th person
old7 age of 7th person
old8 age of 8th person
old9 age of 9th person
oldies like or dislike oldies rock music
onekid desirability of one-kid family
onenatn one nation or allowed to become fully separate?
ongorel1 r had an ongoing relationship with leader1
ongorel2 r had an ongoing relationship with leader2
ongorel3 r had an ongoing relationship with leader3
online has r used online help for software
opable need natural ability to get ahead
opambit need ambition to get ahead
opbribes need to give bribes to get ahead
opclout need political connections to get ahead
opdevel opportunity to develop my abilities
opeduc need good education to get ahead
openmind treat dissenters with leniency
openrel1 r and leader ever become an openly acknowledged couple
openrel2 r and leader ever become an openly acknowledged couple
openrel3 r and leader ever become an openly acknowledged couple
opera like or dislike opera
opfamily family bkgd determines success in u.s.
ophrdwrk need to work hard to get ahead
opknow need to know right people to get ahead
opoutcme should amer promote eq oppty or eq outcomes?
oppared need educated parents to get ahead
oppol must have certain polviews to get ahead
opprof child of profssnl has better opportunity
oppsegov how important: citizen engage in acts of civil disobeyed
oprace need to be right race to get ahead
opregion must be from right region to get ahead
oprelig need to be right religion to get ahead
oprich child of rich has better opportunity
ops2005 company granted r stock options in 2005
opsex need to be right sex to get ahead
optimist i am always optimistic about my future
opwlth need wealthy family to get ahead
organsb which procedures be used to assign the organ
organsw which of these procedures would be the worst?
orgfin r's financial situation after org. changes
orginc financial distribution in household
orgmoney participate in decisions about org's money
orgsize how many people employed in the entire org
orhealer in what order go to a spiritual or a natural healer
ormeddoc in what order go to a general medical doctor
ormntldc in what order go to a psychiatrist for help
ormntlhs in what order check into a mental hospital
ormntlot in what order go to a therapist, or counselor
orotcmed in what order take non-prescription medication
orrxmed in what order take prescription medication
orslfhlp in what order join a self-help group
ortlkclr in what order talk to a minister, priest, rabbi etc
ortlkfm in what order talk things over with family & friends
otcmed x should take non-prescription medication
oth1 being discriminated against
oth16 other protestant denominations
oth2 unable to get to school
oth3 child have trouble in school
oth4 need but unable to use public transport.
oth5 do not have a car
othbest what language other than english does r speak b
othchrch happy in other non catholic church
othcredt other people take credit for r's work or ideas
othduty1 you train employees safe use equip. not supervise
othduty2 you train employees in other ways, not supervise
othduty3 you organize schedules or tasks, not supervise
othduty4 you devise new ways of doing tasks, not supervise
othduty5 you check progress or attendance, not supervise
othduty6 you evaluate job performance, not supervise
othduty7 you promote or discipline actions, not supervise
other other protestant denominations
other1 person #1 is other type of acquaintance
other2 person #2 is other type of acquaintance
other3 person #3 is other type of acquaintance
other4 person #4 is other type of acquaintance
other5 person #5 is other type of acquaintance
other_next other protestant denomination - follow-on version
othersex r had sex with some other last year
otherwrk does r have any additional job
othfam1 person #1 is r's family member
othfam2 person #2 is r's family member
othfam3 person #3 is r's family member
othfam4 person #4 is r's family member
othfam5 person #5 is r's family member
othfrd number of other close friends
othguns number of adult owing a gun in household
othhome r speaks other language at home
othhrs hours r spends at other job<s>
othjew consider self to be jewish
othjew16 r raised as a jew
othkids r's current insurance plan covers children for whom r not a bio/adoptive parent
othlang can r speak language other than english/spanish
othlang1 what other languages does r speak
othlang2 what other languages does r speak
othlobby has r lobbied higher level officials
othmhneg r's other acquaintences negative attitudes about mh problems
othpay get commissions, bonuses, tips from main job
othpet other pet
othpetb4 other pet
othplan other name for insurance or hmo policy
othreasn how important to try to undr'stnd reasoning of othr o
othrel attend some other type of religious event
othrel1 what type of religious events or meetings
othrel2 what type of religious events or meetings
othrel3 what type of religious events or meetings
othresp how resp. person who you were angry at?
othsch children attend other school
othself was this prob of narrow or wide concern
othshelp people should help less fortunate others
othssame no saving environment unless others do same
othyrs years worked full time at other parts of org
otjtrain received any on-the-job training
outofbiz the organization went out of business
outraged felt outraged at something somebody
outsider getting mental health treatment make child an
oversamp weights for black oversamples
overwork r has too much work to do well
ovrjoyed felt overjoyed about something?
ovrmedkd docs are over medicating child with common problem
ownautos govts role in automobile industry
ownbanks govts role in banking and insurance
ownbiz r owns business
ownclerg did this happen with a leader in congregation r was attending
owndoing degree of influence over what happens to me
owneth do ethic politicians serve ethnic groups better
ownfate we each make our own fate
owngun have gun in home
ownhh young should not live with parents
ownhh1 aged should stop living with parents
owninc amt of household income coming from this business
ownmass govts role in local mass transportation
ownpower govts role in electric power
ownsteel govts role in the steel industry
ownstock r has stock in r's company
ownthing youthful protest is good
paattend how often pa attended religious services
paborn was r's father born in this country?
pacall contact with father
pacall1 how often does r contact father by telephone
padeath death of father
padeg father's highest degree
paden what was father's religious denomination
padenkid if protestant, father's denomination
padotdat fa. d.o.t. code - relation to data
padotged fa. d.o.t. code - general educ develop.
padotpeo fa. d.o.t. code - relation to people
padotpre fa. temme prestige scale
padotsvp fa. d.o.t. code - specific vocat. prep
padotthn fa. d.o.t. code - relation to things
paeduc highest year school completed, father
pafund how fundamentalist was r's father
paidemps r has paid employees
paidhow how are you paid
paidlv paid leave for childcare
paidlvdv mother or father paid leave
paidlvpy who pays for leave
paidsex r had sex for pay last year
pain pain interfere with work past 4 wks
painarms r had pain in the arms in the past 12 months
paincure treatment for pain cure condition
paind10 father's industry code (naics 2007)
paind16 father's industry code (1970)
paind80 father's industry code (1980)
paindstatus paind10 coding status
paindtag paind10 coding tag
painfam treatment for pain improve family relations
painfeel treatment for pain improve feeling about se
painmed ask doctors to increase pain medication
painqol treatment for pain improve quality of life
painrely treatment for pain rely less on others
paisc681 r's father's occupation, 1980 census
paisco08 r's father's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco code
paisco68 r's father's occupation, 1970 census
paisco88 r's father's occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco code
pajew what sort of jew was r's father
pajob type of job held by father when r 16
pajwoth r's dad was jewish when r was growing up
palefull afterlife contrast: shadows or full
palive father still alive?
palive1 r father alive
pandinc change in household income over covid pandemic
pandmet change in socialization over covid pandemic
paocc10 father's census occupation code (2010)
paocc16 father's census occupation code (1970)
paocc80 father's census occupation code (1980)
paoccindv father's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
paoccstatus paocc10 coding status
paocctag paocc10 coding tag
paoth other protestant denomination for father
papres10 father's occupational prestige score (2010)
papres105plus father's occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
papres16 father's occupational prestige score (1970)
papres80 father's occupational prestige score (1980)
parborn were r's parents born in this country
parcit were your parents citizens of america?
parelig what was father's religious preference
parelkid father's religion when r was child
parent1 person #1 is r's parent
parent2 person #2 is r's parent
parent3 person #3 is r's parent
parent4 person #4 is r's parent
parent5 person #5 is r's parent
parfin hard for parents to make ends meet
pargovt govt too involved in family life
parhardr being parent now harder
parlang r's parents speak other language at home
parleave offer paid time off to new parents.
parrght parents unsure what is right
parslaw how often does r contact parents-in-law
parsol r's living standard compared to parents
partaxes taxes reduce childbearing
partfull was r's work part-time or full-time?
partime parents don't spend time with kids
partlsc in past 12 months, r has participated in orgs for sport, culture, leisure
partners how many sex partner's r had in last year
partnrs5 how many sex partner's r had in last 5 years
partopen number of sex partner's last year
partopn5 number of sex partner's last 5 years
partorg in what ways part of the larger org
partpart in past 12 months, r has participated in orgs for politics or political associat
partpol political participation important for freedom
partteam r work as part of a team
partthon have participated in a walkathon over past 5 years
partvol in past 12 months, r has participated in charitable or religious volunteer orgs
partyid political party affiliation
partyid1 party id of person #1
partyid2 party id of person #2
partyid3 party id of person #3
parwhere parents don't know where kids are
parwork if parents work, kids get in trouble
parworse parents doing worse than before
pasei r's father's socioeconomic index (1980)
pasei10 r's father's socioeconomic index (2010)
pasei10educ percentage of some college educ in paocc10 based on acs 2010
pasei10inc percentage of $45k+ earners in paocc10 based on acs 2010
paslf was father self-employed?
pastdown degree national economy has gotten worse
pastpay was r's starting pay higher/lower/same as earning in previous job
pastup degree of improvement in national economy
pasup r's father supervisor
patime travel time to father
patrasns unpatriotic - patriotic
patrblks unpatriotic - patriotic
patrhsps unpatriotic - patriotic