GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

List of Items in Alphabetical Order

exweathr neighborhood affected by extreme weather over the last 12 months
ezines how familiar r is with term e-zines
facebook use facebook
failure mental treatment for child make parent feel like
fair people fair or try to take advantage
fair5 people fair or not
fairasns asians committed to fair and equal treatment o
fairblks blacks committed to fair and equal treatment of
fairdist how fair is the income distribution in america
fairearn how fair is what r earn on the job
fairhsps hispanics committed to fair and equal treatment
fairhwrk division of work unfair to you or spouse
fairjews jews committed to fair and equal treatment of a
fairnv people fair or try to take advantage (no volunteered response on web)
fairv people fair or try to take advantage (with volunteered resposne on web)
fairwhts whites committed to fair and equal treatment of
faith1 has death in family strengthened faith
faith2 has birth of child strengthened faith
faith3 has marriage strengthened faith
faith4 has sexual pleasure strengthened faith
famasns asians committed to strong families
fambiz what kind of business is this?
famblks blacks committed to strong families
fambudgt how couples monitor budget
famdif16 reason not living with parents
famdif16y which of the following best describes your situation?
famfinan how you and your spouse organize your finances
famgen number of family generations in household
famhsps hispanics committed to strong families
family16 living with parents when 16 yrs old
famintjb how often r felt: demand of family life interfere with job
famjews jews committed to strong families
famlife how successful in family life
fammhneg r's family's negative attitudes about mh problems
famorjob would you sacrifice job opportunities for family
famper1 having serious trouble with spouse
famper2 separating from spouse or partner
famper3 breaking up with fianc?e)
famper4 having serious trouble with a child
famper5 having serious trouble with friend
famper6 divorced or separated
fampress do r family's members put pressure on r about the way r lives or organizes their
famresp importance of family resps. to pay
famrnk rank in society of r
famsuffr family life suffers if mom works f-t
famvswk how often fam life interfere job
famvswk1 how often difficult to conc at work because family resp
famvswrk difficult to concentrate wrk bc of fam responsibility
famwhts whites committed to strong families
famwkbst best way to org family work life with under school age child
famwklst wor'st way to org family work life with under school age child
famwkoff how hard to take time off
fareasns self supporting - live off welfare
fareblks self supporting - live off welfare
farehsps self supporting - live off welfare
farejews self supporting - live off welfare
fareso self supporting - live off welfare
farewhts self supporting - live off welfare
farming how scientific is farming
fatalism people can't change the course of their lives
father image of god as father
fatigue in the past 7 days, r's average fatigue
fbaccess permission to access r's facebook account
fe12 past 12 months r web to learn gender issues
fear afraid to walk at night in neighborhood
fearful felt fearful about something
fearhome does r feel safe and secure at home
febear can wife refuse to have children
febrass do women command over men
fecare r's concern about women's rights
fechld mother working doesn't hurt children
feclergy r favors women as ministers
fecolop college opportunities for women
fedirty are women assigned to dirty jobs
fedtrust how much does r trust federal government
feelasns how r feels towards asian americans
feelblks how r feels towards african americans
feelevel amount of fees paid
feelgod feel gods presence
feelhsps how r feels towards hispanics
feelrel how religious is r
feelwhts how r feel towards caucasians
feeused fee given to get case
fefam better for man to work, woman tend home
fefight are women assigned to combat
fefirm how firm is r's opinion on women's rghts
fegains best way for women to improve position
fegive has r given money to women's rights orgs
fehelp wife should help husbands career first
fehire should hire and promote women
fehlpbus govt should aid women seeking jobs
fehlpcol govt should aid women seeking higher ed
fehlpjob women should be given preference in jobs
fehlpmil do women raise effectiveness of military
fehome women take care of home not country
feimp importance of women's rights issue to r
feinc income for women vs. men with same bkgd
feinflu opinion of political influence of women
feinfo how much info r has on women's rgts
fejobaff for or against preferential hiring of women
fejobind job is best way for woman to be indep
fejobop job opportunities for women
fejoin ever joined org working on women's rgts
fekids1 how important women biologically better-suited
fekids2 how important women are taught from childhood
fekids3 how important the way society is set up
fekids4 how important men have more freedom
fekids5 how important it is god's will
feless1 how important men work harder explain
feless2 how important women's family responsibilities
feless3 how important give men better paying jobs
femarry way of life recommendation for woman
femilop fem opportunities better in military?
feminist think yourself as a feminist?
fenews how often pay attention to women issues
fenumok number of women in military
fepol women not suited for politics
fepolnv women not suited for politics (no volunteered response on web)
fepolv women not suited for politics (with volunteered response on web)
fepoly men or women better suited for politics
fepres vote for woman president
fepresch preschool kids suffer if mother works
fepriest r favors women as priests
ferespct how well local church respects women's rights
feserve mandatory conscription for females?
fethink how oft r & frnds think abt women's rgts
fewknokd women should work outside when no kids
fework should women work
feworkif married women work if jobs limited
fewrite r ever written official abt women's rgts
fewrksup do most women work to support family
fewtrsty there are only a few people r can trust completely
fidgety in past 30 days feel restless or fidgety
fightair women as jet fighter pilots
fightlnd women in hand-to-hand combat
fightsea women as crew member of combat ship
fileversion gss data file version
fin30 r use financial information site in past 30 day
finalter change in financial situation
finan1 going bankrupt
finan2 having a car etc. repossessed
finan3 pawning valuables to make ends meet
finan4 being pressured to pay bills
finan5 major worsening financial condition
finanqs people with secret should be subject to ques. of finan
findjob could r find a job <unemployed r's>
findnwjb how likely r to find job with same/better benefit
findout can find out where you will be working
findwork could r find a job <employed r's>
fininc r heard docs limit used of exp tests
fininc1 importance to r to be told about incentives
fininc2 best time to be told about incentives
fininc3 best person to tell about incentives
fininc4 r likely to ask doc about incentives
finind young should be financially independent
finind1 aged should be financially independent
finlcoun how scientific is financial counseling
finrela opinion of family income
fireftng how scientific is firefighting
firstjob type of first job held by r
firstsei r's socioeconomic index of 1st occupation (1980)
firstslf first job self-employment?
firstyou should take care of oneself and ones family first
fish fish
fishb4 fish
fishexp1 what is scientist trying to find out from this experiment
fishexp2 why did you choose that answer
fixer1 what was the most important reason?
fixera my own previous knowledge of the firm
fixerb a friend or relative recommended them
fixerc an acquaintance recommended them.
fixerd general reputation in the community
fixere i saw their advertisement
fixerf i searched for the best price
fixhome home maintenance services past 10 years?
fixmistk how likely govt admnstrtor's be corrected when making
flexhrs importance of flexible hrs. in a job
flexhrs1 importance of flexible hrs. at work
flextime allow workers more flexible hours
flickr use flickr
fndjob1 heard job from one already worked there
fndjob2 heard job from relatives
fndjob3 heard job from friends
fndjob4 heard job from acquaintances
fndjob5 heard job from newspaper ad
fndjob6 heard job through employment agency
fndjob7 heard job from recruiter for this employer
fndjob8 heard job just came here and asked for work
fndjob9 heard job other (specify)
folk like or dislike folk music
follow importance of following church teachings
foraff12 past 12 months r web to learn foreign affairs
forbdcom forbid communist to speak
forbdmar forbids racial intermarriage
forbdrac forbid racist to speak
forcedoc should child be forced by law to be treated by doc
forcehos should child be forced by law to admit to a hosp
forcemed should child be forced by law to take a prescription
forcult exposure to foreign film damage to our culture
forgive1 have forgiven self for mistakes
forgive2 have forgiven those who hurt me
forgive3 know that god forgives me
forland foreigner's should not be allowed to buy land
forlang american schools should teach foreign languages
forlang1 learning foreign language important math and s
form form of split questionnaire asked
formldys the number of days in formal training
formlfin have you finished all the courses
formlhrs the number of hrs in formal training
formltrn did it include formal training course
formwt weight deal with experimental randomization
forspy foreign spies more threat 10 yrs ago
forsteal foreigner's stealing u.s. tech more threat 10 y
found case was retrievable in 2012
fourkids desirability of 4+ kid family
frdcreat desir qualities of friend: creative
frdcultr desir qualities of friend: cultured
frddynam desir qualities of friend: dynamic
frdenjoy should close friend be someone who is enjoyable
frdfun desir qualities of friend: fun-loving
frdhelps should close friend be someone who helps r
frdhonst desir qualities of friend: honest
frdintel desir qualities of friend: intelligent
frdknows should close friend be someone who understands r
frdresp desir qualities of friend: responsible
frdthink should close friend be someone intelligent
freeexp1 what experiences in life make you feel most free
freeexp2 what experiences in life make you feel most free
freeexp3 what experiences in life make you feel most free
freemind to understand the world, we must free our minds from old traditions and beliefs
freemns1 what does freedom mean to you
freemns2 what does freedom mean to you
freemns3 what does freedom mean to you
freenow americans have more freedom than in past
freeprss press should be completely free
freetrde free trade leads to better products
fricall contact with closest friend
friday attended religious services last friday
friend image of god as friend
friend1 person #1 is r's friend
friend2 person #2 is r's friend
friend3 person #3 is r's friend
friend4 person #4 is r's friend
friend5 person #5 is r's friend
friends have any good friends feeling close
frineigh number of close friends are neighbors
fringe1 medical or hospital insurance
fringe10 information about child care services in company
fringe11 assistance with the costs of day care for children
fringe2 dental care benefits
fringe3 life insurance
fringe4 sick leave with full pay
fringe5 maternity leave with full re-employment rights
fringe6 flexible hours, or flextime scheduling
fringe7 cash or stock bonuses for performance or merit
fringe8 a pension or retirement program
fringe9 profit sharing or stock option program
fringeok fringe benefits are good
frinum number of close friends
frisex sex of closest friend
fritime travel time to closest friend
frivisit how often visit closest friend
friwork number of close friends are coworkers
frndawk discussing price is awkward among friends
frndcon1 does friend 1 belong to r's congregation
frndcon2 does friend 2 belong to r's congregation
frndcon3 does friend 3 belong to r's congregation
frndcon4 does friend 4 belong to r's congregation
frndcon5 does friend 5 belong to r's congregation
frnddeal people usually get a better price from friends
frndden1 what is friend 1s specific denomination
frndden2 what is friend 2s specific denomination
frndden3 what is friend 3s specific denomination
frndden4 what is friend 4s specific denomination
frndden5 what is friend 5s specific denomination
frndfnd1 fund.-lib. of 1st friend
frndfnd2 fund.-lib. of 2nd friend
frndfnd3 fund.-lib. of 3rd friend
frndfnd4 fund.-lib. of 4th friend
frndfnd5 fund.-lib. of 5th friend
frndking contrast between friend and king
frndknow how many of r's friends know each other?
frndoth1 what is friend 1s other prot denom
frndoth2 what is friend 2s other prot denom
frndoth3 what is friend 3s other prot denom
frndoth4 what is friend 4s other prot denom
frndoth5 what is friend 5s other prot denom
frndrac1 what is friend 1s race
frndrac2 what is friend 2s race
frndrac3 what is friend 3s race
frndrac4 what is friend 4s race
frndrac5 what is friend 5s race
frndrel1 what is friend 1s religious preference
frndrel2 what is friend 2s religious preference
frndrel3 what is friend 3s religious preference
frndrel4 what is friend 4s religious preference
frndrel5 what is friend 5s religious preference
frndsex r had sex with friend last year
frstgrp1 which group meet name1
frstgrp2 which group meet name2
frstgrp3 which group meet name3
frstgrp4 which group meet name4
frstgrp5 which group meet name5
frstmet1 r first met the named alter in the group
frstmet2 r first met the named alter in the group
frstmet3 r first met the named alter in the group
frstmet4 r first met the named alter in the group
frstmet5 r first met the named alter in the group
frterror terrorism by foreigner's more threat 10 yrs ago
fstspdeg highest degree of first spouse
fstspedc educ of first spouse
fstspmed 1st spouse's mothers highest yr of school
fstspped 1st spouse's father's highest yr of school
fstspyr year first spouse born
ftwork young should be employed full-time
ftwork1 aged should be employed full-time
fucitzn is r planning/appling for us citizenship or not
fucitznnv is r planning/appling for us citizenship or not (no volunteered response on web)
fucitznv is r planning/appling for us citizenship or not (with volunteered response on we
fund how fundamentalist is r currently
fund16 how fundamentalist was r at age 16
futenrgy u.s. energy priorities
futpromo how likely you will be promoted next five years
futrdown degree economy will get worse over next year
futrup degree economy will improve in next year
game12 r use web for games in past 12 months
gamegn r play an indoor game past year
games30 r use game site in past 30 days
garden grew vegetables or flower's in garden in lst yr
gasregs how much r favor requiring to make car's using less gasoline
gavepol has r given money to candidate or cause
gdjobsec job security is good
gender1 gender of 1st person
gender10 gender of 10th person
gender11 gender of 11th person (visitor)
gender12 gender of 12th person (visitor)
gender13 gender of 13th person (visitor)
gender14 gender of 14th person (visitor)
gender2 gender of 2nd person
gender3 gender of 3rd person
gender4 gender of 4th person
gender5 gender of 5th person
gender6 gender of 6th person
gender7 gender of 7th person
gender8 gender of 8th person
gender9 gender of 9th person
gendereq gov resp to promote equality
genderwk mostly men or women at the workplace
geneabrt abort defective fetus
geneabrt2 r would want to abort fetus if there were genetic defects
genecanx employer test cancer or safeworkplace
genecany employers' right to hire by cancertests
genedef1 meaning of serious genetic defect
genedef2 meaning of serious genetic defect
genedef3 meaning of serious genetic defect
geneexps genes or experiences in determining personality
genegen how dangerous modifying genes in crops
genegen1 how dangerous modifying genes in crops
genegets employer vs. employee on access right to results
genegoo1 genetic testing good or harm
genegoo2 genetic testing good or harm
genegood genetic testing good or harm
genehire employers' right to hire by genetic tests
genejob should employers give genetic tests
genenvo1 gene or learning?
genenvo2 gene or learning?
genenvo3 gene or learning?
genenvo4 gene or learning?
geneprob situation caused by a genetic or inherited problem
genes traits are transferred over generation
geneself would genetically test fetus
geneself2 r would want genetic test done on fetus
genetest know about genetic testing
genetics how likely x s situation caused by genetic problem
genetst1 know about genetic testing
genevig1 vignette number used
genevig2 vignette order used
geomobil has r moved from one kind of place to another
gesttalk how often r see people making strange gesture in public
getahead opinion of how people get ahead
getaheadnv opinion of how people get ahead (no volunteered response on web)
getaheadv opinion of how people get ahead (with volunteered response on web)
getaheay opinion of why people get ahead
getaid ever received welfare?
getjob how likely you would find a job
getlang where did r learn other language
getmar young should get married
getmar1 aged should get married
gills how fish get oxygen
givart contributed money in arts, culture, etc
givblood r donated blood during the past 12 months
givbus how much ought bus driver make?
givcabnt how much ought cabinet member make?
givchng have given money to group advocating social change
givchrty r has given money to a charity
givclerk how much ought bank clerk make?
givdoc how much ought doctor make?
givearts contributions to arts culture humanities
givecong given money to local congregation
giveduc contributed money in education
givegrp has r given money above regular dues
givenvir contributed money in environment
giveoth given money non-religious charities
giverel given money other religious org
givexec how much ought corporate head make?
givfarm how much ought farm worker make?
givfctry how much ought owner of a large factory makes
givfound contributed money in priv & comm. found
givhlth contributed money in 1995 in health
givhmlss r has given food or money to a homeless person
givhuman contributed money in human services
givinffor should govt collect foreigner info without knowledge
givinfrm contributed money in informal-alone
givinfusa should govt collect citizen info without knowledge
givintl contributed money in international
givjudge how much ought justice make
givlaw how much ought lawyer make
givmason how much ought mason make?
givoth contributed money in other (specify)
givowner how much ought shop owner make?
givpol contributed money in political org. etc
givpub contributed money in pub-soc benefit
givrec contributed money in recreation adults
givrelig contributed money in religious org
givrocc how much ought worker in own occupation make
givsales how much ought salesclerk make
givseat r offered seat to a stranger during past 12 months
givsec how much ought secretary make?
givskill how much ought skilled worker make?
givunskl how much ought unskilled worker make?
givwork contributed money in work-related org
givyouth contributed money in youth development
gmbiz how well business leader know risk by genetically modified foods
gmmed how well med researcher know risk by genetically modified foods
gmpol how well elected official know risk by genetically modified foods
goat goat
goatb4 goat
gochurch importance of attending church regularly
god r's confidence in the existence of god
godchnge describe your beliefs about god
godclose how close to god
godguide feel guided by god in daily activities
godhelp ask for gods help in daily activities
godlove feel gods love directly or thru others
godlvdir feel gods love for r directly
godlvoth feel gods love for me through others
godmeans life meaningful because god exists
godoc last week went to see a doctor?
godparts how often does r contact god-parents
godright god's laws should decide right and wrong
godsells religious image to sell products
godsport pro-athletes giving thanks to god
godswill how likely x s situation caused by god s will
godusa the success of the us is part of god’s plan
godwatch believe in god who watch over me
goldfish experiment about goldfish and temperature
gomusic attended classical or opera in lst yr
goodlife standard of living of r will improve
googlesn use googlesn
goownway importance of following own conscience
gospel like or dislike gospel music
govaid ever receive welfare, unemp insur, etc.
govcare govt concern for social welfare
govcheat wrong to give govt false info for benefits?
govchrst the federal government should advocate christian values.
govdook we can trust people in govt
govedop govmnt should help poor attend college
goveqinc govmnt should reduce inc differentials
goveqinc1 govnmnt should fix income differences
governor did r correctly name governor
govfnaid govt should give financial assistance to college students from low-income famili
govfnanc govt should finance projects to create new jobs
govineq1 politicians do not care about reducing inc differences
govineq2 us govt success in reducing inc differences
govjobs govmnt should provide jobs
govlazy the social benefits from the government make people lazy
govless govmnt should spend less on poor
govmentl should govt provide health care for mental illness
govminc govmnt should provide minimum income
govngos decision left to natl govt representative or citizen or
govt30 r use govt site in past 30 days
govtbiz government do more for environment
govtinfo should govt info be public
govtpow power of federal govt
govunemp govmnt should provide unemp benefits
govvsrel governments should not interfere with the attempts of any religion to spread its
grace had powerful religious experience
grace16 did r's family say grace at meals
gradtounder ratio of graduate students to undergraduate students in college respondent atten
granborn how many grandparents born outside u.s.
granlang r's grandparents speak other language at home
grass should marijuana be made legal
grassnv should marijuana be made legal (no volunteered response on web)
grassv should marijuana be made legal (with volunteered response on web)
grassy should marijuana be legal-version y
grkidnum number of adult grandchildren
grncon concerned about environment
grndemo protested for envir issue
grnecon worry too much about envir, too little econ
grneffme environment effect everyday life
grnexagg environmental threats exaggerated
grngroup member of envir group
grnintl intl agreements for environment problems
grnlaws gov resp tomake industry less damaging
grnmoney give money to envir group
grnprice pay higher prices to help envir?
grnprog worry too much about progress harming envir
grnsign sign petition on envir issue
grnsol accept cut in living stnds to help envir?
grntaxes pay higher taxes to help envir?
grntest1 all will die if exposed to radioact
grntest2 nuke waste dangerous for thousands of yrs
grntest3 greenhouse effect caused by hole in atmosphere
grntest4 using coal or gas contrib to greenhouse effect
grntest5 all pesticides cause cancer
grntest6 humans are main cause of plant & animal extinct
grntest7 car's not imp cause of air pollution
grparnum number of grandparents
grpboth1 both belong to the same group on the list
grpboth2 both belong to the same group on the list
grpboth3 both belong to the same group on the list
grpboth4 both belong to the same group on the list
grpboth5 both belong to the same group on the list
grpchrty participated in a charitable org past 12 months
grpchurh participated in activity of church past 12 months
grpnei participated in a neighbor association past 12 months
grpoth participated in other associations past 12 months
grpother r belongs to another voluntary association
grpparty r belongs to a political party
grppol participated in activity of political party
grprelig r belongs to a church or othr religious organization
grpsport participated in sports group past 12 months
grpsprts r belongs to a sports, leisure, or cultural grp
grpunion participated in activity of a trade union
grpwork r belongs to a trade union or professional association
grtbooks appeal of greatest books is univer'sal
grtwrks the great works of philosophy and science are the best source of truth, wisdom,
grwingup is child experiencing normal ups and downs
grwtharm econ grwth always harms envir
grwthelp amer needs econ grwth to protect envir
guerilla possibility of guerilla wars
gun ever threatened with gun or shot at
gun12 past 12 months r web to learn gun control
gunage threatened or shot at as child or adult
gunfirm how firm is r's opinion on gun control
gunimp importance of gun control issue to r
guninfo how much info does r have on gun control
gunlaw favor or oppose gun permits
gunner women as air defense gunner in u.s.
gunnum if threatened or shot at--how many times
guns911 should gun control law be stricter after 911
gunsales should background check be required for private gun sale
gunsdrnk should carrying a firearm drinking alcohol be illegal
gunsdrug should penalty for illegal gun sale be tougher than drug
gvinflu1 what peo or org have most inf
gvinflu2 what peo or org have 2nd most inf
gvtapart should govt policy maintain distinct cultures
gvtmelt should govt help blend cultures
gvtrghts govt should respect democratic rights
gwbiz understanding of global warming by business leaders
gwpol understanding of global warming by elected officials
gwsci understanding of global warming by environmnt scientists
h2oless how often save water
h2olife what property of water is most important
haggle do you expect to negotiate for a lower price?
handmove r perform forceful hand movements
hapboys boys' chances for a happy family life
hapcohab happiness of relt with partner
hapfeel felt happy?
hapgirls girls' chances for a happy family life
hapifwrk woman and family happier if she works
hapmar happiness of marriage
happy general happiness
happy7 how happy r is
haprom describe your romantic relationship?
hapunhap happy or unhappy with life today
harass5 harassment at work in past 5 yrs
harjob5 in last 5 yrs, r has ever been harassed on job bc r was believed to be gay/les/b
harmgood modern science does more harm than good
harmony feel deep inner peace or harmony
harmsgrn almost everything we do harms envir
harsexcl since 18 r has ever found self the object of sexual advances from religious lead
harsexjb r has been the object of sexual advances/propositions from supervisor's
havchld young should have child
havchld1 aged should have child
haveinfo enough info to get the job done
healer image of god as healer
health condition of health
health1 r's health in general
health12 r use web for health information in past 12 mon
health30 r use health site in past 30 days
healthissp merged healthissp_d and healthissp_e
heaven belief in heaven
hefinfo number of hef informant
height r is how tall
hell belief in hell
helpaway r looked after plant or pet of others while away
helpblk should govt aid blacks?
helpcrim how successful is govt: controlling crime
helpemp how successful is govt: fighting unemployment
helpenv how successful is govt: protecting environment
helpfrds should better off ppl help less well-off friend
helpful people helpful or looking out for selves
helpfulnv people helpful or looking out for selves (no volunteered response on web)
helpfulv people helpful or looking out for selves (with volunteered response on web)
helpharm way living helps or harms
helphlth how successful is govt: providing hlth care for the sick
helphwrk helped someone with hwork during past 12 months
helpjob helped somebody to find a job past 12 months
helpnot should govt do more or less?
helpold how successful is govt: decent standard of living for the old
helporg willing work harder than have to help org.
helporg1 willing to work harder for the firm
helpoth to help others
helppoor should govt improve standard of living?
helpsec how successful is govt: dealing with america s security
helpsick should govt help pay for medical care?
helpusa how important to help worse off ppl in america
helpwrld how important to help worse off ppl in rest of world
hguncrim more restrictions on handgun decrease crime
hgunlaw should be more restrictions on handgun
hhclean1 who does household cleaning
hhrace race of household
hhtype household type
hhtype1 household type (condensed)
hhwkdis how often r and spouse disagree sharing of hh wrk
hhwkfair sharing of hh work between r and spouse
hiinc importance of high pr income in a job
hindus what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
hinumok number of hispanics in military
hinumoky number hispanics in military-version y
hispanic hispanic specified
hispchng percentage change population of hispanics in 25
hispcls does r feel close to hispanics
hispcom does r know hispanics from community
hisprel does r know hispanics as relative
hispschl does r know hispanics from school
hispwork how many people hispanic at work
hispwrk does r know hispanics from work
histsci how scientific: history
hit ever punched or beaten by another person
hitage beaten as child or adult
hitbeatr stranger was beating up a woman
hitchild stranger had hit mans child
hitdrunk drunk bumped into man & wife
hitmarch stranger in protest march
hitnum if beaten--how many times
hitok ever approve of man punching adult male
hitrobbr stranger had broken into mans house
hivafraid afraid to be around a person with hiv
hivdscrm there is a lot of discrimination against people with hiv
hivimmrl people with hiv have participated in immoral activities
hivkiss kiss can spread hiv
hivtest have you ever been tested for hiv
hivtest1 in what month and year was your last hiv test
hivtest2 where did you have your last hiv test
hivvac there is a vaccine that can prevent hiv
hlpadvce who r would first turn to if they needed advice about family problems
hlpdown who r would first turn to if they needed help because they were feeling down or
hlpequip enough help and equip to ge the job done
hlphitec govt support for new products and tech
hlphome who r would first turn to if they needed help with a household or a garden job
hlpinflu does r have people to ask to influence important decision
hlpjob who r would first turn to if they needed help finding a job
hlploan who r would first turn to if they needed to borrow large sums of money
hlpminfg help minorities--govt position
hlpminr help minorities--r's position
hlpneedy have ever contributed time to help the needy
hlpoths importance of helping others in a job
hlppaper who r would first turn to if they needed help with admin or official paperwork
hlpresde who r would first turn to if they needed help finding a place tolive
hlpsick who r would first turn to if they needed help around the house if sick
hlpsickr who r would first turn to if they needed someone to look after them while seriou
hlpsoc importance of social usefulness in a job
hlpsococ who r would first turn to if they wanted to enjoy a pleasant social occasion
hlth1 ill enough to go to a doctor
hlth10 respondent in hospital or sanatorium
hlth11 respondent unable to work for one month or more
hlth12 a death of spouse
hlth13 a death of child
hlth14 a death of parents
hlth2 counseling for mental problems
hlth3 infertility, unable to have a baby
hlth4 drinking problem
hlth5 illegal drugs (marijuana, cocaine)
hlth6 (husband, wife)partner in hospital
hlth7 a child in hospital
hlth8 child on drugs, drinking problem
hlth9 a death of a close friend
hlthall healthcare provided for everyone
hlthcare govts resp: provide hlth care for sick
hlthcovr r has health insurance coverage
hlthdays days of activity limitation past 30 days
hlthdoc r sought health information doctor or nur'se
hlthfrel r sought health information friends or relatives
hlthinfo r sought health information past year
hlthinsr have health insurance
hlthmag1 r sought health information general interest magazines
hlthmag2 r sought health information health magazines
hlthmntl r's mental health, mood, and ability to think
hlthpapr r sought health information newspaper articles
hlthphys r's physical health
hlthplan r had medicare or medicaid
hlthstrt would you say the respondent? health in general is excellent, good, fair, or poo
hlthtv r sought health information tv or radio
hlthtype source of health insurance
hlthwww r sought health information www
hmefin12 r use web for home finances in past 12 months
hmemaker full-time homemaker's lives improved
hmo1 hmo improves the quality of care
hmo2 hmo prevent doctors from prescribing tests
hmo3 hmo help to control costs
hmo4 hmo prevent people from getting needed care
hmo5 hmo damage trust btwn doctors and patients
hmo6 hmo take medical decisions from physicians
hmo7 hmo make emotional mental prblm more difficult
hobby30 r use hobby site in past 30 days
homeband how home is connected to www
homekid most women really want a home and kids
homeless contributed to the homeless
homesch children attend home schooling
homeyear rmost recent home you have purchased.
homochng homosexuality: inherent or choice?
homosex homosexual sex relations
homosex1 is homosexual sex wrong?
hompop number of persons in household
honest honest
honesty honest-version y
honestz honest-version z
hope1 i could get out of a jam
hope2 i am energetically pursuing my goals
hope3 there are many ways around problems i face
hope4 i see myself as successful
hope5 i can think of many ways to reach my current goals
hope6 i am meeting my current goals
hopeless in past 30 days feel hopeless
horse horse
horseb4 horse
hosdis5 hospitalized, disabled last 5 yrs
hospice choose hospice until patient dies
hosrel1 rels hospitalized in last year
hosrel4 rels hospitalized betw 5 & 1 yrs ago
hosthome uncomf entertaining stranger's at home
hotargus heated arguments occur in workplace
hotcore sci knowledge: the center of earth is very hot
hourly what is your hourly wage before tax
housewrk being housewife as fulfilling as paid work
howangry how intense would you say your anger was
howfree how much freedom do americans have
howpaid how get paid last week
hrdshp1 fall behind in paying rent, mortgage
hrdshp2 eviction from one's apartment, house
hrdshp3 having the utilities shut-off
hrdshp4 being unable to purchase needed food
hrdshp5 unable to afford needed medical care
hrdshp6 lacking health insurance coverage
hrdshp7 homeless
hrfambiz how many hours per week?
hrs1 number of hours worked last week
hrs2 number of hours usually work a week
hrsart how many hours spent in arts, culture
hrseduc how many hours spent in education
hrsenvir how many hours spent in environment
hrsfound how many hours spent in priv & comm.
hrshlth how many hours spent in health past month
hrshuman how many hours spent in human services
hrsinfrm how many hours spent in informal-alone
hrsintl how many hours spent in international
hrsmoney r preference re: work hrs and money
hrsoth how many hours spent in other (specify)
hrspol how many hours spent in political org. etc
hrspub how many hours spent in pub-soc benefit
hrsrec how many hours spent in recreation adults
hrsrelax hours per day r have to relax
hrsrelig how many hours spent in religious org past
hrswork how many hours spent in work-related org
hrsyouth how many hours spent in youth development
hsbasics school subjects: reading, writing, math
hsbio r ever took a high school biology course
hscaring school subjects: concern for others
hschem r ever took a high school chemistry course
hsclass1 r favorite subject in hs
hsclass2 r 2nd favorite subject in hs
hseth largest non white ethnic group in high school
hsjobtr school subjects: job training
hsjudge school subjects: good judgment
hslibart school subjects: history, liter., arts
hsmath the highest level of math r completed in high school
hsorder school subjects: discipline and order
hspasn10 change in ethnic status in local community
hspgovt do hispanic-americans get proper govt attention
hsphouse hispanics discriminated in housing
hsphys r ever took a high school physics course
hspjobs hispanics discriminated in jobs
hsrespct school subjects: respect for authority
hssci school subjects: science and technology
hssexed school subjects: sex education
hswht high school mostly white
huadd housing unit (hu) at address?
huaddwhy why there is no hu at this address
hubbywk1 men should earn money women keep house
hubbywrk husb shld work wife shld look after home
huclean r hu interior cleanliness rating
humor30 r use humor site in past 30 days
hunt does r or spouse hunt
hunt1 does r or spouse or partner hunt
huntbear true-false: hunting make polar bear extinct than climate change
huntfish went hunting or fishing in lst yr
huntothr does other household member hunt
hurtatwk number of injuries on the job past 12 months
hurtoth how likely x violent toward other people
hurtself how likely x violent toward oneself
hushrel1 leader1 tried to keep r from telling other people about the relationship
hushrel2 leader2 tried to keep r from telling other people about the relationship
hushrel3 leader3 tried to keep r from telling other people about the relationship
hvylift r do repeated lifting
hvymetal like or dislike heavy metal music
hwduties is r mainly respons.for hh chores?
hyperlnk how often r uses links in other sites
hyperten told have hypertension or high blood pressure
icecaps polar ice caps got larger or smaller over last 25 yrs
icesheet true-false: the north pole is on a sheet of ice
id respondent id number
idecide my job allows me make part decisions
idols catholics are idols
idu30 r inject drugs in past 30 days
if00who who would r has voted for in 2000 election
if04who who would r has voted for in 2004 election
if08who who you would have voted for
if12who who would r have voted for in 2012 election
if16who who you would have voted for
if68who who would r have voted for-1968 election
if72who who would r have voted for-1972 election
if76who who would r have voted for-1976 election
if80who who would r have voted for-1980 election
if84who who would r have voted for-1984 election
if88who who would r have voted for-1988 election
if92who who would r have voted for-1992 election
if96who who would r have voted for-1996 election
ifwrong agree people should support their country
ignorwk feel ignored at work
ihlpgrn do what i can to help envir
ilikejob r would enjoy job if money wasn't needed
illphys is child experiencing a physical illness
imatter success of my org. depends lot on how well i do
imbalnce how likely x s situation caused by imbalance in brain
immameco immigrants good for america
immassim what statement about immigrants matches view
immcosts govt spend too much money for immigrants
immcrime immigrants increase crime rates
immcrmup more immigrants cause higher crime rates
immcult immigrants undermine american culture
immecon will immigrants lead to economic growth
immeduc legal immigrants should have same education as americans
immfare immigrants eligible for govt assistance?
immideas immigrants make america more open
immimp immigrants improve american society
immjobs immigrants take jobs away
immlimit amerca should limit immigration to protect way of life
immnew more immigrants open country new ideas and cult
immnojob immigrants cause american to lose jobs
immpush are immigrants demanding too many rights?
immrghts legal immigrants should have same right as american
immstats r's current immigration status right now
immunemp will immigrants fuel unemployment
immunite will immigrants affect national unity
immwrkup should immigrants overcome bias without help
impchurh religion and church
impcultr imp to r of being cultured
impfam family and children
impfinan imp to r of financial security
impfrend friends and acquaintances
impgod imp to r of having faith in god